【15】It's A Trap
Katsuki and I were walking to Kamino Ward which was where the League of Villains hideout was located. I decided to strike up a conversation.
"Katsuki, I just wanted to say—thank you."
"For what?"
"For everything. You've been an amazing zombie team leader and boyfriend. And you're willing to go back to get my Quirk."
"Well, you are my girlfriend, so-"
I laughed, "True."
I leaned in and gave him a kiss on the cheek. I wanted to hold his hand, but his grenade gauntlet was in the way. Thinking the same thing I was thinking, Katsuki took off one of the gauntlets and held it under his other arm so he could take my hand. It was so sweet of him!
"It's weird not having my Quirk anymore," I told him. "I mean, I didn't use it much in the first place, but still. It's weird knowing those creepos have it. . . I feel more vulnerable now."
"Don't worry, they won't have it for long. Besides, I'll protect you."
I couldn't help but smile again.
"Hey, Katsuki," I began. "Remember when my diary fell back in the military base?"
"Oh—we're gonna talk about that?" he cringed, squeezing my hand tighter in nervousness.
"Well, I wanted to ask something."
Taking a big gulp and trying to swallow the lump in his throat, he choked, "Yah?"
"You said that there were so many things you wanted to tell me. What were they?"
"You and your photographic memory," he sighed.
"I'm waiting~!" I sing-songed.
"So, just out of the blue in the broad daylight, I'm just s'posed to bore my soul?"
"What if we die and I'll never know?"
"If we die, it won't matter anymore."
"Well, it must be juicy!" I grilled.
"Isn't getting your Quirk back enough?" he tried dodging.
"Aw, c'mon!" I begged desperately.
"Fine." He readied himself to tell me what he had been meaning to say, but then decided not to. "Actually, I can't."
"Why not?" I frowned.
"I'll say it when the time's right. Not just because we're in some apocalypse which could kill us in the next two minutes. I'd rather wait to say it in a place where it means something. . .or whatever."
At that, I smiled and said, "Alright~"
He awkwardly cleared his throat, "Ahem, ye."
Then suddenly, Deku and Yuga started singing the Titanic song. Katsuki casually swung one arm backward, shot out an explosion at them, and kept going as Deku and Yuga flung into the air.
Katsuki went on, "Point is, I'm going to get your Quirk back. I swear."
I blushed and smiled. How did I ever get someone as great as him?
He then randomly said, "Excuse me while I pulverize this tree to oblivion."
Before I could comment, I heard a blast that would have awaken Nessie. I guess he needed to get that off his chest.
"You know, Katsuki," I responded. "Back when we were battling the League of Villains yesterday, a clone of you came up and I immediately knew it wasn't you."
"Well, I have a confession. Toga did the same."
"Really? Aw, Katsuki~ I knew you'd be able to tell it was me!"
"No. . .I gotta confess more. She kissed me."
"WHAAAAAAAT!?!?!" I went in flames.
"I thought you slept in a dryer or something with a gas leak and went lulu. So, I didn't know what to do—but I didn't kiss her back. I blasted her into the sky. THEN I knew it wasn't you," he smirked to himself, satisfied.
"Are you jealous?"
"Don't push it."
So, we waited till nightfall and snuck into the League of Villains' hideout. We climbed up the fire escape and entered in through a second story window on the balcony.
"Wow, it's beautiful up here," I said, facing the brick wall.
"They will be facing a brick wall after I'm through with them."
I turned to him. "How are you so charismatic? You always make the best comebacks."
"The TV was my babysitter since no else would watch me."
"So, what are we looking for?"
"Your Quirk."
"No chiz," I countered. "I mean, how are we gonna get it?"
"I mean, weren't the Quirks stolen in viles?"
"I dunno, I was knocked out."
"Put it this way, babe. It'll be in the most heavily guarded spot in this joint. . .or the most blatantly obvious spot out in the open."
Confused, I asked him what he meant by that.
"What I said. We'll know it when we see it. . .and I guarantee you. . .it'll be in the last place we look."
"How comforting, Einstein."
At that moment, we heard someone trip on the fire escape—causing a racket and a cat to squeal.
"Deku and his Ronald McDonald feet," Katsuki growled.
I held in my laugh so hard, I had to bite my tongue. "No jokes!" I demanded under my breath.
"I'm dead serious."
Deku slapped the floor with his gigantic, red sneakers. "Kacchan!! I found you!"
"So much for sneak attack," he sighed.
One by one, our friends stumbled and fell through the window and landed with a plop on the floor. Then the door opened, only to find Tomura swagger in—eating a bag of Chex Mix and raisins.
