【11】Dating In The Apocalypse
Welp with the coronavirus going on, I guess the apocalypse really is happening irl
"Wow, Katsuki. Your house is nice!" I complimented. "I can't wait to see your room—if that's okay."
"Sure, cuz I probably can't stop you from doing it anyway."
He led me upstairs and stopped at a door with several warning signs hung on it. They said things like: "Enter at your own risk", "Go away", and "Risk of explosions". I couldn't tell if they were being serious or not.
When Katsuki opened the door—I was speechless at what his bedroom looked like. The walls were painted black, screamo band posters were hung on the ceiling, a picture of Deku and Mitsuki had darts in them—but the strangest thing he had was a chair in the shape of a hand and a pirate ship bed.
"Uhh. . .why does your bed look like a pirate ship?" I asked.
"Cuz my stupid parents never got me a new one."
"Can you even fit in it?"
"I don't sleep in it—I sleep on the futon in my closet."
"Uhh. . .why the closet?"
"I didn't know there was gonna be a pop quiz!"
I sat down in the hand chair and looked at his collection of Garbage Pail Kids cards which were plastered all over his bed. I only shook my head. Katsuki got bored quickly and started throwing darts at Deku's photograph on the wall.
"Katsuki, what are gonna do after all this is over?"
"Dunno, babe." He then threw another dart. "But whatever we do, we do it."
I then looked down and felt my heart race. "But what if something happens to you? I played this one game called My Time At Portia and it gave me trust issues cuz like, this one chick died in it."
"Then play Call of Duty. Everyone dies in that one and nobody cares."
"Katsuki, I'm trying to talk to you! Can't you be serious for one minute?"
Slowly, he put the darts down, walked over to the pirate ship bed, and sat crisscross applesauce.
"Thank you," I said.
"What's the scoop?"
"I just don't know how we can get through this! There's nowhere to live around here and I don't know how we can even get rid the Nomu," I confessed.
He slowly walked over to the hand chair as I was talking and placed his finger on my lips to interrupt me. "Shhhhh. You hear that? It's the winds of change." He then sat down beside me. "Listen, babe. I can't predict the future. Nobody can. But I can promise you that I will give my last dying breath on this earth to protect you. I don't plan on trying to get rid of all the Nomu—I plan on getting us out of here to find somewhere safe to start over. And any of our friends that wanna tag along can come with, but my mission is to save you, not those hosers."
I smiled and leaned my head against his shoulder.
"We're in this for life," he told me.
I screamed inside. What did he mean by that? MARRIAGE!?!? Or did he mean it in a Girl Meets World kind of way? I knew better not to ask any questions. Katsuki would elaborate in his own time in his own way. In the meantime, I was content knowing I was loved during this time of hardship.
"Katsuki! I have an idea!"
"We should go on a date!"
"Whatcha got in mind? A Nomu-killing spree?"
I laughed, "Of course, not! We need to go somewhere normal."
"Good luck with that."
"Do you think the beach has been overtaken by the Nomu yet?"
"Nah, the Nomu can't swim and they all went to Costco and Ikea pretty early on."
A date at the beach actually seemed pretty fun. It could get our minds off the travesty of our lives. "Well, I need to find something cute to wear!" I stood up and skipped off to find Mitsuki. Maybe she would have some clothes. "Mitsuki!" I called out.
"Yes, sug?"
"Katsuki and I are officially going on our first date and I have nothing to wear! Could I perhaps borrow something of yours?"
"Oh! I got the cutest outfit from when I was a teenager still stashed in my closet." Mitsuki took me to her bedroom and showed me her gigantic closet which was the size of a mall. "I think this will look good on you!" She handed me an adorable sundress that was my favorite color, along with some sandal wedges.
"I love it!" I exclaimed. "Thank you! But what about my hair and makeup?"
"Say no more, dear."
Katsuki went down to the basement and turned on the lights. "Old man? You there?"
"Yeah, Son. Over here," replied a voice from the corner of the room. Katsuki saw his dad building a life-sized model of Shrek.
"Why?" was all Katsuki asked.
"I was getting bored and I found this from when you were three and decided to put it together." Masaru then got up and wiped his hands. "So, why ya here?"
"I need man-to-man advice."
"What? You can't tie your shoes?"
"Shut up, geezer. Why did I even come down here to ask you anything? I knew you'd make fun of me!"
"Don't be so wishy-washy. Now, just tell me what's on your mind." Masaru sat down and listened.
"I know I look all confident and all—"
Masaru interrupted, "I've lived with you for sixteen years, Son, I think I can tell."
"Shut up and listen. The truth is—I'm scared out of my mind."
"You'll defeat the Nomu, Son. Don't be scared. You'll be the number one Pro Hero."
"I'M NOT TALKIN' BOUT THAT, OLD MAN! I'm not scared of no Nomu! I'm terrified of (Y/N)!" Katsuki admitted.
"Why? She's nicer than your mother." Masaru put the nose piece of the Shrek statue on its face.
"She can see through me! I can't fake it with her."
"Fake what?"
"Confidence! She's always asking me questions that I don't know the answer to."
"Maybe you should have listened more in math class."
Katsuki clenched his fists. "Not those kinds of questions, idiot! Gosh!"
"Well, what do you mean then? What kind of questions?"
"About what happens after the apocalypse. How am I supposed to know that? I don't even know how today's gonna end!"
"You know how I knew your mom was the one, Son?"
"She abused you?"
"No," Masaru said. "I felt the same way you're feeling about (Y/N) about your mom."
"Oh no, I'm gonna end up like you two freakshows!?"
