4 | How Are You, Really? | 2 1/2 Years Old
A sweet little something between the leader of Brooklyn and the leader of Manhattan, to help you to get to know them better, and for them to reflect on things. Enjoy! :)
"Hey, Ray."
"Hey, Theo."
"Ready to go up?"
"Of course."
And so they climb up to the rooftop together. Tonight they're on top of the Manhattan newsies lodging house. Stargazer knows that because of Antonio, it might be a while before they sit on top of the Brooklyn newsies lodging house, but he's okay with that. He's just glad that Ray cares about the little kid he brought to him a little over a year ago.
They go right to the middle of the roof. That's their spot. They can see the whole city every time they turn in some direction, and look up at the night sky. They sit in comfortable silence, pressing against each other.
"It's June 5th," Stargazer says.
"It's close to midnight."
"Well, in a little over an hour. Why?"
"Well, you don't think I'm going to forget your birthday, wouldya?"
Ray laughs a little. "You know you're cute when you show affection in little ways like this, right?"
That catches Stargazer off guard and leaves him to stutter for a few moments, causing Ray's grin to grow. Stargazer glares at him. "You're not funny."
Ray chuckles. "Come on. I'm hilarious."
Stargazer just shakes his head and sighs. Then, he smirks. "So how does it feel to still be the same age as me? We aren't that far apart in age, you know."
"And you like thinking you're older than me and know what's best for me."
"I mean, I do."
"I'm still older than you. And taller than you."
"Oh come on! You're six feet tall! That's not fair!"
"It's not my fault you're short."
"Seriously?! I'm 5 foot 9 inches!"
"Yeah, short."
"Oh, that's low. What's also low? You like thinking you're better than me, just because you're older. I know you love it whenever you can say that you're a year older than the king of Brooklyn."
"Hey, now."
It's all fun and games. They both know this. They've been teasing each other like this ever since they first met each other.
Stargazer has been selling newspapers ever since he was ten. That's when he started having problems with his family. They didn't like him for who he was. But he didn't let their words cut him down. He knew he liked boys. And being a newsie became an escape from the real world, something that he definitely needed. Until ... it became his only real world. Sure, it's never been easy. But he gets by. Soon enough he earned the nickname of Stargazer when night after night he would go up on the rooftop of the Brooklyn newsies lodging house to stargaze. And he worked his way up in the world. He's the leader of the Brooklyn newsies now. The toughest borough in New York. And he's the most respected newsie in New York. He knows everything, too. He's leading a dangerous life. But he's managed to get this far. He's not stopping now. It takes people like him to stop the tyrants.
Ray started selling papers when he was nine. Kloppman took him in when he found him wandering the street one night, all alone, with no family. Ray had no one. Then he had Kloppman and the newsies. He became friends with everyone. He helped the younger newsies, and cherished all kind gestures he got from the older newsies. He vowed he would be like them. Most of the newsies, they never formed a strong connection with Kloppman. Sure, they cared for him and he cared for them, but for Ray, this man was like the father he always wanted. And as time went on and Ray gained seniority, he kept this close bond, and helped unofficially run the lodging house. Everyone loves Ray. They instantly feel safe with him. He's kind and fair. He looks out for everyone. If someone has troubles, they go to Ray. Ray will do everything he can to make everything better.
They met when Stargazer was almost eleven and restless to roam New York. When they crossed paths for the first time, they didn't know what to think of each other. Two newsies from two different cities. But then they found out what they had in common and became friends. Then they would see each other. Again and again and again. When they were around thirteen and fourteen, they developed "unusual" feelings for each other. Soon after that, they had their first kiss, and have been together ever since. Around the other newsies, they try not to show too much affection, but everyone knows, and no one cares. They know how much Ray and Stargazer love each other. They'll make sure the pair stays safe in the harsh world they live in. The thing about Ray and Stargazer is that they get each other. They understand each other. The special kind of bond they have is rare. They know that they'll last together forever.
Stargazer once vowed to stick with Ray as long as he lives. Ray vowed to do the same thing. They've made plans to grow old together. Once they're old enough, they can leave their lives as newsies behind, make it out of the city, far, far away, where it'll just be them. Them, and all the future children they'll adopt. And live out their days peacefully together.
Stargazer puts his hand on top of Ray's, giving him something to ground him. Ray squeezes back. Stargazer knows that Ray has a lot on his mind. He does, too. For people so young, they already have so many troubles.
To try and distract himself, Ray says, "Theo? What's the name of that star up there?" And he points to the brightest star he sees.
"That's Vega."
"Mhm. One of the brightest stars in the sky."
"And what about that constellation?" Ray points to a cluster of stars.
"Aquila. Wanna hear the story?"
"By all means."
Stargazer shifts his weight so his hands are behind him, propping him up. Ray lies down, looking up at Stargazer. How he loves him. He knows that this story may take some time.
