【2】Our Once Beautiful City
I struggled to get up after another horrible night of hobos snoring and the concrete punishing my back. I brushed my teeth with my one ration bottle of water for the day. I should have saved it to drink, but it was so worth it to have minty fresh breath just in case Katsuki wanted to kiss me again—because kissing is so important since there's literally nothing else to live for. Speaking of the boys, I hobbled over to their makeshift camp to kick them awake.
"Guys! Wake up!"
Katsuki shot up, Denki short-circuited, and Eijiro looked dead on the floor—probably from the depression. Also, Hanta had already cooked up the noodles before us. We were the first ones awake, since we planned to blow this hobo camp without anyone noticing.
Katsuki's hair looked more out of control than usual, probably from sleeping on the rock-hard floor for a month.
After everyone got ready for the day, Katsuki said, "We need to climb to the top of the roof so we can survey the area."
Mina interrupted, "But how? The ladders are really unsafe!"
Hanta said, "I can be like Tarzen and swing everyone up with my tape."
So, that's what we did. One by one, Hanta hoisted us up on the roof.
When we got to the top of the roof, we scanned the ground for any sign of Nomu or people that needed help. Our once beautiful city now looked like ground zero. Buildings were collapsed, rubber was everywhere, people's possessions were broken and scattered. Those precious treasures were now nothing but trash.
"Guys! I think I see my iPod!" Hanta shot his tape toward the distance and reeled in the cracked device.
"Are you sure that's yours?" I asked.
"It's mine now," he claimed.
"We're not looters!" Mina chided.
"We hungry," Denki grumbled like a caveman whose been trapped for weeks.
Eijiro wondered, "Can we make our way past the supermarket to see if there's any food left in it?"
I replied, "But that's where a lot of the Nomu have staked their claim. They probably ate up all the food by now."
"Savages!" Mina exclaimed.
Katsuki growled under his breath. "We're wasting daylight! Shut up, stop whining, let's get movin'!"
As we snuck through the city, it looked like we were in the middle of Michael Jackson's 'Thriller' music video. Nomu were dragging themselves everywhere, moaning and screeching. Denki started to hum to the song, but everyone shushed him before he drew attention to us.
I ran ahead of the group and slowed down by Katsuki's side, whispering, "This is so creepy. What if a Nomu jumps out at us?"
"Then I'll explode it to infinity and beyond."
"Where will we even go for the night? We can't stay out in the open."
"We'll know when we get there," he vaguely answered.
Suddenly, I heard a creature creeping up behind me. And I hoped it was just my imagination—but all the while, I was out of time. Because right at that moment, a Nomu jumped out of the shadows and lunged toward us.
Katsuki protected me by shoving me aside while he and the other guys rushed the Nomu.
"KATSUKI, NOOOOO!!" I screamed.
Explosions went off all over the place as Katsuki punched the Nomu over and over again, with the help of Eijiro, Denki, and Hanta. Hanta threw Denki up in the air using his tape, so Denki could blast the Nomu's brains with a ball of electricity.
But I was more worried for my boyfriend Katsuki, so I surfed on one of my crystals and shot projectiles at the villain. As soon as my crystals impaled the Nomu, Katsuki exploded them into his brain—causing the Nomu's entire body to splatter into millions of gooey pieces, which made me slip off my crystal surfboard. I let out a shriek as I plummeted to the earth.
Thankfully, Katsuki slid underneath me like he was a baseball player or some epic stunt like that. He caught me in his arms ever so swiftly.
"Did you doubt me?" he muttered with a smirk.
"Ew! You're covered in Nomu guts!" I nearly fainted from the smell.
Mina whined, "Guys! This is so disgusting! Is there any way we can wash off?"
Eijiro wiped the remaining goo off his arms and face. "Let's go find a fountain or something."
We left a trail of the slime down the street, searching for a nearby fountain. We found one in the public park that still had water in it and looked surprisingly clean. I was so excited to be able to finally get my first real bath in a month—instead of having to sponge myself off with a washcloth. We all sat it in as if it was a hot tub or our personal oasis, still in our clothes.
"Gah! That water is freezing!" Mina shivered. "It's like I'm in the Titanic!"
"Stop complaining. I'll warm it up." Katsuki placed his arms underwater and carefully set off an explosion that immediately heated up the water like an actual Jacuzzi. It was awesome because the explosion even caused tiny bubbles to erupt like we had our own personal whirlpool jet stream.
"This is almost too good to be real," Denki sighed. "Finally, no more having to wait for rain to fill our bathtubs!"
"I just wish we had some different clothes," Hanta complained.
"Do you guys ever shut up?" snapped Katsuki. "Don't ruin the moment with yo complaints!"
Speaking of clothes, perhaps we could find some in an abandoned shop somewhere. That got me thinking. I wonder if there was a place that stocked heavy-duty clothes and camouflage.
"Guys," I said. "You think they sell zombie apocalyptic clothing?"
Denki wisecracked, "Yeah, sure. Check the Gap—it's the newest thing this season."
I splashed water at his face in aggravation and he winced. "Ew! I don't know where this swamp water has been!"
Katsuki scoffed, "It's fountain water, wise guy."
"Yeah, but who knows what's been in it! You know, like you."
Katsuki snarled, doing everything in his power to keep from exploding. "Look, Calamari. Whatever you do—just don't activate your Quirk while we're still sittin' in this water!"
"Yeah, that'd be bad. . ." I got paranoid just thinking of it. So, I stood up and got out of the fountain.
"Don't worry. I shocked myself in the bathtub when I was six, so I learned my lesson," said Denki.
Afterward, we dried off and scrubbed some of the grime off our clothes. Katsuki's hair automatically dried faster than ours—due to his Quirk. So, I went over and asked him if he could do that for me as well.
