[Fifteen] Logan
[I love how y'all keep threatening to kill Remy yourselves. Your comments are the light of my day tbh.]
Smoke burned his lungs as the fire blazed around them. A roar from the almighty Dragonwitch erupted throughout the forest. Logan wheezed as his asthma kicked in. He did his best to avoid being hit by whatever is thrown at him—yet nothing went near him. It was like he had some sort of shield around him. The next thing he remembered seeing was a man with dragon wings walking towards him through the fire.
Who knows how long it was until he woke up? He sat up slowly, going into a terrible coughing fit once he did so. He looked around once his coughing subsided. He appeared to be in some sort of cave that was lit by torches. A winged figure sat in a rocking chair near where he had been laying.
"Excu-excuse me?" Logan spoke up, once again going into a coughing fit. He wheezed as he tried to breathe properly. The winged figure stood up and walked over to him holding a cup. The person set the cup near Logan but didn't dare to go near the light.
"I see you're awake. My apologies about the fire," the person spoke softly. Logan picked the cup up and looked at the contents, unsure if it's poisoned. "Don't worry, it's merely water. I assume you're Logic? The nerd friend of Prince Roman?"
"That is I. Why did you bring me here?" Logan asked after sipping the water. The burning feeling in his throat subsided and he managed to sorta catch his breath after the sip. His breathing was heavy still.
"I wasn't about to let you die in a fire your friend started in my territory. The one with the sunglasses." The person replied in an agitated tone. The sound of rustling wings echoed in the small cave.
"Who are you?"
"I..do not have a name. I am merely a creation his highnesses made to entertain them."
Logan tilted his head in confusion. The person sighed before stepping into the soft light of the torches on the wall. He looked a bit shorter than Logan and had shining pink eyes. Scales were scattered about his body and two medium sized dragon wings were on his back. His fiery orange hair was a nice contrast to the red scales and the yellow streak in his hair brought the look together.
"That does not seem very fair to you. Would you like me to assist you in finding a name?" Logan asked, patting the spot next to him. The dragonboy nodded. "Tell me a bit about yourself; personalities and interests can help when searching for a name."
The two spoke for a while and Logan learned a lot of things about the supposed 'dragonwitch' as Roman calls him. They went through an entire list of names before they decided on one the dragonboy particularly liked.
"That one; Lucius. I like it."
"It has a latin origin meaning 'light' and is an old Roman clan name."
"Sounds awesome."
Lucius smiled warmly at Logan. He felt like he should do something for Logan in return for being kind to him. He mentioned it to Logan, whom denied it at first but then had an idea.
"Here's my only request..."
"What happened Lo..?"
Deceit's voice brought him out of his thoughts. Logan looked down at the scared danger noodle in his arms. Deceit's eyes were dilated in fear [weirdest thing i've ever typed] as he looked at Logan.
"I had a chat with Remy and things got a little escalated. Thankfully, a kind person saved me. Remy won't be hurting you for a long while," Logan kissed Deceits forehead. Deceit fought back the blush, knowing that even though Remy hurts him, cheating on him would be no better than Remy himself.
"Did he hurt you..?" Deceit asked softly, brushing some hair out of Logan's face. Logan shook his head and slightly tightened the hug, burying his face in the crook of Deceit's neck.
"No, but he did try to kill me by setting a fire to the Imagination." Logan replied quietly. "I shall shower and change clothes, then we can comfort each other better." He gently took Deceit off him and went to his bathroom to shower.
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