"Aquila is an eagle from ancient Greek legends. Ya see, there's this place. Mount Olympus. That's where the gods live. And their leader is Zeus. King of the Gods, pretty much. And Zeus would have Aquila deliver his messages to the mortals. Oh! And that there-" he points to another constellation "-that right there?"
"Uh huh. And how's Aquarius fit into the story?"
"Aquarius means water bearer. The person's name though, was actually Ganymede, son of the king of Troy."
"The Greeks had real interesting names."
"Oh, fo' sure. Anyway, Ganymede was a shepherd who was nice, handsome, and ready to help others. One day, Zeus sent Aquila to get Ganymede to come to Mount Olympus. There, he served the gods, bringin' 'em water whenever they needed it, hence "water-bearer." As a gift in return for this service, Zeus placed the constellation Aquarius in the sky."
"That's really cool."
"I love how Aquarius and Aquila are so close together too."
"Yep, me too."
"Do you think they were friends?"
Stargazer laughs a little. "I like where this is going."
"Yeah. Most people just brush over the stories. Or the constellations. Or the stars themselves. They don't appreciate any of the meaning behind anything. But you," he points at Ray, "you get it. I always thought they were friends. I always like to think that Aquarius is mindin' his own business tending to others when Aquila comes swooping in and asks him about his morning and they brighten up each other's days and maybe they go somewhere together-" he stops himself. "I'm getting ahead of myself."
"No, no, I love it," Ray reassures him. "You know you talk fast when you're excited, right?"
"I, I," Stargazer sputters. "It's just that-"
"No, no, you don't need to defend yourself. I like it." Ray also finds it cute how Stargazer is so cool and collected, right up until Ray tries to compliment him or flatter him or call him cute or something or other.
"It's just that it's so cool," Stargazer bursts.
"There is a reason why your newsie name is Stargazer, Theo."
"Yeah, I know that."
"It's awesome, really. Never try to hide who you are. This part of you? This is the part I fell in love with."
"Are you getting sappy on me?"
"Maybe a little."
"Not on my watch, you don't."
They both chuckle a little, and then fall into a comfortable silence.
"You know, we're a little bit like them," Stargazer says suddenly.
"Yeah. You're Ganymede, or Aquarius. You're the humanitarian."
"What papers do you read?"
"Old ones. Smart ones. Rare ones."
"Uh huh. Explain humanitarian to a less well read newsie like me." They're both fully aware of how smart Ray is. He's humoring Stargazer.
"Someone who likes helping others. Someone who is concerned with human welfare."
"That describes you too."
"Maybe a little. Anyway, you're the nice one. The handsome one-"
"Oh, come on."
"-The one that ALL THE GODS can agree is the most handsome of them all-"
"You don't know when to stop, do you?"
"-And I'm like Aquila, the eagle, flying from place to place, carrying news."
"And 18 month old children."
A laugh. "And 18 month old children."
Ray smiles. "I like that, though. I like that a lot." He can't physically see it, but he knows that Stargazer is glowing inside beside him.
"Speaking of 18 month old children," Stargazer changes the subject, "how's little Antonio? He should be, what, a little over two and a half now? It's been a little over a year since I brought him to ya."
"He's good," Ray responds. "And back right before the winter? His first word. And first sentence."
"Oh really?"
"What was the word? And sentence?"
"It's a funny story..." and then Ray goes on to explain how Sheeny was talking about Sheepshead, and then they discovered Antonio under the table, and what those first things he said were.
"That is a funny story," Stargazer chuckles. "Wish I'd been there to see it."
"Yeah, it was something. The only thing is, he hasn't talked since then."
Stargazer frowns. "Really? Not at all?"
"That's odd. Sean is only three months older than him, and he's said plenty of words by now."
"How is Sean?" Ray asks curiously.
Stargazer smiles. "He's fun. Real fun. Sure, his parents don't like me that much. As long as I behave myself around them, I can occasionally visit him. He'll be three years old in August. They grow up so fast, don't they?"
"Oh, yes. I know for a fact that in a few years we'll all be looking back on this time, and thinking, 'remember when Antonio was that small? What happened?'"
They share a little laugh.
"Yeah," Stargazer says. Then, "really? No talking?"
"Nope. A lot of non verbal communication. And not that much eye contact."
"Yeah. What all does Sean do?"
"Well, he talks. And walks. And...I don't know, just regular toddler stuff. I think you'd need to put them together to really tell if there's a difference."
"Do you think that maybe there's a reason why they're developing differently?" Ray asks.
Stargazer shrugs helplessly. Then, he remembers something. Something big. He bites his lip. He can't keep this from Ray. But it's going to shatter everything.
"Hey." Ray puts an arm on Stargazer's, seeing the nerves. "How are you, really?"
Then Stargazer goes for it. "I need to tell you something. It's not good."
Ray sits up. He can sense the gravity to whatever Stargazer's about to say. "You can tell me anything, you know that, right?"
Stargazer nods. Then, he says it. "Things are getting dangerous."
He lets Ray nod slowly, understanding what that means.
