After my visit with Camila, I went home to enjoy a nice night alone. I sat down in my couch and turned on Netflix. I looked at the time, 10:34. Wow Camila and I sure got lost in time. I felt my phone buzz and checked out what the buzzing was.
Camila 👙: I had so much fun tonight! We definitely need to hang out more.
I smile. I do admit I had a lot of fun.
Me: I did too!
Camila 👙: maybe we could hang out tomorrow.
Me: oh, I work late tomorrow.
Camila 👙:oh well, that's okay. Maybe another time.
Me: alrighty, sounds cool.
Camila 👙: well, I'm gonna go to bed now. Goodnight lovely!
I smiled once more. Do I like Camila?
BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! I slam my fist in my alarm clock and get up slowly.
"Fuck life." I groan and walk to the bathroom. I pull my hair into a messy bun and start washing my face. I grab my toothbrush and start brushing my teeth. After cleaning all of this beauty, I pull down my hair and start to brush it.
I pull it back into a bun and start going downstairs to grab me some breakfast. I grab a banana and smiled, it reminded me of Camila.
I sat down on the couch and started watching some TV. I turned on friends and cracked up to some of Phoebes jokes. I love friends.
I hear the popcorn noise come from my phone. I check out to see who had texted.
CARA 👌🏼: bish, I haven't talked to you in forevs!
I laugh.
Me: I talked to you yesterday.
I say.
CARA 👌🏼: I can't handle it. I'm coming over.
I laugh once again. I read the text, letting her know I read it.
About 10 minutes later I hear my door fly open.
"GUESS THE FUCK WHAT!" Cara greets me. I laugh and look over to her.
"Well hi to you too." I say. She ignores me and walks into my living room.
"Brandon just asked me out." I look up confused.
"Brandon? Who's that?" I ask. Cara scoffs.
"BRANDON! The guy I hooked up with at that one party about a month ago. I got his number and we've been talking a lot lately and he FINALLY asked me out." She says. I nod slowly. She sits down all excitingly.
"What did you say?" I ask. Cara smiles.
"I said yes of course!" I laugh. She groans.
"I just don't know what to wear!" She complains. I never really care what I wear on dates. I just wear a simple dress or just casual attire. I never make a huge deal about it.
"When's the date?" I ask. She smiles once again.
"Tomorrow at 6. Can you go shopping with me tomorrow?" She asks. I groan.
"PLEASE! I really need you! You always pick the sexiest stuff." She says. Ha, sexy? I just pick out a plain dark red or maroon. Not that sexy.
"Fiiiiine." I say. She cheers and pulls me into a hug.
"YOU ARE THE BEST-EST FRIEND EVER!" She says, almost suffocating me.
"ALRIGHT CARA!" I say pushing her off. She laughs and jumps around.
"Thank you." She says.
"Anything for my crazy friend." I say and ruffle her hair around. Oh boy.
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