36 | Atoning | August 1, 1899
OOO we're getting close!! This oughta be a nice change of pace from what we've been going through. Or at least, the start of a change of pace. Enjoy! :)
It's the first day of August. And the strike is still going on.
Race hates that Sheepshead isn't a part of his routine anymore. He can't afford it. Not the money, or the time. None of them can. They're just trying to be able to get good meals in each day. It's hard.
But Spot strikes with him in Manhattan daily. They've been spending less and less time apart.
So maybe it isn't all bad.
Some people are ready to give up. Some think that this has gone on for a long time. They're right. They've been striking for two weeks now.
But Race sees a light at the end of the tunnel.
He's ready to wait for it, no matter how long it takes.
Even though it's been over a week since Jack changed sides, he still hasn't gotten used to seeing these faces at the circulation center rather than the ones he's grown up with. A lot more nicer clothes, with a lot less nicer attitudes.
He just wants to get his papers in peace.
But since when were the Delanceys on his side?
"Rumor has it Davey's out and about again," Oscar breathes in Jack's ear. "Wanna find him? Wanna find your pal Davey? We can soak 'em, Jack. Soak 'em so he can't walk-"
"Shut up-" Jack raises his voice.
Weasel jumps on him before any fight can break out. "Hey! Hey! Lift one finger, and it's right back to the Refuge for you!"
So Jack lets it slide and grabs his papers and goes.
David had forgotten how much walking around outside really clears his head. He spent more time than he would like to admit moping around.
The day Jack betrayed them marked the seventh day they had known each other.
It's been over seven days since Jack betrayed them.
Yet David is still feeling this way.
How can someone in so little time have so much influence over a person? David truly doesn't know.
A few days ago, David re-met up with the newsies, wanting to actively participate in the strike again. They welcomed him back warmly. He's been feeling better ever since.
He still can't sort out his feelings for Jack, though.
It's just...he has no clue how he feels about Jack.
Before everything fell apart, David could have sworn that he and Jack had some connection. But after July 23rd ... David just doesn't know.
Well, as he's just walking, he has a lot of time to think about it.
Sarah and Les aren't that far away from David. But they are much closer to trouble.
They have two Delanceys following them.
Sarah's used to boys following her. She knows how to deal with it. So she walks faster, ignoring them. Until they can't be ignored anymore.
"Get away, you stupid ape," Sarah tells Morris as she punches him in the face. But they still keep bugging her.
"Leave my sister alone!" Les growls at them. They push him backwards into the street.
"STOP IT!" Sarah yells. "LEAVE HIM ALONE!"
David hears this. Without even thinking he immediately takes off in their direction.
"Davey run!" Sarah shouts once he reaches them.
"Yeah, Davey!" Oscar snarls.
No. David isn't going to let that happen. He's got his siblings to defend. So he charges.
But they are so, so much better at fighting than him.
A little ways a way, Jack hears those words shouted. He knows that voice.
Only one reason why she would be shouting that.
He drops his papers.
David is in trouble.
David is more important than the World.
Both world and World, even.
He runs toward the alleyway...
...Only to find Morris right about to punch David in the face with brass knuckles.
And suddenly, Jack's not thinking straight anymore.
He comes up behind Morris, spins him around, and punches him in the stomach.
He turns to Oscar. "Remember Crutchy?" he head-butts Oscar, knocking him backwards.
He gets up real close in both of their faces. "You ain't never going to come near any of them ever again. You hear? Never."
Oscar and Morris get up in a scramble.
"Just wait till we tell 'em what happened," Oscar jeers. "By nighttime you'll be in the Refuge."
"You're dead, Cowboy!" Morris adds as they continue running.
Les runs a little ways after them. "You heard Jack! Never come back! You hear? Run away! And stay away!"
Not that Jack cares about them anyway.
Jack helps Sarah up. "You alright?"
"Yeah." She brushes herself off.
Then Jack turns to David.
David, who has definitely been hurt the worst out of them, eyes glaring up distrustfully at Jack.
I may still deserve that.
Jack bends down a little, and offers his hand. David, I'm sorry. I want to make it up to you. He tries to convey this in his eyes as best as he can.
I care about you. And I hurt you. I'm not going to do anything like that ever again, I promise. I love you. I can't deny that anymore. These are the thoughts he tries to keep to himself.
There are a lot of thoughts going through David's head as well. Most of it is conflicted emotions. He wants to trust Jack again. He really does. But he's been lied to. Trust doesn't come back that easily.
But Jack's facial expression is what gets him. It's the expression of someone who wants to try to make things better.
The one that asks, Can you forgive me?
"Couldn't stay away, could ya?" David says as he lets Jack help him stand up.
"Guess not."
Now they are both standing up, looking into each other's eyes.
Sarah just watches them gaze into each other's eyes from a distance.
"Davey, I know I messed up," Jack tells him. "I see that. I know it won't be easy to forgive me, and I know you won't understand why I did it. But can you believe me when I say that I'm ready to finish through this strike that I started?"
David hesitates. Then, slowly, he nods.
There's a knock on Denton's door. He opens it to find Jack (who had gladly discarded his fancy clothes), David (who is eyeing Denton, seeing how he'll react to them), accompanied by Sarah and Les. Jack is holding the newspaper article that Denton had wrote in his hand.
"Did you mean everything you said here?" Jack asks. "About all these workin' class kids listenin' to me?"
"I don't write anything I don't mean," Denton says. "Come on in."
Jack and David have a fight to finish. And now they will, once and for all.
There really isn't much to comment on here about this chapter.
Remember when Sarah punched Morris Delancey in the face? Yeah. She's not the weakling everyone makes her out to be. Stopping fighting after that doesn't help her argument, but hey, something's better than nothing.
Was there enough gay tension between Jack and David or could it just be played off as "real good pals becoming friends again"?
On August 1st, that is when the World made a compromise with the newsies. On August 2nd, the newsies union disbanded. I kinda wanted a more elegant ending to the strike than how the internet described it, so this is how I'm going to write it.
I also prolonged how long Jack stays a scab. I just wanted more historical accuracy for the two weeks.
The strike's climax is coming! Hope you're all excited! :)
Please, no homophobia, profanities, hate etc in the comment section at all times.
~Your Beloved Author (who finished watching season one of The Owl House today, and totally recommends it to all of you)
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