【4】I ♥ King Explosion Murder Forevah
"Man, I'm so cold!" Eijiro grumbled. "And it's not even winter yet!"
When night approached, the temperature dropped twenty degrees since we out in the desert. All of us shivered except for Katsuki, who was peacefully sound asleep—snoring on his army cot. In the meantime, the rest of us were freezing.
"How does he sleep when it's feels like Olaf is sitting on us!" cried Denki.
"He doesn't even have a blanket on!" Mina pouted.
"Why is it that Bakugou is peaceful when we're all suffering!?" Hanta questioned.
Even though I was shivering myself to sleep, I tried putting an end to their bickering. "Guys, it's cuz his Quirk keeps him warm! Stop complaining. It's really hard on him in the summer."
"How would you know that? You watch him sleep or something?" Denki interrogated.
"Of course not! It's not rocket science—he gets hotter in the summer which means he explodes more!"
"That's it. He's gonna suffer with us!" Eijiro kicked Katsuki off his cot, making him land on the floor so we could all huddle around him. He was so exhausted; he never even woke up.
In the morning, Katsuki awoke to all of us surrounding him. His brain was still half-asleep, so he muttered, "Slumber party?" As if it was the most normal thing in the world. But with our group, we made the abnormal normal all the time.
After a few more seconds of adjusting to reality, Katsuki turned his head and saw Yuga drooling on his shoulder, still fast asleep. "EW!! GET OFF ME!!" He turned to the other side and could smell Denki's essence which consisted of a combination of depression and burnt toast. "WHEN'S THE LAST TIME YOU BRUSHED YOUR TEETH!?"
Denki mumbled, "Dunno. How long ago was the Nomu apocalypse. . .?"
With that being said, Katsuki threw Denki across the room causing him to short-circuit.
Katsuki attempted to get up, but his hand was caught in something. He looked down and saw that his hand stuck in my hair as if it had developed a huge rat's nest overnight.
"Yo! My hand's stuck! Someone get me a pair of scissors quick!" Katsuki yelled.
I awoke to a fierce tugging on my head and all I remembered was Katsuki mentioning something about scissors. So, then I put two and two together and said, "I don't think so!" And I tried to dart up as quickly as possible, but Katsuki and I were still stuck together. As Katsuki shot up, Yuga was thrown overboard and got whiplash from the impact.
We spent the next hour with Yuga nursing his whiplash while Katsuki whined and complained the whole time. Yuga was using all of his beauty products to separate Katsuki's hand from my hair and bring it back to its natural beauty.
"Why can't we just use scissors? It'd be faster!" Katsuki grumbled.
I said, "Why was your hand in my hair in the first place!?"
"I dunno. I was asleep at the time! Why was your hair so close to my hand?"
"I was using it as a pillow, gosh!" I crossed my arms and frowned.
He jeered, "Why were y'all all even huddled around me in the first place!?"
"We were dying of hypothermia! Grow a heart!" Hanta wailed.
Eijiro butted in, "I was alright, really. I just became a rock in the corner of the room and watched everyone. So, don't worry. I protected your girl from the pervs."
"Excusez-moi! What is this perv you speak of? Moi? I think not~!" Yuga objected.
"Enough of this tomfoolery!" shouted Katsuki.
I raised an eyebrow. "Tomfoolery?" I repeated. Was his mind deteriorating from the stress of the Nomu apocalypse?
"We're losin' daylight as we speak! We gotta find the other hosers cuz they ain't gonna find themselves!"
Mina asked, "Find themselves? But shouldn't they already know where they are?"
Katsuki banged his fists against the concrete wall like an ape rattling his cage bars at a zoo. "This is the worst zombie team I've EVER been on!"
"We could have had Deku!" said Hanta with that optimistic smile of his.
"AAAAAAAAA!" he screamed like Charlie Brown and ran out of the room to free his soul of their insanity.
I knew it was time to comfort my boyfriend. . .again. So, I pursued him out the door.
When I finally found Katsuki, he was bending steel pipes into pretzels. I could literally see steam rising off the steel.
"Katsuki. . .?" I slowly approached him. "Are they getting on your nerves again?"
"Naw, you think?"
"Sarcasm doesn't become you!"
"I just don't know what the future holds. But I don't like where it's going!" he exclaimed.
"None of us ever knows what the future holds," I explained, giving him a hug. "But if it's a future with you in it—I'll be happy."
Katsuki's eyes softened by a fraction and he looked at the bent steel pipe in his hand. He handed it to me, saying, "Here, I bent this into a daisy for you."
I accepted it. "Wow, how romantic of you."
"I know, I'm the best boyfriend ever," he arrogantly smirked.
"Of course, you are."
He swaggered ahead of me to the other room our friends were in. Once his back was turned, I dumped the steel "daisy" he gave me in a nearby trashcan. All Katsuki needed was a few pep talks every now and then so he wouldn't go totally off the rails. When we reunited with the others, Eijiro found something interesting.
"Bakugou! Look! I what I found in this other room."
Katsuki looked in the room Eijiro was referring to and discovered several weapons hanging on the wall.
"Now that's what I'm talking about!" Katsuki smirked. "C'mon, losers! Let's pick out some guns."
As soon as the guys found some M16s they liked, I knew this was a horrible mistake. They slung them around their shoulder on a gun sling and held them like they were toys or something.
Hanta shook his weapon like it was a Magic 8-Ball and said, "This thing doesn't work! It won't shoot!"
"Don't shoot inside, Sero!!" shouted Eijiro.