"Hey, can you dry my hair too?"
With a roll of the eyes, he told me to turn around. I did as he said and felt him part my hair with one hand, using the other as a hairdryer to dry it instantaneously. I nearly fell asleep standing because of how nice it was.
"When you're done, can you do mine?" Denki questioned, soaking with water as we speak.
"No! You'll have to walk around like that for the rest of the day!"
Mina offered, "I could dry your hair, Kaminari!"
"Not with your toxic hands. I like my hair the way it is, thank you very much."
She slapped him upside the head for his remark.
When Katsuki finished the drying process, I shook my head of now luxuriant hair and flashed a smile. I haven't felt this squeaky clean in forever.
"How do I look now?" I asked my friends.
Denki drooled and gave me a thumbs up. "You're so hot. Did it hurt when you fell from the oven—OW!"
Katsuki smacked Denki's face and sent him back a few feet. "GET YER OWN GIRL, HOSER!"
As Denki rubbed his cheek and threw a few insults back, we decided to continue our trek down the dilapidated city. Surprisingly, barely any Nomu were in sight during this time.
"Why's this area so quiet?" Mina wondered since it seemed almost too good to be true.
"Who knows. . .the Nomu could be hiding and waiting for us to get close so they can eat us."
"Shut up, Eijiro."
I tuned out their mindless banter and caught up with my boyfriend—who was taking the lead in the group. He patrolled the metro area for any signs of an upcoming threat while the others just talked about memes for the sake of their own sanity.
Katsuki peered over his shoulder at his distracted friends and ordered, "Hey! Stop talking about Peppa Pig and keep a look out!"
"Okay, ka-boomer."
My girlfriend senses went off and I detected that Katsuki was about to erupt with rage from that last remark. So, I hugged his arm and walked by his side, attempting to soothe him.
"Shh, don't be upset. Just don't explode, okay?" I cooed, internally screaming because if he made any sudden noise with his explosions—Nomu would probably figure out our location, but apparently, my friends were too stupid to realize they should keep their mouths shut.
"Man, I wish Deku was here. He'd know just what to do!" sighed Hanta. "He can make decisions on the spot like it's no one's business!"
"Oh no," I murmured to myself, knowing that comment was going to send Katsuki up in flames. He flicked his arm away from mine and did a 180-degree turn, ready to chew out Hanta.
"YOU SAYIN' YOU'D RATHER HAVE DEKU AS A TEAM LEADER INSTEAD OF ME!?" Smoke evaporated from his hands and sparks began to emit.
"This is it. We're going to die," I spoke to myself, scanning around for any signs of bloodthirsty Nomu.
"Bakugou! Bakugou! Chillax. He didn't mean it," Eijiro tried reassuring.
Hanta blurted, "But it's true! Deku could have totally found a way to get us out of here safer and sooner."
I was so tempted to take Hanta's tape and cover his mouth with it so he would quit running at the mouth.
Katsuki's Quirk went off and the blow created vibrations which surged through the ground and made rubble from the nearby crumbling buildings crash in our direction like an avalanche.
"RUN!!" Mina screamed as she bolted the other way, followed by the rest of us.
The blast caused me to fall several feet behind the others. Every nanosecond, the debris rushed closer toward my head and I was certain that this was the end for me. Katsuki noticed I was no longer by his side and spun in my direction—ready to blast the rubble away from my face, but he hesitated because he was afraid that he would hit me too.
At that moment, a blinding light coming from a nearby building obliterated the rubble into dust which fell all over my newly-washed, beautiful tresses.
Katsuki yelled my name in panic and dashed toward me, falling on his knees to hold me in a secure embrace. "Are you hurt!?"
"I'm okay. . .but what saved me?"
"Why that would be me, mademoiselle~" replied an oh-so-familiar voice.
"Oh, great. That guy," Katsuki groaned.
"Aoyoma?" my friends and I guessed.
Yuga approached us with a fancy strut and superior smile. Even in the apocalypse, he still somehow managed to keep his sparkling demeanor. "Oui, oui~"
Eijiro hurried over and asked, "How long have you been out here!? It's been forever!"
"Oh. Well, it has been a truly ghastly month, I admit. The terrible pollution has put quite the damper on my spirits. But no matter what may come of this unspeakable situation—my sparkle shall never fade~!"
I released myself from Katsuki's embrace, rushed toward Yuga, and threw my arms around him. "Thank you for saving my life!"
"De rien~" he responded.
Steam started coming off Katsuki's body while he contemplated what would have happened if Yuga had not been there.
"Where have you been living this whole time?" asked Mina.
"In that building over there~" He pointed to an apartment complex with a penthouse on the top floor. "I've been living in the penthouse for the last month. I realize that there's a lot of buildings collapsing, but I'd rather stay somewhere luxurious instead of having to endure the putrid reek of peasants in their common areas."
"Isn't that kind of dangerous?" Denki replied.
"Oh, please. Everyone knows that penthouse suites are designed to withstand nuclear fallout~"
"Says who?" Katsuki spat.
"Well, I suppose if you prefer sleeping in the alley with les vagabondes."
"I don't speak croissant," Katsuki snapped, stilling fuming with envy.
I wasn't sure why Katsuki was acting so defensive all the sudden. Afterall, Yuga did save my life.
"I wanna go in the penthouse!" Mina begged. "I'm getting tired anyway. I don't wanna sleep out here with all the creepy hobos and Nomu."
"Then follow my lead, mademoiselle~" Yuga paraded in front of them toward the building, leading them to the stairwell. We all followed him, glad we would have a place to rest for the night.
This genre is so much different than other stuff I usually write, so I hope you're enjoying it!!
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