"About time you all showed up! Why do you think I unlocked the window?" he cackled. "Alright, who wants to turn into dust first?" He turned to me and reached his hand out to touch my face, but Katsuki grabbed his wrist and pinned him to the ground.
Katsuki breathed down his neck with a terrifying smile on his face, saying, "I don't have to touch you to blow off a finger to make you Quirkless like you made my girlfriend."
Tomura made distressed goat sounds. "I didn't take her Quirk, technically!"
"Then tell me who did!" he demanded.
"My master has need of it!"
"WHY!?" Katsuki screamed in his ear.
"Ow, I bruise like a delicate peach."
"Don't tell me All For One wants to be a glitter sparkle princess now too!"
"Hey!" I objected. "What's that supposed to mean!?"
"You're beautiful, babe. I'm going somewhere with this."
Deku pulled out his phone and started recording.
"I know he's after a bigger fish," Katsuki continued. "Now what does he want!?"
"Put it this way, idiot!" Tomura rasped. "How else could we get all twenty of you in one room on our turf?"
Suddenly, it all became clear to us all at the same moment. We had walked into an ambush.
I'm pretty sure Deku brought up the idea, but Yuga was okay with being blamed for everything, I guess.
"But I will make you an offer you can't refuse," Tomura went on.
"And I'll offer you what you can't accept!" Katsuki retorted as his started pulling Tomura's finger backward.
It was obvious Tomura was in pain, but he kept going. "I can give (Y/N)'s Quirk back—but for a price."
"What?" Deku perked up.
Katsuki scoffed, "I don't do the Rumpelstiltskin thing!"
"Oh, so (Y/N) isn't as important to you as I thought she was."
I listened to the Ping-Pong conversation, feeling dizzy and confused at what in the world was going on.
Katsuki continued, "Number one rule of cage fighting—never let the enemy monologue!"
"I'm nothing if not a liar," Tomura told him nonchalantly.
"Okay, Pinocchio."
Tomura realized Katsuki wasn't one to fall for his tricks. So, he said, "Alright. You wanna do this the hard way."
Suddenly, Kurogiri opened a portal beneath Katsuki and Tomura fell to the first floor—which caused Katsuki to lose his grip. Before the portal had a chance to close—I jumped into it so Katsuki and I wouldn't be separated.
Tomura kicked Katsuki over the counter and he slammed into the liquor cabinet, knocking them all down at once. Glass shattered everywhere and the room smelled like hobos. I rushed toward Tomura and Katsuki. I picked up a barstool and tried to whack Tomura in the head with it, but he dodged it. No biggie, there were six more stools.
Tomura laughed darkly. "You should have chosen to join us, Katsuki Bakugou."
"Y'all don't even have Wi-Fi."
Katsuki began to power up his grenade gauntlet and told me, "Clear the room, babe. It's about to get real."
Tomura said, "Like I'm scared of you and your Buzz Lightyear Dollar Tree contraption."
Katsuki replied, "You know this room is covered in alcohol. What do you think will happen if I let go of my fury?"
"KATSUKI!" I yelled.
"GO OUTSIDE!" he shouted.
"But our friends are upstairs!!!"
"Heh, you never let me have my fun. Guess I'll settle this another way then." Without further ado, Katsuki looked at me and said, "You trust me?" And held out his hand.
I was confused. But I answered, "Always." And took his hand.
Tomura looked back and forth between the two of us and said, "Wait, now I'm really confused. What's going on?"
"First rule of the ninja, never reveal your weapons." He then immediately raised one fisted arm to the ceiling and released the most powerful explosion I've ever witnessed that popped us all like a cork hundreds of feet into the sky. I opened my eyes and saw there was no building or even debris left. It had all turned to ash. I held on to his hand, but he pulled me into a princess carry as he used his explosions to soften the landing. Before we got back to the ground, I surveyed the city from above and Katsuki looked at me and grinned. I only clung to him and closed my eyes.
After we landed, I remembered my Quirk and said, "Katsuki, you destroyed my Quirk along with the building!"
"No, I didn't. Check to see if it's back."
I did as he said crystals shot from my hand. "But how!?"
He held out an empty vile in his hand that he had released during the explosion, causing it to permeate back through my skin.
"Tomura had it the whole time. It was in his pocket.
"How did you know he had it?"
"He was the most obvious hiding place and his pride would have caused him to think it was most safely protected on him."
I was at a loss for words.
He landed on the ground then gently placed me down. He looked at me with a smirk and said, "I told you I'd get your Quirk back."