"It still has the safety lock on, idiot," Katsuki pointed out. "You gotta take it off first. Even a stupid person would know that!"
"Well, how?" Hanta challenged.
"Uh—I dunno, just get some scissors and cut it off."
"I don't think that's how it works."
I listened to their discussion with Mina and Yuga. The three of us were pretty sure this was a bad idea—but there was no stopping now.
"Hey, guys. Listen to the clicking sound the gun makes when you slide this thing on it back and forth." Denki rapidly rocked the slide of his M16 while listening to the repetitive sound it made. "It's oddly satisfying in a way."
"Let the adults handle this, Calamari," Katsuki snarked while whacking his M16 against a table in order to get the safety lock off. "Why don't you use a Nerf gun or something instead?"
Hanta whined, "If only we had YouTube. We could look at a tutorial on how to get the locks off."
"I think I have an idea. . ." said Eijiro.
So, we spent the next three hours waiting for Eijiro to saw the safety locks off with his hardened hand. The rest of us spent the entire time pacing around, chatting, or just dying from boredom. But after what seemed like eternity—Eijiro announced, "Alright! I got the last one off! We're good to go."
"UGH—FINALLY!" Katsuki went up to check his weapon. "I can't believe this stupid base doesn't even have keys or anything to unlock them."
"Keys~? You mean these~?" Yuga held up a small box that had 'Gun Safety Lock Keys' engraved on it and opened it up to reveal exactly that.
Katsuki's eye twitched and he ground his teeth. "YOU—YOU HAD THAT THE ENTIRE THREE HOURS HE WAS CUTTING THE LOCKS OFF!?"
"Well, you never asked for them~" he tittered.
"AAAAAAAAAAAA!" Katsuki went into another rage for a few seconds, but Yuga only ignored it and focused on his manicure.
"Why—is something wrong~?"
Before Katsuki exploded the entire base, I hurried up from behind and took him by the shoulders.
"Katsuki, just breathe. Think of something that makes you really happy!"
He tried to control himself, saying, "Well—seeing Deku fail miserably makes me really happy."
"Uh, sure. Think of that."
Katsuki's frown suddenly turned into one of his signature smiles—which made him look like a psycho, but whatever helped.
On our way out, we grabbed some tactical military backpacks that weighed forty-five pounds after we packed them. I could barely carry mine and I felt like I was going to tip over. Katsuki teased everyone who was complaining, calling them weaklings.
"Katsuki, I'm dying," I whimpered.
"They're not that heavy."
"Then carry mine too!"
When he took mine just to show off his strength, he grunted under the weight of it and yelled, "What've you got in here, woman!?" He dumped the contents of my bag onto the floor for everyone to see. The contents included the following: a hairdryer, makeup, toiletries, a Shrek Pillow Pet I found in the guy's locker room, my One Direction CDs, and the worst of all—my secret "I ♥ King Explosion Murder Forevah" diary.
Once it fell on the floor, I went pale with horror. My friends looked like they were about to burst out laughing, but since they saw I was about to cry—they held it in so tightly.
Denki said, "Before I say anything that gets me killed—I'm gonna go stupid and pretend this never happened." He short-circuited after saying that.
Katsuki quietly repacked my backpack in record time and slung it over his shoulder and swaggered toward the door as if nothing happened. He then glanced at us, "You comin'?"
Hanta whispered to Eijiro, "Yo, ya Bakugou's illiterate or something? He's acting like nothin' happened."
"No, his parents are married!"
I stayed back and was the last one out of the room, wishing I was Hagakure right about now so no one could see the blush on my face. But when I got to the door, Katsuki was there waiting for me.
He reached for my hand and started walking with me side by side.
"Yo, sorry for like, dumping out your bag. But look on the bright side—I don't even think they can read."
"I'm so embarrassed," I squirmed.
"Shh." He placed a finger over my lips and I raised an eyebrow. "I shouldn't have dumped your bag. That wasn't very King Explosion Murder-y of me."
"No buts."
He pulled me into another hug which was apparently his way of solving every conflict. He gently kissed my forehead like he had done so many times before. Maybe one day it could be more~
"Thank you, Katsuki," I smiled.
"No problem." He then said, "There's so many things I've been wanting to say. . .but—"
"Hey, guys!" Hanta ran up to us and held out his hand proudly. "I found a penny!"
"NOOOOOOOO!!!" I fell to the ground, defeated. "KATSUKI—TELL ME!"
But he was already at the front of the group. So many questions were burning through my mind. What was his going to say? HOW DID HE REALLY FEEL!?
"You know, pennies mean good luck! And we really need some," Hanta laughed.
So, I snatched the penny from him and chucked it across the desert. Hanta tried to grab for it with his tape but it wouldn't reach that far. Then he looked at me and walked off, pouting, "I can see why he likes you so much! If we have bad luck now—don't blame me!"
Mina groaned, "We need more girls in this group! You boys are idiots!"
"But you just got Yuga!" Denki blurted.
"Excusez-moi~?" Yuga gasped. "I am not an idiot!"
I just realized he didn't deny being a girl. But eh, whatever! As long as he kept supplying beauty products.
We left the military base to head back to the city to continue our search for our friends. When we finally reached "civilization" again, a full moon was peaking through the clouds and smog. This caused us to get really excited because it was the first time in six weeks that we had seen light from the sky at all. It was the dawn of hope. . . .
Yes, apparently you're keeping a Katsuki fangirl diary in the apocalypse I mean I would
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