They were told to go home after they weren't needed anymore. Louis was about to open his mouth and tell the officers to go out and look for them, but Harry pulled him out of there. A warrant had been placed for Kris' arrest and an Amber alert had been sent out for Josie. Louis hoped they would get a call soon because his sick baby girl still needed urgent medical care.
That night Louis laid in bed still hugging his daughter's blanket while Harry paced back and forth in front of the bed with his phone in his hand trying to call Kylie. It would send him to voicemail every time, but he wouldn't give up when her mother was god knows where with his four month old daughter. He ended up texting her, going from begging her to threatening her, but nothing worked.
"Fucking bitch!" Harry snapped and threw his phone, watching it land on the bed right by Louis' head. The fact that it almost hit Louis and he didn't even flinch had Harry getting even more worried about him. Louis had refused to eat at all. Not even Beatrice had been able to convince him to have a bite of dinner. The poor woman was going crazy when her great-granddaughter was missing and her grandson was refusing to eat.
"You know," Louis sniffled. "They sell babies on the U.S. and Mexican border. I read an article about it. Human trafficking."
"Louis, Kris is evil but she won't do that," Harry said, hoping it was true, but at this point he really didn't know. "She's probably just going use her against us to drop the charges against Kendall." Harry said, but then shrugged his shoulders, unsure. He didn't know what to think anymore. Who kidnaps a four month old baby? Maybe she was evil. She had gone this far after simple charges against her daughter. But he guessed that Kendall being a felon didn't sit well with the Jenners.
"You don't know, Harry, even when you've known her for years. Maybe she already crossed the border and I– I'll never see my baby again." Louis sobbed, letting Dusty curl up next to him. It was clear the cat missed Josie when he had stayed all day in her crib until Louis got home. Dusty looked depressed when he hadn't even bothered to go outside and catch mice or birds. Everyone in the house was sad.
"Louis, baby," Harry went to him, sitting down on the bed next to him. "We can't give up hope. There's still a good chance they will find our Josie."
Louis didn't say anything else, choosing to just lay there and let Harry run his fingers through his hair. Harry decided to turn the light off and try to sleep as close to Louis as he could when Dusty had to be plastered to Louis' side. Harry started petting Dusty too doing his best to comfort his family. But it was hard to do so when the most important member was missing. Harry couldn't hold back his tears when Dusty started meowing and kept looking up at him with his big yellow eyes. When Harry didn't say anything, Dusty left and went to search through the room for his missing baby. They watched him search the crib then under it before looking under their bed. Harry had to get up and get him, knowing Dusty was never going to find her.
"It's okay, boy. We'll find her soon." Harry kissed the top of his head, in between his ears.
When Dusty finally settled down in Louis' arms, Harry was then able to close his eyes to try and get some sleep. But whenever he closed his eyes, all he could see was his baby girl and her beautiful toothless smile. Fear began to creep up on him when he thought about Louis' words. What if they never saw her ever again? What if his Josie died when she was sick and too small to fight off the disease on her own. Harry clutched Louis tighter, bringing him to his chest, his soft body giving him a bit of comfort. Right now, Louis was the closest thing Harry had of Josie.
All night the parents lied awake in their bed. Louis bursting into tears every few minutes. Harry tried to keep it together but it was hard when Louis looked so scared and heartbroken, crying into his arms that he would never get to see or hold his baby ever again.
When the clock struck three in the morning they were still awake. Louis' eyes were red and swollen after he had cried for an hour straight. Harry was sure he couldn't even see anymore. He had turned on the TV going straight to Netflix then to one of Louis' favorite shows.
"Do you want something to eat?" Harry ended up asking when he didn't even know what to say or do anymore.
"I'm not hungry." Louis mumbled.
"Lou, you didn't eat at all yesterday. When Josie comes back she'll be hungry and you can't produce any milk if you don't eat, love." Harry reminded him.
"Oh for fucks sake, Harry!" Louis snapped. "If she ever comes back I'll already be fucking dry!"
"Please." Harry whispered. "Just eat something. For me?" He was begging now.
Louis stared at Harry, seeing the tears threatening to fall before they finally did. Big fat tears that quickly rolled down his cheeks leaving their watery mark behind.
