Today I go shopping with Cara and I'm already dreading it. Why on earth does she pick me for these things?
"Girl! You better be ready! Or I'm gonna come up there and whoop you!" I laugh at Cara. I stand up, grab my jacket and head out the door.
"I'm ready!" I announce and Cara jumps up from my couch.
"Yay! Let's go." She says and starts heading out the door. I laugh and head out the door as well.
"YO I'LL TELL YOU WHAT I WANT WHAT I REALLY REALLY WANT!" Cara started singing. I laugh and join her.
"SO TELL ME WHATCHA WANT WHAT YOU REALLY REALLY WANT!" I sing and Cara continues the song. I check my phone and see Camila had texted me five times.
Camila 👙: heeeey
Camila 👙: Y/N!
Camila 👙: you suck cock
Camila 👙: ANSWER ME
Camila 👙: I wanna hang out today, can we?
I decided to text back. It was my day off.
Me: I'd love to hang out, but can we hang out later cause I have to help my friend Cara get ready for a date.
Camila 👙: sure!
Camila 👙: who's your friend going on a date with?
Me: some guy named Brandon. They did it at a party and apparently have been talking since.
Camila 👙:oh, well that's cool.
Me: yeah
Camila 👙: Lauren is being annoying.
Camila 👙: she really wants to hang out.
Me: haha, well hang out with her
Camila 👙: ugh but I wanna hang out with you.
Me: well, invite her over and I'll come over soon. Then we can all hang out.
Camila 👙: okay!
Me: haha
Camila 👙: maybe Cara can come hang out with us after her date.
Me: maybe, depends on if she spends the night at his house or not.
Camila 👙: haha!
Camila 👙: well, invite her.
Then I remembered, Cara was there at the strip club. She'll recognize her and think I'm weird.
Should I invite her? Oh I don't know.
"Cara!" I yell. Cara snaps out of her Spice Girls and listens.
"A friend of mine wants to know if after your date you'd like to hang out." I ask.
"Oh, but what if we hook up after the date?" Cara says. I roll my eyes.
"Come on. On the first date? Don't you want to get committed to this guy?" I ask.
"Yeah. But he's so good!" She says. I laugh.
"But come on. This may be your one! Don't screw it up because he's good." I say. She nods.
"Fine, I'll text you once were done and you send me the address, m'kay?" I nod.
After an two hours of miserable shopping, we headed home.
"Can I get ready at your place? Please!" Cara asks. I shrug.
"Why not." I say, Cara giggles.
Once we got to the house, I grabbed some bananas for Camila. I know that sounds stupid, but I'm sure she'll like it.
"Cara! I'm leaving!" I yell.
"Alright! I'll lock your door when I leave so take your keys!" She says. I giggle. Of course I'd bring my keys.
I grab my keys, as told, and go outside. It was three in the afternoon, the blue in the sky was beginning to fade, the sun was shining, but in a calm mood. The weather was just perfect temperature. I guess that's the qualities of living here in California.
I get into my *your car* car. I turn the ignition on and smell the lovely tangerine scent I had in my car. I put in an old Rhianna CD I found and started jamming out to Disturbia.
Once I got to Camila's, I saw Lauren jump out from the door way and start twerking. Though it was extremely odd that she did that, it was seriously sexy.
"Hey there." I say as I get out of the car. Lauren smiles and walks up to me and chains up her elbow with mine.
"I found out some stuff." Lauren's says. I raise an eyebrow.
"Do you like Camila at all?" Lauren asks. I am now raising both eyebrows. What is she talking about?
"I like her as a friend." I say. Lauren gives me a creepy face and I feel chills go up my back.
"Well, alrighty then. Come inside!" Lauren says and skips inside. I laugh and follow her path.
"Y/N! Hey!" Camila greets me and embraces me in a hug. I laugh and hug her back.
"Hey Cami." I say. She smiles wide and jumps over to the couch.
"Lauren and I were just playing truth or dare. Wanna play?" Camila asks. Oh this game again? Ugh.
"Sure I guess." I say and sit down next to Lauren. Lauren smirks.
"It's my turn!" Lauren announces and sits up straight.
"Y/N truth or dare?" Lauren asks me. I look at her, then look at Camila.
"Truth." I say. Lauren groans.
"Okay, would you ever want a lap dance?" Lauren asks. I laugh.
"No, that's just gross." I say.
"Aww!" Lauren pouts. Camila and I laugh.
"Lauren, you can give me a lap dance whenever you want." Camila laughs. For some reason, I feel rage fill me up. Lauren smiles.
"Okay, Y/N it's your turn." Camila says. I look at Lauren, then at Camila.
"Okay, Camila, truth or dare?" I ask. Camila smiles.
"Truth!" She says.
"Okay, are you a lesbo?" I ask. Lauren smirks.
"Well, I know I'm bi, I don't know if I'm just for girls." Camila says. It makes sense, she is a stripper. I wouldn't want to dance on guys if I was only into girls.
"Cool." I say.
"Okay, my turn!" Camila says.
"Lauren, truth or dare?" Lauren jumps up and down.
"Dare." She says. I laugh.
"Okay, I dare you to make out with Y/N for 30 seconds." Wow what? That went dirty really fast.
"Um, I don't know guys." I say.
"Duty calls." Lauren says and smirks. Oh no, what do I do? Should I bolt up the stairs? Should I just sit here? I feel butterflies take over my stomach and I feel like puking.
Lauren starts to lean in. I feel all odd inside. Is this how I'm supposed to feel? Oh dear lord. I feel myself shaking.
Then suddenly, Cara walks in.
"HEY!" She greets us.
"Who the hell is this!" Lauren says. I laugh. She was too close. Thank you Cara!
"This is Cara." I say.
"Oh! Hi Cara!" Camila says. Cars is full on staring at Camila. Just in huge shock.
"You, you're the stripper!" Cara says. Camila laughs.
"Me, Y/N and I saw one of your shows." Cara says. I hug her and show her the way to sit down.
"It's okay, they're friendly." I say. Cara looks at me.
"You, I thought-I thought you told me you hated strippers." I look at Camila who was still smiling, then to Lauren who was still pouting.
"Well these strippers are nice." I reason. Cara shrugs.
"I thought you were really sexy by the way." Cara says to Camila who smiles wide.
"Thank you!" Camila says. I laugh and sit them down.
"So where were we?" Camila asks.
(A/N): well, that was odd 😁
I hope you liked it!
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500 reads my god! Haha. Not a lot but I just published this story like 3 days ago so. Yeah. Thank you!
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