Lol Enjoy!
Harry drove home from the grocery store with a chatty baby in the back. It was cute how she was trying to talk to him even though she couldn't actually say any words. Harry did his best to respond. When they got home he grabbed the carrier and a few bags and took them inside to the kitchen. He stopped in his tracks when he saw Louis putting the dishes away as he chatted with Anne. Josie made a noise and threw her toy then started wiggling to try and get out of her seat. That caught Louis' attention who made awkward eye contact with Harry before looking down at his baby, giving her a smile. Those days he smiled at everybody except Harry.
"Hello, my princess." Louis set a bowl down then made his way to the carrier to get her out.
As soon as Josie was in his arms, he kissed her cheeks and listened to his baby tell him all about her day. He barely glanced at Harry when he walked out again, and instead focused on removing the thick jacket and hat his child was wearing.
"You wanna get down? Okay." Louis told her when he had many things to do and she wanted to play with Dusty.
He put her in the playpen since they were in the kitchen.
Harry didn't know what to do. His mom was busy cooking in the kitchen and Louis was now helping her while taking care of their daughter, who was distracted with the cat. Ever since the breakup, Louis made no effort to talk to him or include him so he decided to go upstairs and shower just to avoid him.
While he was washing his hair he decided to go to Sabrina's apartment since he had nothing better to do. And maybe she was right, it would be good to get his failed relationship off his mind.
Harry got out and changed into his skin-tight black jeans and his knitted lavender sweater. He looked in the mirror and tried to smile at himself but he couldn't. All he felt was sad these days, a permanent frown on his face. His only smiles were reserved for his mother and his daughter.
Harry promised himself that he was going to try to be happier while his sister and nana stayed over for Thanksgiving dinner. But it was going to be hard since the Tomlinson's would most likely be over too. Harry still wasn't on the best terms with John. He was thankful that Evelyn at least talked to him and treated him nice. He groaned when he remembered that Beatrice would be there too. Hopefully she wouldn't be too upset when she found out that her grandson was no longer with him. But Harry knew that she wouldn't take it well. Part of him wanted to cry at the thought. He was never going to marry Louis.
A tear slipped past his eye when he realized what he was wearing. Harry almost decided to change when he suddenly remembered that Louis had worn this sweater a lot when he was pregnant with Josie. He had looked so cute with his sweater paws wrapped around his large belly that had housed their baby. If Harry hadn't been such a fool back then, maybe he could have gotten with Louis a lot earlier.
Harry shook his head. Nothing mattered when Louis would have broken up with him eventually. He was an asshole and deserved it. He deserved to feel this pain.
Harry took off the sweater when the pain became too much. He went to the back of his closet and pulled out one of Robin's sweatshirts that he had stolen, void of any bittersweet memories, and then went downstairs.
He found Josie standing in her playpen, her little hands holding tight onto the sides as she stared at Louis, sometimes letting out a whine.
"Mommy's busy, baby." Louis sighed as he tried to peel the many potatoes next to him. He felt like he was never going to finish when he still had another bag of them to peel off.
"Oh Harry, thank god." Anne said. "Can you take her to the living room? It's almost time for her show." She smiled when Harry nodded and grabbed her.
"Come here, muffin." He picked her up and started walking out of there. "We're gonna go watch Daniel the Tiger!"
Harry had just wrapped Josie up with a blanket like a burrito and set her down on Robin's recliner when the front door opened and Gemma walked in followed by their nana, Evelyn holding Claire, and Beatrice. He greeted them as he turned the tv on to Josie's favorite show then sat down on the floor next to her to watch her. It didn't bother him that they didn't greet Josie when they already knew she didn't like to be bothered when her show was on. Her eyes were focused on the tv where the theme song was playing. Evelyn came and sat her daughter down next to Josie so that the two girls could watch it together. Harry grabbed another blanket and wrapped Claire up in it like a burrito just like he had done with Josie.
"Harry!" He heard his mom call him. He rolled his eyes as he walked in the kitchen, all the women and Louis were there helping Anne prep for tomorrow's meal.
"Yeah mom?" He asked.
"Can you go in the garage and get the box labeled thanksgiving stuff?" Anne told him. "And make sure you are gentle with it! It has all my nice plates in there."
"I know mom. I do this for you every year," Harry chuckled as he went to go get them.
"Louis go help him," Beatrice commanded her grandson. "You know how clumsy your boyfriend is."
