Once the movie was over, we just sat in our blankets and joked around.
"Wait, why do girls love to do that pose?" Lauren sang, mimicking how dumb musically used to be. We all laughed when she was done.
"So, Y/N, you don't care that Lauren and I are strippers, right?" Camila asked me while grasping my leg and letting go quickly. I looked down to where she grabbed and stared. She just touched my leg. Was that a sex signal? Was she trying to tell me something?
"I mean I don't really like strip clubs, and don't really care for stripping. But you two are too cool for anyone to even notice you're strippers so. Yeah I don't mind." I say. Camila smiles a little, then looks away.
"I've already got 80 likes." Lauren says about a photo she posted a couple of seconds ago. Camila jumps and looks at her picture.
"You look sex-ay!" Camila says. Is it bad that I'm a bit jealous?
"Thanks babe." Babe? Oh hell no! Wait what? What am I saying!
"Are you two dating?" I ask. Lauren bursts out laughing. Camila snarls at me.
"What? Why would you think that?" Lauren says in between laughs.
"I don't know." I say. Camila looks at me, but I look away.
"Anyways. I have to go. I have a job to do. I'll see ya'll later." Lauren says while walking out the door.
"Peace!" I say.
"Have fun girlie!" Camila smiles. She then hops up and looks at me. I look back at her. Crap. We're alone. Am I excited? Am I not wanting to be alone with her? I have no clue.
"So." She smiles again. My heart does a little pitter patter at the sight.
"What do you wanna do?" She asks. I shrug.
"Oh! I know! We can play truth or dare." Why am I nervous about this? I nod and sit up, crossing my legs to where I'm sitting Indian style.
"Okay, you go first." She shimmies a little closer.
"Truth or dare?" I ask. She smiles.
"Dare! Cause I'm a rebel." She laughs.
"Um. Run outside and shout my name." I shrug. She rolls her eyes and bolts through the door.
"Y/N!" Then she runs back inside.
"Easy." She says, then sits back down.
"Your neighbors now think you're psycho thanks to me."
"Okay, truth or dare?" She asks. I think long and hard.
"Truth." I say. She smiles and I can't help but smile as well.
"Okay, are you single?" Crap. Is she trying to get with me? But she told Lauren I wasn't like that so she must understand.
"I am." I say. She smiles real big and starts blushing, but hides her face so I don't see. Oh no. Does she like me? Oh no, I'm so confused right now I feel my head slowly evaporating.
"Truth or dare?" I ask. She looks up.
"Truth." She says.
"Do you like Lauren?" I ask. She smiles lightly.
"I did a while ago, but I'm over her now." Camila says. I smile.
"That's cool." I say. She shrugs.
"Truth or dare?" Camila's turn to ask.
"Dare." I say. She smiles big and points. I look over to see a bow and arrow.
"What do you want me to do with that?" I ask. She clenches her teeth.
"Try shooting it with your feet." She stares. I sigh and walk over to the arrow. I grab the bow and try to fire with my feet. I struggle for a second, then with my big toe, I grab the rope and pull. I breathe, and let go.
It bounces on a table and knocks over Lauren's cup she was using. Thankfully, it was empty.
"Oh crap." I say. Camila laughs.
"It's okay. Just a cup." She says. I pick up the cup, then go to sit back down.
"I'm bored. What else should we do?" She asks. I shrug.
"Wanna play Just Dance?"
"Oh but you'll totally beat me!" She scoffs.
"Nah. Come on! I really wanna play." She pouts.
"Fiiine." I whine. She jumps up and turns the Xbox on. After a few clicks, we were on Just Dance.
"Oh what about this one!" Camila says. I shrug and she turns Where Have You Been by Rhianna on. We started dancing and already I was sucking. Camila got everything perfect.
"I told you! See! You're beating me!" I yelled over the stereo system. She laughed.
"Keep trying!" She yelled back. I finally just gave up and started wiggling like a weirdo. Camila broke down laughing and landed on the floor. Once the song was over, Camila was in tears at my odd dance moves. I laugh along with her.
"That was hysterical!" Camila says. I laugh and fall down on the floor with her.
She turns her body over to look at me. I look at her. Her eyes. Her eyes are so pretty. So full of wonder. So full of life. I just loved them.
"Y/N, you sure you're not all that into girls?" She asks. At this point, I don't really know how I feel. I mean, I want to kiss her, and she seriously makes my stomach do pancakes, she even makes me blush a little. But I wouldn't really call it a crush. Would I?
"I mean, I don't know." I say honestly.
"Have you ever had a lesbian experience? I mean, it could help." She says. I feel butterflies flood my stomach. She smiles lightly, then looks to my lips. Oh no, she better not make a move. I don't even know if I'm ready. I don't know how I feel.
"No I've never had a lesbian experience. I've never even had a crush on a girl." I say. She frowns.
"Do you have a crush on a girl right now?" She asks. Do I? No. I don't know!
"No." I say, unsure. She frowns, then sits up.
"Why are you asking me this?" I ask, sitting up as well. She sighs.
"I don't know. Hey, want some chocolate! I have chocolate!" She says then runs into the kitchen. I chuckle. What is up with this girl?
(A/N): hey! I'm up to 200 reads right now! Oh me gosh! I just published this story yesterday! Haha.
Thank you! Bye!
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