[Thirty-Four] Deceit
[Final chapter!
This is honestly the longest chapter I've ever written. Thanks for sticking around this long! Book two will be up as soon as I can possibly publish it. I decided to leave this off on a happy note because y'all have been through enough for now. Hope to see everyone in book 2!
Deceit woke confused and dizzy in a hospital bed. His stomach felt like it was on fire and his vision was blurry. He heard someone speaking but it sounded like he was underwater. What was going on? Why did he feel like this? Where was Logan? Panic rose up and he struggled to get a grip on his surroundings. He ended up passing out once more.
When he came to once more, the pain was subsided and he heard the faint beeping of a machine. Something was stroking his head and it made him feel butterflies in his stomach. He opened his eyes and blushed a little when he saw that it was Logan that was petting him. The nerd smiled at him and kissed his head, making Deceit blush more than before.
"How do you feel..?" Logan asked softly, handing the snek boi a whiteboard and an expo marker. Deceit smiled faintly in appreciation. His throat was hurting and he doubted he'd be able to speak loud enough to be heard since he had a breathing tube down his throat.
»I feel surprisingly ok« Deceit wrote down and showed Logan. The nerd nodded and kissed his forehead.
"Virgil and Remus are stopping by later to check on you. They're both worried sick and want to see that you're alright with their own eyes." Logan murmured softly. His eyes were glazed with repressed tears and Deceits heart ached. He wished he could make those tears disappear but..Lucius said not to..
»I don't mind« Deceit wrote after erasing his previous sentence. Logan nodded and sat on the hospital bed near him, his hands shaking subtly but Deceit was observant and noticed it. »What's wrong Lo?«
Logan looked at the words and handwriting for a while, his mind taking in every detail of the hand writing, memorizing it. "I-..I could've lost you Dee.. Remy drugged you, abused you and mentally fucked you up.. Then he goes as far as sexually assisting you and you're acting like Nome of this shit happened..?!"
Deceit flinched a little when Logan raised his voice, but held his arms out to envelope his protector into a hug. Logan leaned into his arms and curled up in them.
"Sorry.." Logan mumbled, hiding his face in Deceits chest and being careful with his stomach. "I didn't mean to snap at you.."
Deceit responded by playing with Logan's hair, calming the sad boy down. Logan smiled faintly at the effort and looked up at Deceit, noticing how close their faces are in that position. Without thinking, the nerd planted a soft and loving yet short kiss on Deceits lips. Deceit blushed a dark crimson and pulled Logan in for a second time.
Then the realization hit him. He paled and his breathing picked up as he pulled away from Logan.
"What's wrong Dee..? Did I overstep boundaries..?" Logan asked, holing he didn't upset Deceit with the kiss. Deceit shook his head and wrote down with shaking hands:
»Dragonwitch said no romance between us«
Logan sighed softly and looked down. "I'll talk to him when you're out of the hospital. I'll work out an agreement because I love you.."
Deceit stared at Logan with wide eyes. Logan was telling the truth. The actual truth. Deceit didn't think it was possibly for someone to truly love him. He didn't even know how to react to this or what to say.
"It's alright Dee, you don't have to say it back or anything. You've already been through a lot and I'm pretty sure a relationship isn't going to be a good idea right now.." Logan gently grabbed Deceits hand and kissed it. "But I promise to stay by your side and help you through all of this."
Decent blushed a little and gave a nod of understanding. The two fell into a comfortable silence and Logan didn't do anything to overstep boundaries. He simply sat there and held Deceits hand in a loose grip incase the snek wanted to take his hand back.
Eventually, Logan had to leave to go fill out medical papers and fill Thomas in on what's been happening. Though he made a promise to be back as soon as logically possible. Deceit held onto that promise, doing his best to keep himself entertained in the meantime. He ended Up taking put his phone—which Logan had given to him after making a run for clean clothes for the snek boi to wear when he returns from the hospital. To be honest, he wasn't really surprised to see his notifications.
Sighing softly, Deceit unlocked his phone and pulled up his messages. He scrolled through them and rolled his eyes at the threats despite feeling scared about them. Taking a deep breathe, he set his phone down and waited for Logan or even Virgil and Remus to come so he had someone to keep him from succumbing to the threats that may come with his next few words.
As if on cue, Logan appeared with two very frantic Sides. Virgil and Remus were by his side in an instant. Both kept demanding answers and asking if he was ok, which was causing him to slightly panic from being overwhelmed.
"Calm down you two. One question at a time and one person speaking at a time," Logan spoke up, his tone gentle but stern at the same time. Remus and Virgil nodded and both took a breath to calm down so they wouldn't overwhelm the poor snake dude.
They took turns asking questions, neither of them were willing to leave his side, and neither was Logan. Eventually, Virgil asked about what they were going to do with Remy—whom was locked up in the subconscious as far as the emo knew. Deceit tensed up at the question but shrugged at it anyways.
»I need to end things with Sleep for once and for all« Deceit wrote down and showed them, before picking up the phone.
"We'll help you if needed." Logan promised, giving the boy a small smile. The other two nodded in agreement, causing Deceit relax a little.
The deceptive trait swallowed dryly and tried to think of a good way to end it. Then he began typing and waited for a response. His hands were shaking as he smiled to himself.
He did it.
He finally got away from Remy.
Deceit showed the others the message exchange with a small but proud smile. He blocked the number right after without a moments hesitation.
He was finally free!
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