The entire kitchen went deadly silent and Harry stopped in his tracks as he heard those words, shocked to be addressed by that term when it no longer applied to him.
"What?" Beatrice questioned them. "Did I say something wrong?"
The rest of the women in the kitchen stared at Louis while Harry stared at the door that lead to the garage, but was too anxious to open it.
"Grandma," Louis spoke, his voice small. "We're um... no longer together." He informed her.
The pain in Harry's chest intensified. He really needed to get out of here. He quickly went to go get the box.
"What do you mean the two of you are no longer together?" Harry heard Beatrice yell, her voice sounding confused and angry.
"I broke up with him." Louis whispered. Harry could barely hear him.
"But he is the father of your child! Why on earth would you do that?" She demanded to know.
"Be-Because..." Harry listened to Louis stutter as he grabbed the box off the shelf where his family stored all their holiday decorations. Then walked back inside.
"Beatrice, please," Evelyn whispered, trying to quiet her mother-in-law. "You're scaring the children."
"Speak up Louis," Beatrice told her grandson, completely ignoring his mother. "I want to hear this. Back in my day this kind of behavior would not be tolerated! If it were up to me, I would have had Pastor Paul marry the two of you a year ago."
After setting the box on the table, Harry grabbed his keys, kissed Josie goodbye, ruffled Claire's hair and then walked back out to the garage before Louis could respond. He quickly turned on the car and drove away, not wanting to stay and listen to Louis recount that horrible day. He still had nightmares of his baby girl laying on the floor and Louis taking her away.
Harry knew that Louis had every right to end their relationship that night, but he had a feeling that Beatrice wouldn't agree. Harry had no intention of hearing Louis convince his grandma of how much of an asshole he was, though he knew that the woman couldn't see reason when her mind was still stuck in the 1900s. Harry was grateful that his nana Josephine wasn't that old fashioned. But he knew that she was probably sad that they were no longer together. His nana loved Louis just as much as Harry and the rest of his family did.
When Harry was at a red light, he texted Sabrina that he was on his way over to her apartment. She texted him back a few happy emojis. Harry smiled and shook his head then put his phone away, but made sure to leave his ringer on just in case Louis had to get ahold of him.
Back at the Styles-Twist house Louis was getting angrier by the minute. He was sick and tired of his grandmother's judgemental comments. He didn't have to explain to her why he broke up with Harry. It was his decision whether he wanted to be a single parent or not. She could go fuck herself with her traditional ways. He was a free man and he could do what he wanted.
"I don't have to explain anything to you!" Louis yelled at her and the whole house went quiet, the only sounds that could be heard were from the tv Josie and Claire were watching. "The reason why I broke up with him is none of your damn business. But maybe I would tell you if you stopped living in the past and for once tried to understand how I feel."
Louis pushed through the crowded kitchen and went to the family room to get his baby.
"Let's go Josie." Louis said as he picked her up, doing his best not to disturb his sleeping sister. It was amazing how she slept through their yelling and the tv. But Claire loved to sleep and always fell asleep everywhere.
Josie whined as Louis climbed up the stairs to grab the baby bag from her nursery. He had interrupted her show!
"I know you're mad baby, but mommy needs to leave." He kissed her and then got his wallet, phone and keys. "But don't worry. After we come back we can watch another episode on daddy's laptop!"
Josie squealed when Louis mentioned Harry. She knew a few words and would always look for Harry when Louis called him that. It was one of the reasons why he had moved back into Anne's house. Josie loved her daddy so much and hated being away from him.
"You'll see him soon, don't worry. But right now we are going to visit uncle Zayn!" Louis told her as he walked to the garage. He mentally thanked Harry in his head when he saw that he had taken the car seat out of his car and placed it on the ground near his workshop table. Louis put Josie in it and then placed it in the backseat of his own car.
Louis made sure to keep a few of Josie's toys in the car so that she was entertained, not wanting to be distracted by her while he drove. When Louis finally arrived at Zayn's house, he parked and took Josie out of her car seat. Then he knocked on the front door.
Trisha opened the door, a big smile appearing on her face when she saw Josie. "There's my favorite girl!" She gushed as she reached for her.
"Hey!" Louis heard Waliyah, Zayn's sister, shout from somewhere inside the house.
