"Miss Ander-"
"Please call me Charlotte." I say.
"Mi- Charlotte, I think you need to visit a specialist,"
"Why?" I ask, my fingers fidgeting under the sleeves of my faded cardigan.
That cardigan sure has seen better days.
"From my experience, this doesn't seem normal to me. You blacked out from a migraine Charlotte, you need to see a doctor before it worsens." The nurse deadpans.
"It's okay, I'll be fine."
I nod my head and thank her.
I hurriedly carry my backpack after the bell rings. I'm always the first to leave the class and I always sit at the back of the class, now don't get me wrong- I'm one of the best students in our school, but I'm being forced to sit at the back because, if I should sit at the front or too slow to leave the class, I would get stuff thrown at me. I'm not the only kid that gets bullied but I'm their favourite and that's because my dear sister is the queen bee.
Throughout Mrs Benson's class which happens to be the last class today, the only thing that occupies my mind is the nurse's words. The way she said those words, 'this doesn't seem normal to me. You need to see a doctor before it worsens'. It feels as if she knows something or she has a good guess but she isn't telling and that scares me.
A hell lot.
It's one thing to not be wanted, it's another thing to be hated. I'm scared. I'm scared for myself, of my father. My father is like a ticking time bomb ready to blow off any minute, any second. He's temperamental. He will question me if I tell him I might be sick, and you can't hide sickness especially when your head ach-
Suddenly my thoughts gets halted, a force knocks me off, my books went flying in the air, down to the ground, scattered.
"Bitch watch where you are going!" the voice growls. Another voice I know far too well. Jake Richards. Captain of the football team, golden boy, best student of Chaste High, most promising young man, principal's son, most attractive, wealthiest and another douche bag.
The list can go on and on, Jake is Cerberus while Leslie is Lucifer, honestly I don't know who is worse, probably Leslie. And it's no surprise that he is Leslie's boyfriend, after all 'birds of the same feathers flocks together'. Trophy boyfriend though. It's very much evident Leslie is with him because of his fat pockets and good looks, fat pockets first, I mean even a blind man can see that.
"Sorry," I utter nervously. Jake scares me the most, one- he's stronger and two- he's a boy.
"Raise your head up loser," he sneers. Seriously, if Jake was nice, he could be considered flawless. His face is directly in my sight and he does something I wasn't expecting.
He spits in my face. That jerk SPITS in my face.
Before I can even stand up, he grabs my hair and pulls me up with it. That hurts, my scalp feels like it's on fire, a raging one.
"I'm sorry." I say meekly.
"Shut up and look at me bitch!" he says, trailing his fingers downwards, he pauses at the top of my cleavage and smirks evily.
"My my, look what we have here," he unbuttons the first two buttons on my shirt. "hmm, as much as I would have loved to continue with you but I can't do that. You know why?" I hastily shake my head at him in fear that he might slap me, which isn't the first time though. "Because we are in the hall way, by now you'd be screaming my name at the top of your lungs bitch and trust me, you won't get to enjoy it." he laughs maniacally. He's a total psycho, no doubts.
Truth be told, this isn't the first time Jake will hit on me, he's been doing it since he starts dating Leslie. He'd touch my lips, spank my ass, he's pinched my nipple once. He's had me stripped naked in front him, and he used my nude form to jerk off but it never went beyond that. Even if I wanted to tell on Jake about his sexual assault, no one will ever believe me, my only hope is to wait for a saviour.
If you ask me about Jake, it's just one word. A psychopath.
He pushes me against one of the lockers and forces his lips on mine, his kisses are disgusting just like his heart. It is sloppy and gross, not anything I envisioned my first kiss to be like.
That psychopath just took my first kiss.
"What the fuck is going on here?" Like a whirlwind, Jake stops kissing me, his body leaves mine in a haze. Now, he is staring at something or rather someone.
I turn my head towards the direction of his sight, my eyes widen with fear and there is just one thought my head can fathom.
Holy fuck! I'm dead!
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