Chapter 15
Beatrice laid there for a moment longer before Wirt's mother came in with the bandages. Wirt's mother moved the blanket from her body and began to bandage her leg when the window burst open. Beatrice jolted her head up in shock and looked at them, waiting for them to close the window. But they didn't. The blue bird flew into the room and began to fly around the room. Wirt got up to close the window before getting the bird. Beatrice looked puzzled at what he was doing when suddenly she heard a growling from where Wirt's mother was. She seemed surprised to find that Wirt's mother was not there. But instead, a pure black wolf! Beatrice turned to Wirt but instead she saw Wirt with branches growing out of his head. Beatrice began to scream, when he ran over to her and covered her mouth with his hand and pressed her head against the bed. "Shush Beatrice. You will end up with your friend either way. You should give up now." Wirt said as he pointed to a dead bird surrounded by blood. Beatrice began to flail her arms in the air as she screamed and tried to push him away. Tears began to roll down her cheeks as he held one of her arms down with a sharp claw while the other one was held down by the wolf whose teeth dug into her other arm. She screamed as hard as she could but alas, her voice became too weak to scream any longer. Wirt let go of her arm and quickly grabbed her neck and pushed her to the bed. "Don't worry. You will see your bird friend again." Wirt said with a very evil glair. She didn't know what to do. The wolf had her other arm and the arm that he grabbed was losing too much blood from where his claws grabbed her. Beatrice tried to keep a calm mind. She wanted to think of a way out other than screaming her head off before she died. She tried her best to lift her arm that was free and tried to push him away. But he pulled a knife out and stabbed her. Beatrice began to cough up blood and she no long tried to even think clearly. She was freaking out to much about the pain to try to get away. Wirt took the knife again and stuck it in her upper chest and ran it all the way to the bottom of her stomach. Beatrice didn't scream this time. She just stared in horror and watched as he began to smile victoriously....... It was dark......"AAAAHHHHHH!!!!!" Beatrice screamed. She shout up in her bed about as quickly as a bullet. Tears streamed down her face as she looked around the room. It was a white room. She was laying on a bed attached to a heart monitor. She breathed just as heavily when she saw the door knob to the room turning. She began to back away on the bed and pulled the blanket as far over her face as she could. And to her horror, it was Wirt! Beatrice screamed in horror and tried to run away. Wirt looked just as surprised as her as she threw a pillow at her. Wirt ran over to her and grabbed her wrists. He said her name several times before she was silent. "Wirt. W-What's going on!? I was dead just a couple of seconds ago! I don't know what's going on!" Beatrice said. "Beatrice. Calm down. You fell asleep in bed while we were looking for the bandages. We were just going to let you rest, when you started screaming and moving your hands in the air. We drove you to the hospital and the doctor said you're body had shut down from stress and that's why we couldn't just wake you up. What where you dreaming of?" Wirt asked. "Wirt.....You killed me." Wirt was incredibly shocked by her answer but then softly smiled at her and placed a kiss on her cheek, which made her blush. Wirt was just about to leave when Beatrice called him back. "Yes?" Wirt asked. Beatrice just grabbed his arm forcefully and pinked him with her other arm. "What was that for?" Wirt asked. "Just checking. I can't tell what's real anymore! I- I'm scared Wirt." Beatrice confessed. Beatrice began to lightly sob in her hands as Wirt stroked her hair. "Well, I'm real. You're real. Maybe it'll get hard for you at some times but if you believe that I would hurt you, then things will only get worse for you." Wirt said. Beatrice laid down in the bed and began to relax. She knew she could trust him. But why did it seem like she had seen those branches before?
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