Trisha ignored her and began to give Josie kisses, Josie having seen her a few times was used to the affection and happily let her hold her in her arms. "Zayn's in his room, dear." His mom told Louis, having no intention of giving his baby back.
Louis laughed, not minding being robbed of his daughter, knowing that Trisha would give her back when Josie wanted him. "Thanks!" He went to Zayn's room and then walked inside it without knocking, knowing his best friend wouldn't mind.
"Hey Lou! How's the cockless life treating you?" Zayn asked him, he was laying down on his bed, drawing something in his sketchbook.
Louis rolled his eyes. "Do you always have to rub it in my face how well your marriage is going?"
"Don't be jealous." Zayn replied, his pencil flying across the page as he talked. "I'm not letting your envy ruin this friendship like it did your relationship."
"Like you don't ever get jealous!" Louis accused.
"I do. But Liam and I talk about it like adults," Zayn told him. "Lou, if you keep that shit inside it's just going to get worse. You should have told Harry how you felt from the beginning."
"I know he wants her! Why else would he spend so much time with her. I bet he's at her place right now. His dick probably buried inside of her. He better use protection. My daughter is not about to be replaced."
Zayn stopped drawing and finally looked at him, his expression one of shock and secondhand embarrassment. "Louis, are you hearing yourself?"
"What? It's a valid concern!" He told his best friend, who was supposed to take his side.
"Have you seen the way he looks at you?" Zayn shook his head. "God you're and idiot. Harry probably can't even get it up for anyone else but you. He's whipped! What will it take for you realize that?"
"Whatever." Louis ignored him. "Did she text you back? Does she have them?"
"Yeah. She has about a dozen. Said they'll be ready soon." Zayn responded as he texted her back.
"Who needs dick when you can have tamales?"
Zayn gave Louis his what the fuck look. He didn't even know what to say. The two things really couldn't be compared.
"I can't," He said as he followed Louis to get Josie. They were going to make a tamale run.
When Harry drove up to Sabrina's apartment complex, he parked his car and looked at himself in the rearview mirror. He ran his fingers through his hair that was now shoulder-length and curling at the ends. His face looked tired and his green eyes were hollow and void of light. The only person that made them sparkle anymore was Josie, his shining star, his sweet blueberry muffin.
After he was done checking himself out in the mirror, Harry got out of the car and walked up the stairs. The complex was quiet today, everyone was probably in their homes preparing for the holiday tomorrow. When he arrived at her door, Harry knocked and then held his hands behind his back.
Harry felt awkward for some reason. Usually when he came to Sabrina's place he had Josie with him and they always did homework. This would be the first time he was coming over to hang out as friends. This was also the first time he was coming over as a single man. For some reason it made him nervous.
Suddenly the door flew open. Sabrina was standing in front of him dressed very provocative. She had on a silky red robe, the sash tied tightly around her waist, making her breasts pop out. Harry could even see her taut nipples poking through the fabric. But her revealing skin wasn't even the weirdest part. She had on a pair of stilettos that were the same color as her ruby red lips. Harry was very confused. Why was she dressed like this?
"Hazza! I didn't expect you to be here so soon, babe." She greeted him.
"Is it a bad time?" Harry asked his voice cracking and unsure, doing his best to keep his eyes on her face and not over analyze her attire. Wait, babe? Did she just call him babe?
"Of course not!" She said, shaking her head. "I just got out the shower. Go sit on the couch while I finish getting ready."
Even though there was about a million sirens going off in Harry's head, he decided to ignore them. He followed her inside walking slowly and looking around. But Sabrina must have thought that he wasn't walking fast enough. She put a hand on his back and lead him to the couch. Harry tensed when he felt her touch and released a breath he didn't realize he was holding when she removed it.
"Make yourself at home. I'll be right back." She winked at him.
Harry gulped. Something was wrong. Very very wrong. But it would be rude to leave, and his mom had taught him manners. So he decided to sit tight and wait for her to come back before he made up an excuse to leave.
As he waited, his anxiety grew and he could feel a large bead of sweat drip down the back of his neck. The longer he sat there the more he realized what had just happened wasn't normal and the dots started to connect in his head. Friends didn't greet their friends like that at the door. Friends didn't flirt with each other at the grocery store. Friends didn't call each other babe. Well not the way she did. Fuck he needed to get out of here.
Just as Harry was about to get up, he felt a hand on his shoulder pushing him right back down, her fingernails pressing into his skin.
