I stepped into my ugly ass work. I sigh and check in.
"Hey Y/N! How's it going?" A boy named Ryan had asked me. He has a major crush on me but he's kind of creepy.
I remember meeting him. He was new to the Café and I was his trainer. Ever since his third day he's been all heart darts towards me and I just can't handle it, it creeps me out.
"Oh, hey Ryan." I say and start walking towards the counter. He follows as usual.
"How was your weekend?" He asks. I groan internally.
"It was boring, what about yours?" I ask, trying to be polite. But I couldn't help my facial expression to be pissed off looking.
"Well, boring too I guess." He laughs. I force a smile.
"Alright well, we should start working." I say. He nods and looks away. I knew he knew I didn't like him like that, but it never stopped him from trying which I do not get.
I go to the corner and grab my apron. Once I put my apron on I grab the broom from the janitors closet and start sweeping.
I hear the bell ring by the door meaning someone had just entered the Café. I stop my sweeping and go behind the counter to take the persons order.
"Hello, um.-" She stops and looks at the menu. "Can I get a mint chocolate latte please?" I nod and force another smile. I've been doing that a lot lately, forcing smiles to keep people happy...
"Oh, and a chocolate stuffed croissant." I'm guessing this lady is on her period mainly because the craving for chocolate is pretty obvious. Plus, she's grasping her back lower hip and making painful faces.
"Alright, can I have your name please?" I ask.
"It's Michelle." I smile once again and put down Michelle.
"Alright, I'll call you when your order is done." I say. She thanks me and goes to sit down at a small booth.
I start to prepare the mint chocolate latte. As the drink was being made, I grab a croissant from a cabinet and put it into a baking oven.
I grab the drink, put a lid on it, then did the X's on the little paper and wrote down Michelle. I grab the croissant from the oven and place it nicely on a napkin. I head for the counter, place it on a mat and ding the bell.
"Michelle! Your order is ready!" I say. She smiles and goes up to grab her chocolate cravings. She hands me $12.34.
"Keep the change. You look like you need some positivity." Then she heads out. I look down at the money, then look back up to thank her, but she had left already. I smile. Finally something good has happened. Even if it's small.
After work, I headed home.
I arrive home, lock my car, unlock my front door, and instantly hit the couch. Oh the couch. The couch has saved me from my dark days. The couch is always one to catch my tears. The couch has been there most of my moments. I thank you couch for everything you have done. You are amazing couch.
Enough with the dramatic dialogue, I felt my phone buzz. I check my phone to see Camila had texted me. I smile. Why am I smiling again?
hey there 🤑
hola 🤓
what you doing?
just, enjoying time with my lovely friend.
who's your "friend"?
someone.. anyway, what are your doing?
hanging out with a brilliant and beautiful girl.
aww but we're not hanging out :(
haha no. My friend Lauren. She's awesome.
oh I see.
wanna come over and hang out with us?
uh, sure I guess.
okay, here's my address: *a address near you*
awesome be there in a bit.
I get in my car and grab my GPS. I put in the address and the odd female voice starts telling me where to go.
"Turn left on *a street*." I do as she says.
Once I arrive I realize Camila lives only a mile away from me. Isn't it odd that I met her technically on a sidewalk? I find that really odd.
I go up to the door and do a rapid knock. After about three seconds, some girl with bright green eyes answers. Who's this?
"Uh, hi. Is Camila home?" I ask. What if this is her girlfriend? Oh my god. What if this is her girlfriend? This is going to be seriously awkward.
"Yeah hold on." She says real friendly like. Not even questioning who I am.
"Mila! Someone is here to see you! Some really hot chick! I swear if you are planning on doing it while I'm hanging out I am never going to hang out with you again!" The girl says.
"Oh oh no, I'm not here to hook up. She just invited me over." I say. The girl rolls her big green eyes and looks back in the house.
"Okay come in then." She says.
"Hold on Laur! I'm coming!" I hear Camila say. Oh yeah, Camila said she was hanging out with a girl named Lauren, I completely forgot. Camila was right, she is very pretty.
"Oh! Y/N! Hi! Have you met Lauren?" I nod and Lauren laughs.
"How'd you meet this girl?" Lauren asks while checking me out. I feel myself shiver.
"Oh, we ran into each other." Camila says and I nod.
"Does she know you're a stripper?" Lauren whispers the "stripper" part. I giggle.
"Yes I know she's a stripper." I say.
"I am as well. Maybe Camz and I could show some of our skills." Lauren says while wiggling her eyebrows.
"Oh, no. I'm good." I say. Camila walks closer.
"She's not like that Laur." Camila says, patting her shoulder and looking down in disappointment. Lauren does the same.
"I'm sorry. I would like to be friends with you guys though." I say. Lauren smiles.
"It's alright, do you like Netflix and popcorn and all that yummy stuff?" Lauren says, hopping with excitement. Camila laughs.
"Yes I do." I say, laughing. Lauren jumps one extra time and runs into the kitchen.
"Sorry, she's a special cookie." Camila says while taking a seat on her white fluffy couch.
"I like her. She's nice." I say, sitting down as well.
"Do you like me?" Camila asks. I laugh.
"You're cool." Camila smirks.
"I like cool. Cool is nice."
"Yeah." I respond. Camila taps her finger.
"Do you like bananas?" She asks. What kind of question is that?
"Well, they're good. Not my favorite though." I say. Camila gasps.
"You don't like bananas? Okay, deals off. You're no longer cool." She says.
"Oh dear lord." She laughs as well.
"Camila, chill." Lauren says while entering the room with a huge bowl of popcorn and M&M's.
"She doesn't like bananas Laur." Camila says as if I had said I killed someone before.
"Oh no." Lauren says, giving me the bowl of popcorn. I smile widely.
"Save some for the movie!" Lauren says. I groan and lay back. Camila pouts.
"What movie should we watch?" Lauren asks. I think.
"A scary movie!" I say. Camila shakes her head rapidly.
"Nuh uh. I'll have nightmares!" Lauren rolls her eyes.
"What about a romantic comedy?" Lauren suggests. Camila jumps. I sigh and nod.
"Alright." Lauren scrolls through and finds Hitch. I smile and we start watching.
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