Chapter 11
Beatrice laid in bed for a couple of hours and did nothing but think about Wirt. Every time she thought about his eyes she would stiffen up. “Ugh! What is wrong with me!?” Beatrice asked herself. She felt… awkward when she thought about him. She felt so sorry for treating him so rudely. Her mother would always say “a kind word can go a long way” but Beatrice never really bothered asking her what she meant by it. She always thought that she meant it would make her successful of something. Now she knew what her mother meant. Beatrice continued to think about Wirt when suddenly Sara popped up in her head. Beatrice suddenly began to sweat more and more, but she thought it could have been partially because of her temperature. Just the thought of Sara made Beatrice ache. What was her problem? ”It’s not like I was going to steal him from her or something.” She thought to herself. Beatrice turned to the right side of her bed and faced the wall. All she wanted to do was drift off to sleep. It had started raining a moment or two ago and it was so soothing. The soft pitter patter of the rain lightly tapping against the window as the heavy wind seemed to whistle a lullaby to her. It was such a soft and organized sound it reminded her of Wirt’s voice. Beatrice began to blush at the thought of him speaking with such a soft voice. She began to drift off to sleep when suddenly the door began to slowly creak open. A head popped in to show Wirt’s mom at the door. “Hey. Sorry for disturbing you but I brought you some tea.” She said sweetly. Beatrice sat up slowly and stretched her arms. Beatrice looked at the mother who was holding a platter with a tea cup and some sugar cubes. “I’m sorry you’re sick. If it makes you feel any better, at least you don’t have to go to school today.” The mother said, trying to make her feel better. “Well, that’s just it. I kind of wanted to go to school today.” Beatrice said as she sniffed from her runny nose. “Really? Ha. You know, when I talk to you I feel like I’m talking to Wirt sometimes.” She joked. Beatrice looked puzzled for a moment. “But why did you want to go to school? You’re first day was awful. You still have bruises from when you guys where attached. I would never want to go back. Why do you want to go back?” Wirt’s mom asked. Beatrice blushed and her face began to look like a tomato. “I-I wanted to spend time with Wirt. He’s a good…..friend.” Beatrice tried to convince her. But she still looked at Beatrice with that “I know your secret” face. “What?” Beatrice asked, as she began to hunch over and hide her face a little. The mom just looked at her with a smug look and smiled. “Nothing.” Wirt’s mom stood up and began to walk out of the door. “Oh and Beatrice. When you don’t want someone to know you like someone you probably shouldn’t blush so much.” She said teasing her. That didn’t help with Beatrice’s blushing problem. If anything, it made her blush even more. “Yah. Like that.” The mother said before she left. Beatrice laid calmly on her bed and thought about what she said. Was she being too obvious? Did Wirt already know? Beatrice began to feel nervous and clammy. The thought of Wirt made her heart pound out of her chest and she felt like she couldn’t breathe. Suddenly, everything seemed to go dark.
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