[Thirty-Two] Logan
[Don't hate me for this..but the next chapters will be the end.]
Logan paced the room as they waited for the doctor to come in and examine Deceit. He mumbled under his breath about how Remy will be nothing but a pile of bones if Deceit was hurt.
"L-Logan," Deceit stuttered out, covering his mouth with his hand. Logan hummed in acknowledgment, glancing at Deceit. The snake boy pointed to the puke bags on the desk and Logan got the hint.
The nerd grabbed one of the bags and handed to Deceit just in time for Deceit to purge bile. Logan rubbed his back in a soothing manner and whispered loving words to the smaller boy. The snek boy leaned against him and apologized repeatedly, only for Logan to deny his need of apologies and comfort him more.
The doctor came in with a smile. "Hello, I'm Dr. Grey and I'll be doing a check up. You must be Denton Sanders, the Side of Deception and Self Preservation." She stated as she looked at the file on her clip board. All of the professional doctors and therapists had files of everyone in the mindpalace, even those that never even spoke their name.
"Y-yeah, that's me.." Deceit murmured, flinching at his name. "C-call me Deceit though." Dr. Grey nodded in understanding and went over to her computer to fill out the notes.
Logan watched as Deceit got his weight and height checked (making sure to make a mental note about Deceit being underweight) and got a physical exam done. His leg bounced as he remained seated on one of the chairs and the anxious feeling weighed down on him.
"I'm going to be taking a few tests to make sure you have no internal damage. We'll be right back Logan." Dr. Grey smiled and grabbed her clipboard. Logan nodded and gave Deceit a small hug and promised to be here when they returned. He trusted the doctor and Deceit's health was important to him.
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