[Sixteen] Logan
[Fun fact: This book was the second actual book I wrote on here. I am determined to finish this before 2020 comes.]
Logan came out of the bathroom in clean casual clothing. His heart metaphorically melted when he saw Deceit curled up on the bed in one of the nerds hoodies. Deceits back was to him but by the way his body seemed to be subtly shaking, Logan assumed he was upset about something.
He laid next to Deceit and loosely wrapped an arm around Deceit. Logan felt the boy flinch a little before he rolled over and curled up in his arms. Logan frowned a little when he saw the tear rolling down the sneks eyes.
"Deceit?" Logan asked softly, "what's wrong?" He rubbed Deceit's back in a soothing way, wondering what upset the dark one.
"I-it hu-hurts..! Wh-why can't I ev-ever be hap-py..?" Deceit replied quietly, his voice cracking. He burried his face into Logans chest and sobbed. Logan held him close and comforted him, unsure as to what to do.
"Life is not the most fair item of a person. There are stages of it and obstacles we must face. Sleep was simply a bump in the metaphorical road and I shall see to it that he stays far away from you." Logan tried to comfort him. Deceit seemed content with the answer because he relaxed and began the slow journey of calming down. "Would you care to accompany me in the commons to watch a documentary? It may help take your mind off of the incident."
Deceit nodded and allowed Logan to carry him to the commons-- only for Logan to get summoned by Thomas, bringing Deceit with him.
They appeared in Logan's spot with Deceit still in Logan's arms. The two blushed and Deceit hid his face in Logan's chest. Thomas awwed at the cuteness though it lacked enthusiasm. He looked just as bad as Deceit did.
"Sorry Logan, I didn't know you were busy." Thomas apologized, rubbing his eyes a little. Logan gently set Deceit down, smiling ever so slightly when Deceit held onto his arm.
"It's quite alright Thomas. Deceit and I were just about to watch a documentary. What can I assist you with?" Logan responded in his monotone sort of way. He noticed how Virgil shifted on the stairs beside him and the others kept glancing at Deceit's legs.
"I've been feeling overwhelmed and upset recently. I checked with Patton about it and Roman but neither of them knew what was going on. Then Virgil told me everything about...that.." Thomas replied, giving Deceit a sympathetic look. Deceit suddenly became aware of what the host was talking about.
"Y-you told th-them?!" Deceit asked shakily. Not from anger, but from fear. "Oh no- nononono! H-he's gonna kill m-me! I-I'll never be allowed to--"
"Deceit, look at me. Focus on me." Logan gently made Deceit look up at him. The snek boy's lip quivered and tears were escaping his eye ducts again. "He will not kill you and I will never allow him to be anywhere near you. I promise."
Deceit expected to taste the acidic lies but...there was none. Just a sickening see taste of the trust with just the faintest taste of vanilla. This was the first time he has ever actually tasted the trust and it scared him.
"Let's all save this topic for later and find a distraction. It would be ideal for us to let off some stress in a healthy way." Logan instructed everyone softly. "Roman, go get your brother so he can join us. Thomas, pick out a movie or documentary. Something long and interesting for everyone to keep their minds away from the stress. Virgil, go get some blankets and pillows while Patton gets snacks. I'm going to try and keep Deceit calm so his self preservation doesn't send snakes out to bite us."
Everyone did as told, knowing Deceit was in a vulnerable state and arguing would have consequences. They hoped distractions worked.
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