"Where do you think you're going, darlin'?"
Harry shivered violently, her words shocking him like a taser, causing his eyes to pop out of his head and his heart to go into cardiac arrest.
"The party is just getting started," she smirked. "So please. Sit back and enjoy the show."
Harry was so in shock that all he could was watch.
She turned around and walked away. As her ass swayed like a pendulum going back and forth, Harry did his best to concentrate on not to throwing up. If she was trying to hypnotize him with the swing of her hips, she was failing, because he felt sick to his stomach. When she got to the end of her imaginary catwalk, she turned around and licked her lips. Her hand grabbed onto the thin red sash that was securely tied around her waist and began tugging on it, doing her best to tease him.
"Ready, baby?" Sabrina asked as she continued loosening the knot, slowly but surely.
Harry wanted to scream no! from the rooftops, but he had lost his voice.
When she finally pulled it loose and the robe fell to the floor, Harry died. But instead of going to heaven he went straight to hell, faced with his worst nightmare, the Devil herself.
Sabrina smiled at him. Her body was completely naked. Her boobs were all out for him to see, their pink nipples hardening by the second. Her hairless pussy was exposed, the wet flesh a shade darker than her creamy skin. Out of the corner of his eye, Harry swore he saw liquid drip from the slit and run down the inside of her thigh.
The sight was straight out of a porno magazine, but one that Harry had absolutely no desire to see. He was fucking traumatized.
It wasn't that Sabrina was ugly, Harry just wasn't a sex-crazed teenager anymore that was attracted to anyone with a cute face and a nice bum. He was an adult who was in love and only wanted to see Louis. He only wanted to see his round ass, slim waist, and small titties. He did not want to see Sabrina's naked body. Only his Louis'. Louis' body was made for his eyes only.
"Hazza, sweetie?" Sabrina frowned as she approached him. "You aren't hard for me, baby?" She pouted as she stared down disappointedly at his crotch, noticing that there wasn't a tent in his pants, his cock totally soft.
"I— " Harry croaked, but she stopped him before he could say a single sentence.
"Sssshhhhh It's okay, my love." She told him as she put a finger to his lips to silence him. "I thought this might happen. So I got something that I think might help."
Sabrina removed her hand from his chapped lips and walked to the kitchen, bending over and wiggling her bum in Harry's direction as she retrieved a box. She strutted back to him, a confident smile on her lips, and Harry wanted to cry when he saw it. He didn't think it could any worse, but he had a feeling that it was about to.
When she was in front of him again, she turned around, her pale backside facing him. She grabbed what was in the box and then let the cardboard container fall to the floor. Harry was too stressed to read the words on the front of the box, his breathing labored. All he could do was stare at her, dreading the moment that she turned around.
"I figured after having been with Louis for so long that you forgot what it was like to be with a woman. So I bought a lil' thing, to help you get goin'." Sabrina told him sweetly as she stepped into what looked like a black thong but instead of lace, it was made out of leather, like a belt. Harry could feel another drop of sweat travel down his neck. What the fuck was she putting on?
When she finally turned around, Sabrina had a plastic dick strapped on right above her dripping clit. It was creamy pink with big bulging veins, standing erect and proud in front of Harry's face. He almost went cross-eyed from staring at it.
"So what do you think?" She whispered softly, stroking it as she batted her eyelashes innocently. "Do you like my cock, daddy?"
Harry choked and accidentally bit his tongue, his mouth filling with blood. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. Holy shit. She was wearing a strap on. A fucking strap on! This bitch was crazy!
She suddenly thrust her hips forward, and Harry quickly moved back, plastering himself against the couch cushions, doing his best to dodge the oscillating dick. When she moved even closer and was inches away from him, Harry did his best to roll away from her Josie-style, when that was his only way he could escape Sabrina and her plastic penis. It did the job when Harry ended up on the floor a few feet away from her, but he almost screamed when he saw her getting closer. He glanced at the door, slowly calculating his chances of escaping without having to actually touch her. His touch was only for his Louis.
When he was sure he would make it, he got up and ran for the door. He had just touched the handle and unlocked it when he felt her arms wrap around his waist, making him scream as if he was being stabbed. He pushed her off of him, opened the door and ran outside never expecting the neighbors to be out there as well. His eyes almost popped out of his head when he saw that it was Louis, who was holding their daughter, and Zayn standing next to him with a bundle of tamales in his hands wrapped in tinfoil. They were talking to an older Mexican woman who Harry assumed lived in the apartment. When they saw Harry running toward them, their eyes widened and mouths dropped open. Zayn slowly lifted his arm to shield Josie's innocent baby eyes with his hand when Sabrina ran out of her apartment completely naked like a psychopath.
