[Six] Deceit
[I feel inspired, have an update.]
[Edit: that sentence was written 4/31/19 and its currently 5/20/19. I wrote nothing that day and I'm currently rushing to write and edit it before you see this. You're welcome.]
"Hey Deceit, Remy is coming by later to film a Sanders Short with Thomas. You should totally ask him out when you get the chance!" Virgil smiled supportively. Deceit blushed at the thought of asking out his crush.
"You think I should?" Deceit asked, unsure of himself. Virgil nodded eagerly. The emo wanted to see his friend happy.
Later that day, Deceit worked up the courage to ask Remy out, to which the subside had said yes to.
[Fuck- it's now August 22, 2019. Someone remind me to not get off track again. XD]
It was going swell for the first few months. The two shared many kisses and cuddles. Deceit always made the extra effort to take Remy on nice dates and get him tickets to concerts.
After the sixth month, the guilt tripping began. It started with simple "you're lucky I'm still dating you" but quickly turned into the "you made me do it" and "you're a bad boyfriend" statements.
Deceit grew used to the insults, but he soon learned that all Remy wanted was control. Rules, punishments, hurtful statements. It was all too much for the snek but he loved Remy too much to leave him. And Remy told him that he lobes him, so Deceit couldn't leave.
Thankfully, being the Side of Deception gave him the power to hide the bruises and wounds with illusions and makeup with a side of acting.
Decent learned what he could and couldn't do, learned what makes Remy upset and how to stay on his good side. He even learned how to lie about his emotions with a bit of practice.
"Deceit Sanders!" Remy had yelled one day. Deceit immediately went to Remy, like a dog heeling to its owner.
"Y-yes Remy?" Deceit had stuttered out nervously. Remy glared at him from behind the sunglasses.
"What have I told you about leaving the room without my permission?!" Remy demanded as he pulled a collar out. It had a chain attached to it, the other end was attached to the bed frame.
"I-Im sorry! Th-Thomas didn't need me for a video!" Deceit sobbed im fear. He hated being treated like a dog.
"You disobeyed me, so you need to be punished!" Remy put the collar on Deceit, who whined and begged for it to be taken off.
The snake boy sat on the ground as a sobbing mess. He didn't know what he did to deserve to be treated this way, but what he did know was that he never wanted to experience it again.
And so his lying had extended–not only lying about being fine, but also about loving Remy.
But all he was doing was being a fly in his own web of lies he weaved.
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