He continues, "I think that They know that I know. I don't know how, but I think They do. And..." he swallows. He sighs. "I'm not gonna give up, okay? I made a promise. A promise to stop Them. And a promise to find all those who disappeared because of Them. You know I won't stop, right? And, well. Whatever anyone says ... I'm not gonna stop."
Ray takes in a deep breath. "I was afraid I was going to hear something like that." Stargazer looks away. But Ray isn't done yet. "But as always, I trust you. I trust that you know what you're doing. Just be careful, okay?"
"I'll try, Ray. I really will. And...thank you for always being there for me. I know in the past year or more I've put you under a lot of stress, and been up to a lot of shady things, but you've always stayed with me."
"It's because I love you."
"I love you too."
Then there's a couple moments of no talking.
"I know a while ago you said the less interaction you had with Antonio, the better," Ray mentions, "Are you sure you don't want to be in any part of his life?"
Stargazer shakes his head. "At this rate, Ray, I'll most likely be dead or missing before he can even remember me."
"I know that's not what you wanted to hear," Stargazer apologizes.
"Just promise me one thing," Ray tells him, trying to keep it together, "Promise me that even though you're doing all these things, and have many goals to accomplish, just ... promise me you'll at least try to make it through. So we can grow old together. If you want, we can live in Brooklyn. We could foster kids, or adopt, whatever you want. Just please. Promise me, you'll stay alive for me."
A couple moments of silence. Then, finally, Stargazer says: "I promise." Then, trying to brighten Ray's spirit, adds, "You know? I'll come by in a few hours. Reasonable ones. Spend some good quality time in Manhattan for your 19th birthday. And when everyone else is gone? We can talk about that little house in Brooklyn we'll move into when we're 21 and all the kids we'll adopt by the time we're 30. But for now, I need to get back to Brooklyn."
Stargazer starts to stand up.
Ray stands up with him, and kisses him. His hands go to Stargazer's waist, Stargazer's hands go to hold Ray's face.
And so they kiss on the rooftop under the stars, alone with no one to judge them at all. Only them.
If only the moment could last forever.
"We are adopting a bunch of kids, though. I don't care if in Brooklyn or the country side."
Stargazer laughs a little. "I knew that would be a part of the deal."
One more little kiss. "I love you, Theo."
"I love you too, Ray."
Stargazer climbs down, leaving Ray alone to his thoughts.
...That little house in Brooklyn we'll move into when we're 21.
Ray grins. It means that he struck something. It gives Stargazer another reason to stay alive.
He looks up to the constellations of Aquarius and Aquila.
"But can we ever be together forever?" Ray murmurs to himself.
And with that thought in mind, he climbs down from the rooftop.
That was way longer than I thought it to be.
This was both a joy and a heart ache to write and I'm pretty sure you know exactly where and why.
I did a lot (okay, a lot may be a tad bit of an exaggeration haha) of research for the constellations and what would be a good legend for Stargazer to say.
I named my dog after the star Vega and I get so happy when I see it in the sky at night. :)
Okay, yeah, humanitarian most likely wouldn't be in a newsie's vocabulary, but the word did exist. I actually found records of when and where it was used, and there were some from before 1850. But when Aquarius is described as a humanitarian I knew that I wanted Stargazer to say that.
Light pollution wasn't a thing until 1950?? That's not fair?? I want to live in a world without light pollution?? I live by neighbors with THE BRIGHTEST lights at night. How did the people IN NEW YORK in 1899 get so lucky?? There's an organization called the International Dark Sky Association, or IDA, that works with this sort of thing. They're pretty neat.
Fun fact Ray shares a birth date with Max Casella. Whether or not that is a mere coincidence or a plan is up for interpretation.
It's also up for interpretation if there's a connection between Stargazer and Ray being 13 and 14 when they started crushing on each other and that's how old Luca and Alberto are.
I just needed that little bit in the beginning where Stargazer is younger and shorter but is still the one to be like "I'm the one looking out for you" and Ray being like "yeah but it's kinda the other way around?? Or at least should be? I'm older and taller than you" because in that situation I'm Ray, definitely. A lot of my friends are younger and shorter than me, but they are the ones who are like "no, you're the child." But in the "you're short" "I'm literally 5'.9" part, I'm Stargazer. That's my height. I have friends who are over six feet. And then everyone says that we at my height are short. But no. That's the height of Max Casella and Robert Downey jr and Tan France and David Moscow and Adele and Cher and Lena Waithe and Gwyneth Paltrow and I GOT A LONGER LIST (if anyone wants to hear it).
This still may be a tad bit soon to decide, but what do you think of Ray and Stargazer? I have to keep reminding myself that you don't know them like I do. Do you want to see more of them? Less? Want to get back to the characters you all know and love? Want them to interact with Race/Antonio more? I'd like to know.
Please, no homophobia, profanities, hate etc in the comment section at all times.
~Your Beloved Author (who got to have a really nice long talk with a close friend about identity crisises and neurodivergence recently)
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