"LOUIS!" Harry shouted to his ex boyfriend. "HELP ME!!!" He screamed as he ran to hide behind Zayn, using him as a shield when Sabrina got closer.
"Oh my god! GET IT AWAY FROM ME!" Zayn screamed as he tried to push Harry and a naked Sabrina off of him, the toy cock only missing him by a few inches.
Harry moved away from Zayn and took off running down the hall towards the stairs. Sabrina instantly followed him, her boobs bouncing as she ran after the screaming man, the plastic cock hitting her stomach as she gained on him. Louis didn't know what took over him when he handed his daughter to Zayn and went after them. He ignored Zayn's screams to come back when he was only focused on getting that crazy woman off of Harry.
"Get!" Louis grabbed her by the arm and pulled her back making her almost trip. "Away from him!"
The woman who had sold them the tamales watched in horror the way Louis went after them, leaving a very shocked Zayn and baby behind. She quickly pulled them inside her apartment and locked the door, then rushed to the phone.
"I'm calling the police, mijo." She told him, then went to the kitchen to grab a drink.
She came back with a bottle and upon seeing the label, Zayn knew it was a fruit punch Jarrito as she talked on the phone. "Yes. There's a crazy naked woman running around with a big strap on. I'm not trying to prank you! Please send help! There's children here!"
When she hung up, she looked at Zayn who was slowly drinking from the bottle as the baby stared at him. When he lowered the bottle, Josie reached for it and tried to grab it. The bottle was half her size and Zayn had a good grip on it, but that didn't stop her from trying.
"Oh what the hell." Zayn mumbled and slowly and carefully let Josie drink some of it too, knowing it wasn't going to hurt her since it had no caffeine. It was like Josie got obsessed when as soon as the bottle was gone, she tried to pull on it again. "No, three sips is enough." Zayn told her, ignoring when she started whining.
"Are you okay?" The woman asked him.
"Yeah Graciela, I'm just in shock." Zayn shuddered at the thought of that naked woman being too close to him and Josie.
"I always knew that woman was problematic." She shook her head. "Always bringing bad people over. That boy was the only decent one."
"Has he been coming often?" Zayn asked her, wanting to get out as much information out of her as he could. He had known Graciela for years, and they were comfortable with each other.
"Yes, but he always had his backpack and a baby with him." Graciela stared at Josie who stared back until she giggled and turned away. "May I?" She asked.
"Yeah! I need to check on them." Zayn handed Josie over to her and headed out, not knowing what he was about to see.
"Get the fuck off of me!" Sabrina yelled at Louis, trying to shake him lose. "You're interrupting our game! Harry loves the foreplay, don't you baby?" She called out to him.
Harry was hiding behind his car, fumbling for his keys. But he couldn't find them. He had to have dropped them while he was running. "Fuck fuck fuck!" He cried out, panicked. He needed to get the hell out of there.
But he had given himself away, Sabrina had heard him. Suddenly she broke free, and made a dive for Harry behind the car. But before she could reach him Louis threw himself at her, landing on top of the naked woman and pinning her to the ground.
"I said, get the fuck away from my boyfriend you crazyass bitch!" Louis screamed. He didn't know what had come over him, but he needed to protect Harry.
She continued to wiggle under Louis, but he wouldn't let her escape. Not when Harry was shaking in fear a few feet away from them. All of them stayed like that until a cop car pulled up to the complex.
Harry didn't know whether to release a sigh of relief or die of embarrassment when he saw Desmond get out from the police cruiser. It was worse when Zayn was standing at the top of the stairs just watching them.
"Louis?" Des stared at him in shock laying on top of a squirming blond woman. Then he looked to the left and became even more confused. "Harry?"
Zayn decided to save the day when he ran down the stairs yelling. "Thank god you're here! This crazy woman was harassing Harry and Louis and I were here buying tamales and Harry came running out of her apartment screaming for help."
"That's not true!" Sabrina screamed from under Louis. "We were having fun. Harry tell them we were only having some fun!" She pleaded.
