[Three] Deceit
[If you haven't already figured out from the author's note, this whole book is one big trigger warning.]
Deceit yawned as Sweeney Todd played. He was usually interested in the musical but right now he was being attacked by night's worth of exhaustion.
"You can head to bed if you'd like, Kiddo. We can stop it for you." Patton murmured to the deceitful side. Deceit shook his head.
"I'm not tired, Morality. Besides, Remy will be home anytime soon." Deceit replied, mumbling the second sentence. He curled into a ball, resting his head on the arm of the couch.
Just as his eyes began to slip closed, he heard a door slam, causing him to jerk upright. Deceit looked towards the sound and saw the familiar jacket that belonged to Remy.
"I-I'm going to h-head to bed," Deceit stuttered out, stumbling as he quickly got off the couch. He went down the hall to his room where Remy was waiting for him. As soon as he was near his room, a hand grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and yanked him inside, slamming and locking the door behind him.
"What have I told you about being around the others without me?" A voice hissed in his ear. Deceit froze and tensed up. He knew what Remy was going to do.
"I-I'm sorry s-sir. I-I just thoug–" Deceit got cut off by Remy slapping him again. Deceit stumbled backwards and fell onto his but.
"Shut up you little bitch! You know you are to stay in the room unless I give you permission to leave! You disobeyed me so now you shall be punished!" Remy yelled as kicked Deceit in the side. Deceit whimpered and blocked his face, tears streaming down his cheeks.
"I-I'm sorry s-sir! I'm s-sorry I di-dis-disobeyed you.." Deceit apologized repeatedly.
Every kick.
Every insult.
Every hit.
It all took affect on the broken Side.
After what felt like forever, the punishment stopped and Remy left, purposely hitting Deceit with the door as he left the sneks room.
The deceiving trait slowly got up and limped to his bed, summoning a first aid kit once he was laying in bed. He carefully bandaged up his opened wounds and placed ointment on the forming bruises. He was all too used to the routine by now.
After changing his night clothes, Deceit put the first aid kit away and snuggled under his covers. He was nearly asleep when a soft knock and the door opening alerted him.
"Hey babe.. I'm sorry for earlier.." Remy said softly as he sat on Deceits bed. "Wanna cuddle?" He smiled as Deceit nodded and scooted over to make room for him.
Remy got under the covers and held Deceit close to him. He smiled in victory as Deceit laid his head on his chest. "I love you Deceit."
"I love you too, Remy." Deceit spoke softly, knowing fully well Remy couldn't tell if he was lying. He fell into an uneasy and nightmare filled sleep.
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