☆ Moondust - Angst ☆
For one of the last oneshots in this book, I got a little help from one of my favourite songs, "Moondust". The dialogue you're about to read isn't actually in the series, I just made it up, but it fits Laurance and Aph's relationship pretty well.
Also, this isn't that angsty. Nobody dies, so enjoy~
×Now Playing:×
>Moondust by Jaymes Young<
"Aphmau? You're up quite late."
"Oh, good evening, Laurance."
The brunette walks up to his Lord in the dead of night with a concern look on his face. "Is everything okay?"
She hesitantly nods. "Yes, it's just..." Sighing, she looks up at the stars. "Being the leader of an alliance is so stressful. It's like the weight of the entire world is on my shoulders."
The guard beside her took a moment to take in how beautiful the girl looked in the moonlight. Her eyes were sparkling, her hair shimmering. Finally, he cleared his throat and begun to give her yet another piece of his wise words:
"Aren't you overexaggerating a little bit? Yes, being a leader can feel like that, but it's not like you're going through this alone. You have me, Katelyn, Travis, Dante, heck, even Aaron. The villagers back in Phoenix Drop are rooting for you as well. We're all here for you. Especially me. I'll always be there in your time of need."
"I'll "always" be there in your time of need..."
Letting his words sink in, Aphmau nods more confidently. "Yeah..." She turns to face him with a big smile on her face. "You're right! Thank you so much for being with me, Laurance. You've never failed to protect me. I am so grateful for you."
"... I am so "grateful" for you..."
"I would like to be repaid with a kiss, please~" Laurance chuckles.
She laughs, punching his shoulder lightly. "In your dreams."
"In your dreams..."
... only in your dreams...
Aph, I still remember our words from that night.
"I'll always be there." "I'm so grateful for you."
They were only lies. I was bound to leave you someday... but to leave you for the darkness of the shadows... it's heartbreaking, isn't it?
I loved you Aphmau, but I didn't force you to accept me. I couldn't. I had to respect your feelings - yours AND Garroth's. He loved you just as much as I did.
Both of us... we were foolish to believe that you would ever love us...
There's nothing I can do, except bury my love for you...
That night seemed like a normal night for you, wasn't it?
... but, for me it was different. It was a night where I could help you, a gorgeous star, shine with happiness. It was a night where I could talk to you one on one without any interruptions - a night where you trusted me with your problems.
Then, the sun came up, and he came into the picture.
The brightness of the sun will give me just enough... to bury my love in the moondust...
After I overheard what happened between you and him - the child you two created - I couldn't control myself. I had to go. The voices in my head, they were too much...
I hope you can understand.
I long to hear your voice, but still I make the choice...
Wherever you are, I hope you're happy with Garroth and the village, while I'm here in hell...
... suffering with the regret of not making you mine first.
... to bury my love, in the moondust...
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