Gracie living in Barley & Ian's World/Street Race
Gracie went to the apartment she shared with Jamie and Aja as she packed the bags she had in the room she and Jamie shared.
"It was really great sharing a room with you and Aja might be excited that she gets to sleep in a bedroom since she was sleeping on the couch." Jamie said sitting on her bed folding Gracie's clothes in the bags while Gracie looked for more of her stuff to pack up.
"It is fine. I take no offense to that since the three of us did get a one bedroom apartment. I'm just glad that I finally found someone to be with." Gracie said smiling happily.
Once Gracie finished packing, Jamie carried the last two remaining bags of Gracie's stuff to the library with Gracie carrying two other bags of her stuff.
As the two reached the library, Sunset Shimmer gave Gracie a different bracelet Donnie upgraded to transport Gracie back between from Ian and Barley's world to New York and then from New York to Ian and Barley's world so she wouldn't have to use the mirror.
Sunset Shimmer explained to Gracie that Barley went through the mirror back to his world to get a room set up and ready for Gracie to stay and sleep in.
(Author's Note: This is what the bracelet looks like and no, it will not be like the bracelet in the last part since I want to keep two different bracelets different.)
Gracie put the bracelet on and looked at the mirror as she and Jamie walked up to the mirror and threw her four bags full of her stuffs through the mirror as it sparkled up magic.
After throwing her four bags through the mirror, Gracie gave Jamie, Sunset Shimmer, and Aja hugs before she had to go through the mirror.
As Gracie gave hugs and went up to the mirror, she breathed in, out, and walked through the mirror as Jamie, Sunset Shimmer, and Aja called after her with happy comments.
"We'll give your goodbye to the others." Sunset Shimmer said brightly.
"Stay safe." Jamie said happily.
"Also, be yourself." Aja said joyously.
"I will." Gracie said laughing and giggling through out the mirror ride.
Once Gracie made it to Ian and Barley's world, she brought her four bags up to the porch of Ian and Barley's house and rang the door bell.
Footsteps could be heard running from upstairs, coming down the stairs, and stopping right at the front door of the mushroom house.
As the door opened, a happy Barley saw Gracie standing there and helped her bring her stuff inside the house when Blazey came charging down from the kitchen to the living room and tackled a surprised Gracie to the floor.
"Blazey, come on. I know you are happy that Gracie is back." Barley said kneeling down and pulled a excited Blazey off of Gracie.
"It's okay. She is just excited to see me, that's all." Gracie said as Barley helped her up off of the floor and helped bring up her four bags to the guest bedroom.
After carrying four bags up the stairs, Gracie sat down on the guest bed as Barley stayed standing and stretched after the day the two had.
"I'm glad you agreed to come live with use, Gracie." Barley said as he looked right at Gracie in her brown eyes with his hazel eyes.
"Yeah, me, too. I'm just glad that-WHOA!!"Gracie said as Barley brought her in the finished dancing position like last time in his bedroom.
(Author's Note: This is how Barley will look at me when he talks to me after bringing me into the finished dancing position like from the part where Barley tells me his feelings and I tell him my feelings for each other.)
"Remember this? This was embarrassing for the both of us after I kissed you by surprise and you looked so star-struck by the kiss." Barley's said looking at Gracie with his eyebrows raised and a "Remember that embarrassing moment?" look on his face.
Gracie smiled and blushed deeply at that embarrassing moment.
Suddenly, someone knocked three times and opened the door to Barley's bedroom without a response for the person to come into Barley's bedroom.
"Hey, guys, Mom was wanting to know what kind of pizza you two wanted to have to eat for dinner tonight-I'm guessing that you two had done that dance position before Gracie went back to her world." Ian said as Barley and Gracie blushed deeply at Ian mentioning that one very embarrassing moment some time ago.
Gracie and Barley agreed on any kind of pizza they wanted to have for dinner and Ian agreed as he left the two to talk about what to do next.
After talking and eating pizza, Barley took Gracie a few blocks down to a street race from what he told her and Gracie saw different people from where Barley was attending school standing on both sides of the sidewalk chanting "Street Race" over and over.
Barley saw someone as he brought Gracie over to meet that person he had knew from the adventure he had with Ian and his mom from seeing his late father one last time.
"Corey, this is Gracie. I brought her here to see what a street race would be like. Gracie, this is Corey the Manticore." Barley said smiling.
Corey wore her restaurant uniform as Gracie stared at her in amazement and shook hands or paws with Corey after coming out of her amazement trance.
"It's really nice to meet you. Barley has told me so much about you ever since he had met you until you went back to your home magically." Corey said smiling as well.
"You, too." Gracie said blushing lightly and smiling shyly.
Barley explained to Gracie that the street races were about people driving about a few blocks and the winner of the street race gets free meals at Corey's restaurant for five months before the street race was about to begin.
Then, the three heard someone call up Barley to the start of the line and announcing as well that the person racing against Barley wasn't able to race because the person racing against Barley got sick from being in the river for too long.
"I'll race against Barley." Gracie said stepping forward as everyone gasped in shock that a human would race in a street race for the first time.
"Let's give her a chance." Corey said.
Everyone then started to agree with Corey and started to cheer for Gracie and Barley.
Gracie got into a running position like from the Olympics as Barley started up the van.
"3!!!" Everyone shouted in excitement.
Barley noticed that Gracie made ice and snow appear under her and smiled happily at her attempt at her first street race.
Gracie and Barley smiled with excitement and waited for the street race to begin after everyone said one and let them go after the countdown.
"One! GO!!!!!" Everyone said excitedly and cheered.
Barley slammed on the gas pedal and Gracie started to skate with her regular shoes on as they were side by side and kept going ahead of each other.
Gracie did a cool move on the ice and snow and skated as if to be a professional skater.
Barley leaned back from the impact of Gracie's move.
(Author's Note: This is what his face would look like after seeing me do the cool move during the street race.)
Gracie smiled as she and Barley crossed the finish line at the same time.
Everyone cheered for the two winners and Barley and Gracie were excited to eat at Corey's restaurant for the five months they were given.
"Gracie, that was awesome! We both won the free meals at Corey's restaurant and I'm glad that we both met each other when you first got here." Barley said going up to Gracie with a happy look and a bright smile on his face.
"I know right and me, too, Barley. Me, too." Gracie said smiling happily.
Gracie and Barley went back to the house after the street race was over.
The two told Laurel and Colt about their excited night at the street race and knew that they knew that they were going to be together, but were unsure when though.
A few days later, Barely eventually asked Gracie if she wanted to be his girlfriend and Gracie happily accepted to be his girlfriend.
Barley and Gracie were together and knew that their love will grow through their relationship as boyfriend and girlfriend.
I belong to myself
Jamie belongs to JEDI271217
"Onward" movie and characters belongs to Disney/Pixar
TMNT 2012 belongs to Nickelodeon
MLP EG belongs to Hasbro
3 Below belongs to DreamWorks
"Blinding Lights" song and lyrics belongs to "The Weeknd"
All rights reserved
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