As our friends rained down from the heavens and the entire block burned behind us, I threw my arms around him and gave him a big hug. He caressed my hair and returned it, not even worried if the others noticed us.
"Thank you so much, Katsuki. You're. . .amazing," I told him, holding back tears.
"I wouldn't let them ever get away with hurting you."
I let out a content sigh and looked up into his eyes. He smiled a genuine smile for once and I couldn't help but lean in to kiss him. But before I could, I was interrupted by a whiny voice.
"Think you could get rid of me, hoser?" Tomura rasped as he crawled along the sidewalk.
"Man, this guy is Gollum and Voldemort all wrapped into one," Katsuki commented before punting him in the face and sending him off into the unknown.
"FATHERRRR!" he called out before landing in a dumpster.
Before I knew it, Katsuki jolted away from me and started kicking his foot violently, saying, "GET IT OFF ME! GET IT OFF!"
"Whuh? Are you talking about me!?" I scoffed.
"NOT YOU. IT!!!!!"
"LOOK, BABE!" He grabbed me by my shoulders and dipped me down to look at his shoe. Apparently, when Katsuki kicked Tomura—the hand on his face gripped onto Katsuki's ankle.
"AAAAA!!!" I screeched as I jumped ten feet away.
Suddenly, an arm extended from beneath the sidewalk and grabbed onto the hand, flinging it into the atmosphere. I shrieked as we both looked down at the arm and up came Mirio. Of course, the lunatic didn't have on any clothes. . .again.
Mirio put on a trash bag and said, "Is this better?"
"No way, it's a bloodbath in there," Mirio explained.
Katsuki only groaned. He then said, "Speaking of bloodbaths, this place is gonna turn into one if we don't get outta here."
"But where?" I asked.
"I think I saw a hotel back yonder," said Tenya.
"What? Is it over the glen too?" Katsuki mocked.
"I see you're a man of culture," I complimented, totally missing the point.
"It's not one of those hotels where you have to sleep in capsules, is it?" Deku worried.
"Nonsense! It looked perfectly fine." Tenya then walked off. "Let me show you! Everyone follow me!"
"Okay, Dora the Explorer," Katsuki snarked. "Shall we hold hands and follow the leader too?"
"Wait, can we~?" Mina chirped.
"Fine, I'm holding (Y/N)'s hand then," my boyfriend said.
"Then can I hold her other hand~?" asked a familiar perv.
Turning around, we saw Mineta. Katsuki flinched and shouted, "I THOUGHT I LEFT YOU WITH THE RAT EATERS!!"
"I know, but there weren't any babes!!" he cried. "And I swear, some of those older hobos were starting to smack their lips every time they saw me. They probably thought I was prune juice!"
"I love old people!" Mina smiled. "I like how they shake when they pour their juice."
Tenya lectured, "That's a horrifying thing to say, young lady!!" While chopping the air with his arms.
"Okay, boomer."
"I am a millennial!" Tenya corrected.
"Okay, boomer."
So, we just ignored Mineta—yet he still followed us—and we headed to the hotel. But it was hard to ignore him because every time I slapped his hand away, he reached back up to hold it again. After slapping his hand about fifteen times, I groaned, "Katsuki! Keebler over here keeps trying to hold my hand!"
"Can't you defend yourself? You have crystal powers!" Tenya scolded.
"Look, small fish, you wanna hook for a hand? Then get off my girl!" Katsuki threatened.
"Chicks dig Captain Hook—so maybe that's not a bad idea~" Mineta snickered.
I said, "Okay, that's disturbing."
"Also, Four Eyes!" Katsuki spat at Tenya. "Keep waggin' that tongue of yours and you'll lose it!"
Shocked, Tenya pointed out, "Have you ever noticed that you always threaten to dissemble your opponent's body parts? Perhaps you should seek counseling!"
Without further ado, Katsuki swaggered over to Mineta, lifted him up by the shirt, drug him to Tenya, then popped a purple ball off of his head and and placed it calmly into Tenya's hand.
Tenya sneered and said, "That was uncalled for. . .why did you do that?"
Katsuki smirked and said, "So, I could do this." He then grabbed Mineta's hand and squished it tightly into the purple ball, forcing the two to hold hands. "There, you can babysit him now."
Tenya screamed to the heavens as Katsuki waltzed back up to me, took me by the hand, and said, "Okay, babe. Problem solved."
"You really are the best boyfriend ever~" I hugged his arm and blissfully continued our walk while Tenya and Mineta were whining and yelling at each other.
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