By then all the neighbors were outside watching everything. Some were even recording, which made it more embarrassing for Harry and Louis.
Louis slowly got up and backed away from her, allowing Sabrina to stand up on her own. Everyone gasped when they saw her nude body and the strap on she was wearing.
"Harry, what the hell is going on?" Des turned to his son while an officer walked up to Sabrina with a blanket. As soon as the officer had her, he quickly handcuffed her, ignoring her shrieking.
"I– I came over to hang out with her as friends but she just..." Harry trailed off, knowing his dad had caught on to what he was trying to say.
"Tried to seduce you?" Desmond asked, his tone serious.
Harry nodded, his hands still shaking. He didn't notice it was so bad until Louis grabbed one of his hands. That's when he started feeling dizzy and stumbled back a few steps.
"Des, I think his blood sugar dropped!" Louis exclaimed, trying to hold on to him.
Zayn was quick to act when he ran back upstairs then down again holding the drink Graciela had given him. Josie had been drinking from it, but Harry was more important when she started crying after it was taken from her.
"Here Haz!" Zayn held the bottle up to Harry's mouth. "Drink it!"
Harry did as he was told and drank the sweet liquid. Des had him sit down on the sidewalk then went to his car and dug around in the glove compartment for the peanut butter crackers he kept in there. He handed them to Louis so he could give them to Harry then went to speak with the officer who was reading Sabrina her Miranda Rights.
Once he was done, the officer made Sabrina get inside the car and he quickly drove off to the station.
Harry felt relief as he watched her go, still munching on the crackers as Louis rubbed his back. "It'll be okay, baby." He murmured softly. Harry relaxed more after he heard his soothing words, loving Louis' voice. He had missed talking to him so much.
Zayn went back for Josie, thanking Graciela for calling the cops and for the extra tamales she gave them. As soon as Josie saw Harry, she lifted her arms so he could hold her. Harry hugged her close and kissed her little face before putting her in her car seat, noticing her little lips were stained red.
"I'll drive his car to Anne's house and then you can drop me off afterward?" Zayn asked Louis when he saw Des talking to Harry.
"Yeah. Of course Z." Louis agreed. "Thanks for all your help."
Zayn nodded and smiled before he grabbed Harry's keys he found outside Sabrina's apartment. Des ended up escorting them back home when he wanted to make sure his son was okay, and to let him know he had the option to either press charges or get a restraining order.
When they walked through the door, the rest of the family stared at the way Louis was walking way too close to Harry. Beatrice, who was overjoyed at the seeing them together, didn't even try to hide her grin. They went upstairs with Josie then Louis came back down to go drop Zayn off at his house. But Anne knew that something had happened when she saw her ex-husband outside. She left the kitchen and went to go talk to him.
"Desmond, what happened?" She asked him, her voice filled with concern.
"I'll call you later. I need to go and take care of something." He said and quickly went back to his car and drove away.
Anne shook her head and then went inside. She walked up the stairs and went into Harry's room. Her heart broke when she saw her son sitting on the bed, tears falling from his eyes as he cradled Josie close to his chest. The baby quietly laid her head on her father's shoulder, seeming to know that he was sad.
"Harry, baby, what's wrong?" Anne went to him and wrapped her arms around them.
"I don't want to tell you," He whispered. "It's embarrassing." Harry sniffed. He sounded pathetic even to his own ears.
"Honey, it's okay. It's just me." Anne ran her gentle fingers through his hairs. "You can tell me anything. You know I won't judge."
After Harry was finished telling her the story, Anne only lasted three seconds before she bursted out laughing. "I'm sorry baby," she said in between laughs, "But that woman ran after you with a strapon!" His mom had to stop talking when another wave of laughter came over her. "That's the funniest thing I've ever heard!"
At first Harry wanted to be mad at her for not taking his harassment seriously, but after he thought about it objectly, he realized how it was a bit funny - hilarious even. A moment later he was laughing too, but he couldn't help himself, her laughter was contagious.
When they were done laughing, Anne regained her bearings and acted as Harry's mother again. They talked about what Harry should do about Sabrina, and they both agreed that it would be best if he just got a restraining order against her. Afterward Anne left to get Harry some food, wanting to make sure her son ate something after almost passing out earlier.
Thoughts? :)
So when I watch scary movies I always watch a Barbie movie after to make it easier to sleep lol. Just saying, might help you after reading about Sabrina lmao!! ~Jenn
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