Masaru chuckled, "Believe me, Son. Any girl that can do that to you is worth dying for." He then sipped his lukewarm Capri Sun. "Wanna help me with my Shrek model?"
"Sure, why not." Katsuki went over and helped put it together. "Thanks, Dad. That's like—the first time you've ever been useful."
"I guess I had to wait for you to have manly problems instead of your whining about Deku."
When they were finished building Shrek, Katsuki left the room and said, "Dad, speak of this to no one."
"You know I don't have a social life," he finger-gunned.
Katsuki smirked, "You can have my loser friends."
"No, thanks. I choose life."
Mitsuki finished up styling my hair and applying my makeup. I felt beautiful again! I felt like I was worth it just as the L'Oréal commercials told me.
"Alright, I think you're ready," Mitsuki told me.
"Ready for what?" I dreaded to know.
"For your date! Or to take on the world and slaughter Nomu, but try to just focus on having fun instead."
I gave her a thumbs up. "Thanks, Mitsuki. You know, you're like a real mom to me instead of the one who never taught me anything."
"Unless my son messes this up—I hope you're my daughter one day. Maybe he could do one good thing for once."
I awkwardly froze. I mean, I was only sixteen—but kind of like in Hunger Games, the Nomu apocalypse changes you and suddenly, you feel forty-five.
I stepped out of her bedroom and walked downstairs to meet up with Katsuki. He took one look at me and went speechless. As I went downstairs, I dramatically tripped over my sandal and Katsuki caught me in his arms. Two seconds in, and I already embarrassed myself.
"I got you, babe."
I giggled and stood up. He took my hand and stared into my eyes, caressing some strands of hair away from my face.
"KATSUKIII!!!" Mitsuki shrieked. She tripped down the stairs and handed him a picnic basket. "Here, take this with you since there might not be food! Also, word of advice: if she leans in to kiss you—close your eyes! Nobody likes a bug-eyed kisser!"
"Thanks, Mom, but I think I got it covered. Dad covered the basics earlier."
"He's still alive?" Mitsuki responded.
"Yeah, you should pay him a visit every once and a while. He's talking to his imaginary friend Shrek now."
The other guys in the background were crying about their crushes.
"I miss Urakaka!" Deku sobbed into Tenya's jacket.
"Good grief, gentlemen, get a hold of yourselves! The ladies would not want you to be this pathetic!" Tenya scolded.
"REIIIIIII!!!" Endeavor screamed out the window.
Shouto approached me and said, "I packed you a cooler of iced drinks. Keep cool out there."
"You're in support of this?" I asked, receiving his plastic bag of Kool-Aid.
"Some say the world will end in fire. Some say in ice—either way I'm good."
I tilted my head. "But you're fire and ice."
"That's why I said I'm good either way."
Katsuki took my hand and stormed away from Shouto's shenanigans.
We walked hand-in-hand to the beach, with Katsuki holding the picnic basket in one hand and I held the bag of Kool-Aid in mine. If what Shouto said had gotten to Katsuki, he did a good of not letting it show.
"Katsuki, you look. . .handsome," I complimented.
I raised another judgmental eyebrow.
When we arrived at the beach, I immediately took off my shoes first, let go of his hand, and ran toward the ocean. I twirled around and smiled.
Katsuki just laughed and breathed a sigh of relief as if the weight of the world had been lifted off of him—at least for one night.
I sat on the sand and stared out at the ocean. The sky was clear for once with a beautiful sunset. Katsuki put the blanket that Mitsuki provided for us down on the sand and smoothed it out. It had a big picture of All Might on the front, all wrinkled up. I raised an eyebrow and looked at Katsuki.
"Don't ask."
So, I sat down on the blanket and opened the basket. The inside was filled with fried Twinkies and some Vienna sausages.
"It smells divine," I commented.
"Hey, I never said my mom could cook." He then looked around. "If we find a food kiosk with anything left in it—we'll toss this garbage."
"What about the bag 'o Kool-Aid?"
"What? The gift from your lover?"
Katsuki snatched the bag and hurled it toward the ocean. Once it impacted with the surface, it splattered and spread out in the water. I think I could see fish rise up on their sides.
"Dad always kept a stash of real food in the basement," he told me. "Otherwise we woulda starved to death."
"Don't worry—my parents are the same way."
"Somehow I doubt that since you turned out so well."
I blushed. "Thanks, it's because my dad went to prison where he learned how to be a man."
"What'd he go to prison for?"
"He ground-pounded Barney at the mall when I was six because he paid more attention to the other kids than me."
"I think I saw that on YouTube."
After our talk, we watched the sunset as I rested my head on his shoulder. As the sun was setting, Katsuki looked up in the sky and I asked him what he was looking for.
He said, "Just checking to make sure Mirio doesn't pop in."
"Why?" I asked.
"So, I could do this." He leaned in toward me as we both closed our eyes and he pressed his lips softly and gently against mine.
I couldn't believe I was having my first kiss with Katsuki. I returned it with a smile. Being with him gave me an overwhelming sense of peace and joy that I never even realized existed. Being in his arms made me feel safe and sound, as well as loved. The Pro Heroes never provided me the same feeling of security as Katsuki did. I wanted to stay in this moment with him for the rest of eternity.
It was so romantic. I could hear angels singing!
"I BELIEVE I CAN FLY!!" vocalized a familiar voice from the heavens. I looked up and saw Mirio still shooting across the galaxy like a UFO or something.
I hugged Katsuki and began to fall asleep in his arms. So, he lifted me up and carried me back home. He placed me in his pirate ship bed and went to the living room to join the other guys on the floor. As I snuggled into the blankets and pillows, I smiled to myself.
*casually making Mirio an irrelevant meme*
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