【10】Meet The Parents
"Oh, Kacchan. You're back to normal?" Deku smiled. "Good to know! Could you be in charge again?"
"Yes, idiot. As long as I'm in the room—I'm team leader!"
We decided to head to our home city to see if we could find any more of our friends.
"Hey, Katsuki," I said.
"Are we just gonna pretend like we didn't have more teammates before this? What if they're lost in the sewer system?"
"They'll show up when we find them."
"Oh, this is big brain time," Tenya mocked.
"But Katsuki! What if it were me?" I prodded.
"We're still together."
How reassuring.
"Guys, when will this nightmare end?" Deku asked.
"When you leave," retorted Katsuki.
"Kacchan, it's the apocalypse. Don't you think we should make up and become friends already?"
"This is how friends treat each other."
"Guys, I think I see someone ahead!" I told them.
"What? Who?"
We ran over and found this guy who seemed middle-aged. He was on his knees in front of a building, drawing sad faces into the dirt with a stick.
"Just smile and waves, boys, just smile and wave," Katsuki said, still walking ahead.
"Wait—you're that brat who beat up my son at the Sports Festival!" the man yelled.
"Who you callin' brat, child abuser?"
"Why are you all the way out here?" I asked. "Aren't you Endeavor? A Pro Hero?"
"None of us are getting paid anymore, so I quit."
It was Endeavor. I couldn't believe it. He didn't have his flames on, so he looked like a greasy egg.
"Well, do something about anything, loser!" Katsuki shouted.
"Have a fried Twinkie." Endeavor pulled one from his pocket and handed it to him.
I hesitated, "So. . .what are you doing here again?"
"I'm lookin' for my wife. This is where I left her."
"On the sidewalk?" Katsuki wondered aloud.
We looked at the plot where the mental hospital used to stand, only to see that the Nomu had completely demolished it.
"My poor wife!" he cried. "I regret abusing my family now."
"I'm sure Dabi really regrets it too," Katsuki mocked.
"How do you know about that?"
"Look at him! He has fire power and a scar. Just like your other son!"
"I wonder where Dabi is. . ." I sighed.
"Probably better off than we are," said Deku.
"Are y'all just gonna stand there and be judgey or are ya gonna help me find my wife and son?"
"No, we're gonna walk away and be judgey," answered Katsuki before taking me hand and trying to storm off.
"Wait! Katsuki, what if we used him as Nomu bait?"
"Naw, he smells too bad."
"I'll do anything! I swear!" Endeavor pathetically grabbed Katsuki by his leg. "Just let me come with you! PLEASE!!!"
"Get off the ground, geezer. You reek of desperation."
I piped in, "Aw, c'mon, Katsuki. We need to gather up all the people we can find!"
"Fine. He can be my personal slave for the trip."
"I am no one's slave!" Endeavor declared.
"Then stay here and eat rats with the other has-beens!"
Katsuki stomped off again.
"I want to apologize on behalf of my boyfriend for embarrassing me in public," I told him.
"It's fine," he replied. He then looked at me weird. "So, what's your Quirk?"
"Uh. . .crystals?"
"Maybe I could arrange something between you and my son. Do you know Shouto?"
"Yeah. . .? We're kind of in the same class. Arrange what though?"
"The best grandchildren any Pro Hero could buy."
I gagged, "Wait? So, you're saying you'd pay me to marry your son? What awful being would do that!?"
"No, I'm saying that I won't have to pay someone to marry my son if you marry him."
"What does that even mean!?"
"Dad, just stop. She's already taken anyway."
We all turned to the voice and saw Shouto. He was alive! But the apocalypse had not been kind to him. Red hair was where white hair should be and vice versa. Also, he was wearing pajama pants that had Olaf patterned on them. His shirt said 'The Cold Never Bothered Me Anyway' and he had on Lion King slippers.
"Son!!" Endeavor ran over and lifted Shouto up in a bearhug. "What did they do to you, my boy!?"
"I'm fine, Dad. Lay off." Shouto hopped back on the ground and started eating a gummy bear taco.
"Shouto!!" I called out as I ran over and jumped into his arms to hug him. "You're alive!!"
"Does that make you happy or sad?"
"Of course, it makes me happy! I'm not a monster!"
"Sorry. . .just still sulking that you chose him over me."
"What?" I stuttered
"What?" the others gasped in unison.
"Alright, this isn't Burger King. You can't have it your way!" Katsuki accosted Shouto. "Where the heck have you been anyway?"
"After the fight with the Nomu after All Might was defeated, I went to Ikea and slept in the freezer section."
"Why—might I ask—did you do this?"
"I was hiding from my dad. And the cold is one place he would never look for me."
"It pains me, Son, that you feel that way. But why are you here then?"
"I was looking for Mom to bring her with me." Shouto then turned to me. "You know, when you get tired of that loser. I'm still available and waiting."
"Look, last place. I'm not gonna stand around while some emo with daddy issues hits on my girl!"
"Then sit down."
"Did you suffer brain freeze while you were sleepin' in that freezer, you emo freak!?" he barked.
Shouto smirked. "At least I wasn't hog-tied at the Sports Festival like a porker."
Before Katsuki could rage, Deku piped in, "I'll have you know, Katsuki led an army through toilet water to find me and I admire anyone who can crawl their way out of the sewer!"
I loudly faceplamed.
Shouto looked around. "What army?"
"Probably eaten by the rats," Tenya interrupted.
Katsuki groaned. "Listen, Icy-Hot. I can take you anytime, anywhere!"
"Then fight me right now." Shouto put up his fists and looked so intimidating in his Disney pajamas.
