chapter 3
"Wirt! Time for bed! Beatrice! You should get to bed as well. You don't want to stay up late on a school night!" Wirt's mother said. "What does she mean? I'm home schooled." They both look at each other and in unison they screamed "GREG!!!!!" Greg come's running down stairs. "Yes sir!" Greg says as he salutes. "What did you tell mom, Greg?" Wirt asked. "I told her that Beatrice was a classmate and her parents where dead sir!" Greg said in a sergeant-like voice. "What!? She can't go to school! She's not enrolled!!!!" Wirt screamed. Wirt looks around though, and doesn't see Greg. "I'll bet he ran away when I yelled at him again. Beatrice, be a dear and get the missing Greg posters please." Wirt asked. But right before they went to get the posters they hear a strange voice. "Yes. I would like to enroll my daughter in your school. Thank you. Oh my name.... Mr. Lincoln. Thank you, good bye." It was Greg on the phone! "Greg! Who where you talking to!?!?" Wirt asked angrily. "It was the principle. Beatrice is now officially enrolled at your school sir!" "What?!" Wirt asks angrily. "I said, BEATRICE IS NOW ENR....." Greg began to yell. "Quiet!" Wirt whispered angrily. "What do we do? I've never even gone to school and in case you haven’t noticed, girls don't tend to dress like this in your world." Beatrice said as she pointed to her dress. "I think you look fine." Greg says. "Greg. The kids in your class wear Cosplay princess dresses and turtle costumes. She can't go to school like that!" Wirt said. "What about your mom? Does she have anything in my size? Maybe I can borrow some of her close." Beatrice suggested. "Good idea. Let’s go." Wirt said. They crept very quietly up the stair to their mother’s room to ask her. "Mom?" Greg said. The mother arose very slowly. "What are you doing Greg? You all should be in bed!" The mother asked in a tiresome voice. "Uuuuuhhhh......Beatrice forgot to bring close so we need to see if there's anything in your closet that's her size." Wirt said. The mother quickly sprung out of bed in excitement. "I've always wanted to do this! I never had girls so this is a dream come true!" The mother said with joy. "Come on Beatrice. Let’s see if there's anything in your size." Their mother said as she beckoned her to the closet. "Let’s see..... You definitely look like a "blue" kind of person. Let’s see if I can find anything blue." The mother said. "I can't listen to this. Let's go Greg." Wirt said as he covered his ears tightly. Wirt grabbed Greg's hand and ran out the door. "Man that was a close one, Greg." Wirt said. "What was? *Gasp* Where those close saying stuff about you? I'll teach them a lesson!" Greg said as he tried to run into the room before he was pulled back by Wirt. "What are you talking about? Even you know better than that. What's going on, Greg?" Wirt asked as he put his hands on his shoulders to make sure he was looking straight into Wirt’s eyes and didn't lie.
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