Tenya karate-chopped the air. "As class president, I must insist that I forbid such reckless behavior amongst comrades! We're all in this together!"
Deku started clapping his hands and singing, 'We're All In This Together' from High School Musical like he was losing his mind again.
Katsuki exploded, "SHUT UP! EVERYONE JUST SHUT UP! Except (Y/N)."
I then realized I was the only girl in a group full of guys. One was trying to get me to marry his son and the rest were losing braincells by the minute—including my boyfriend. We had to find greener pastures soon or else there might not be much hope left.
Now that we found Shouto and Endeavor, we had to find whoever else that stumbled upon our path. Hopefully, our other teammates were okay.
We stopped at a playground in the park which wasn't overthrown by Nomu yet. So, we all sat down and took a breather.
"It's so hot today!" Deku whined.
"Oh, really? I thought it was just (Y/N)," said Tenya.
Katsuki looked at Tenya and said, "Oh no, not you too."
Upon hearing our complaints, Shouto caused it to snow and froze over the slide.
"Wow!" I awed. "This is amazing!"
"Let's have a snowball fight!" Deku suggested.
So, we all agreed and started making snowballs and launching them at each other. Out of the blue, I got whacked in the head by Katsuki with one.
"You will suffer the wrath of Gru!" I formed a giant snowball and threw it right in his face. He fell back from the force and shock. I ran over to make fun of him, but he pulled me down with him. We both laughed which was rare for him.
"Hey! You're smiling~" I giggled.
Katsuki pulled me into a hug and squeezed me tight. Then he leaned to kiss me, but Mirio plummeted from outer space and landed right on top of us.
"More like thirty hours," Tenya corrected.
I thought Katsuki was going to blow a gasket since our romantic moment was interrupted. . .again! I, however, was hurting too badly to even move from the impact of the fall. I thought I was dead and that would have been better.
Mirio had on cosmonaut suit and stood up, taking off the helmet.
"So, uh—where have you been?" Deku asked nervously.
"I fell through the ground, had a journey though the center of the earth, went twenty-thousand leagues under the sea, and then floated from the earth to the moon," he explained with a peppy smile.
"AND THAT STILL DIDN'T KILL YOU!?" Katsuki sulked.
"Oh, did I interrupt something?" Mirio's goofy grin sheepishly looked at me.
"Please get off me," I said, my face groveling in the snow.
"You have another two seconds to get off her unless you want to be on the next mission to the Mars!"
"Well, I have always wanted to go to Mars~!"
Katsuki kicked him off and sent him flying toward a building.
And I heard him exclaim as he soared out of sight, "HAPPY CHRISTMAS TO ALL AND TO ALL A GOOD NIGHT~!!"
I was face down in the snow, too sore to get up. I didn't know whether to laugh, scold, or cry.
Katsuki took me into his arms, stood up, and sat me back down on the ground gently to kiss my forehead. "Sorry, babe. It'll happen one day."
I was dying inside at the constant interruptions. When would the universe finally get off my back?
"So, what joint we gonna sleep in?" Endeavor demanded.
Katsuki answered, "I think my house is close by. . .if it's still standing."
"I've never been to your house," I said.
"It's probably trashed up by now—or worse, my hag mom could be there."
"That's no way to speak of your mother!" Tenya lectured.
"Have you met the hag?"
"I am flabbergasted at your vulgarity toward the woman who gave birth to you!"
"She dropped me once."
"There's the missing piece to the puzzle," Shouto whispered to Deku.
"Look, Elsa. I'm tired of your wisecracks," Katsuki snarled.
So, he led us to his neighborhood. The streets were filled with debris, trash, and unidentified slime.
When Katsuki opened the door, he heard a familiar voice shrieking, "KATSUKI, IS THAT YOU!?!"
"Quick, everybody—let's make a getaway now before she sees us!" Katsuki tried to escape, but his mother leapt over and gave him the biggest hug known to man.
I raised a judgmental eyebrow.
"(Y/N)? Is that the girl whose name you used to write all over your notebooks~?" Mitsuki tormented.
"You can't read, hag! You saw nothing!"
I could see that him claiming people were illiterate was a defense mechanism.
Mitsuki cackled. "Alright! I'll stop teasin' ya. Now, who wants Queasy-Bake Oven cupcakes~?"
"Do they have rats in them?" Shouto joked.
Ignoring Shouto, Mitsuki turned to me and Katsuki, saying, "Should I leave you two alone to make out? Cuz if you do, I'd rather you do it in the house."
Katsuki froze from complete embarrassment. "HAG, IS IT YOUR LIFE'S AMBITION TO RUIN MINE!?"
"We've never even kissed!" I blurted.
"TELL HER NOTHING—" Katsuki said under his breath.
"Oh, my sweet boy! You're sixteen and you still haven't had your first kiss? I mean, I guess I can see why. . ."
The other and I were standing there, listening to them and cringing. It was so awkward.
"Alright, who wants to see Katsuki's first mugshots?" Mitsuki asked, pulling out a photo album.
"Woman, stop drinkin' that Kombucha tea and open yo eyes!! IT'S THE APOCALYPSE!!!" Katsuki ripped the curtain open and pointed to the outside. I swear, I think I saw Mirio pass by in the sky.
"Fine! But if she gets tired of you and breaks up with you, don't blame me! I tried to raise you to be a good, little boy!!"
"You got a good, little demon," Endeavor commented.
At least we found Katsuki's mom. We decided to stay here for a bit and relax. He did have a nice house which surprised me. I thought he lived in a trash can or something. But they had electricity so it was heaven.
Honestly, Mitsuki just reminds me of that one mom from Mean Girls.
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