"Fine." Louis whispered.
Harry was quick to get up and run out of their bedroom to the kitchen. He stopped in his tracks when he found his mother sitting at the kitchen table with a cup of tea in front of her, but she wasn't even drinking the warm liquid. What surprised him more was that Desmond sitting next to her holding Gemma in his arms. Robin was standing beside them, staring at his cell phone in front of him.
"Is there something wrong, sweetheart?" Anne got up and made her way to Harry, wrapping her arms around her son.
Harry couldn't stop looking at Desmond, knowing he had been crying when his eyes were red. Gemma looked even worse when most of her makeup was gone and some was staining under her eyes. The blackened tear tracks still staining her cheeks, making her look like a depressed raccoon. Harry would have laughed if he wasn't sad himself.
"No. I finally convinced Louis to eat something. I'm going to make him a sandwich or something." Harry told his mother.
"There's some leftover broccoli and beef. Louis loves it." Anne said as she rubbed his cheek with her thumb. "Or there's some chocolate cake." But after she said that, she stopped and burst into tears after she remembered why. "He loved chocolate cake when he was pregnant with Josie."
He smiled when he remembered how Louis would eat his cake during lunch at school. However his boyfriend needed something a little more nourishing at the moment. "I think the broccoli and beef is better." Harry hugged her and kissed her forehead. He held back his own tears, needing to be strong for his mother.
"I'll heat it up for you, sweetheart." Anne wiped away her tears.
Harry looked at Des who was now standing in front of him. Harry stared at him for a few more seconds before he finally burst into tears and for once let his biological father hold him. He had been trying to act strong around Louis and his mother who were taking the kidnapping so hard. But the new father couldn't hold back in front of his own. "Dad," He sobbed. "What if they never find her? What am I going to do, dad? I – I can't –"
"I contacted the detective and we have more police officers looking out for that bitch. I would have put a reward for her head, and I'm positive she won't get away. She won't be able to leave the state at all. They'll get Josie back, son. I trust those men with my life."
"Thank you, dad." Harry rested his head on his shoulder, feeling a little bit better knowing there were more police officers looking for his baby.
"Now go feed your boy. He needs to eat." Desmond said after he patted his son's back one more time.
"There's more if Louis wants seconds." Anne handed him a plate and a bottle of cold water.
Harry thanked his mom and went upstairs and sat the plate down next to Louis. He was still laying on the bed where Harry had left him, Dusty still in his arms.
"Here babe. I brought you some food." Louis sighed and got up, taking one bite of the beef before putting the plate down next to him.
"I don't feel like eating." Louis said.
"But you have to eat." Harry insisted.
Louis loudly sighed and picked up the plate again, this time eating a few more pieces of broccoli and rice. Harry could see he was definitely hungry when Louis slowly started eating more until the plate and the water bottle were empty. Harry kissed his cheek as a thank you.
Louis got up from Harry's embrace and went out to the balcony to look out at the night sky, wondering where his daughter could be. But before he could reach the glass doors, Robin bursted into the room. Louis and Harry turned around, never having seen the man run so fast in their lives.
"We have to go! Robin yelled. "They found her! THEY FOUND JOSIE!"
Harry stood there frozen in shock, but Louis was quick to act, grabbing Josie's baby blanket and the flat-faced teddy bear. He then looked around and quickly grabbed her bag and started putting things in there at lightning speed. His mind was on autopilot, just thinking about what she would need. She would probably be hungry too, but Louis was already fully equipped with milk just for her. He thanked Harry in his head for making him eat something.
"Where did they find her?" Harry asked as he grabbed their shoes and jackets. He was thankful they hadn't changed into their pajamas.
"Kris was trying to cross the border to Mexico and a border patrol agent stopped and detained her." Robin explained.
"How did she expect to cross the border with a child that isn't hers." Harry wondered.
"We don't know son, but it's her stupidity that helped them find her faster. And Josie's loud crying. Thank God a screaming baby in the backseat makes you more suspicious when trying to cross the border."
"Where is she now?" Louis asked as they got into the car with Anne and Gemma, Desmond and John following behind them in their own cars.
"The closest hospital they could find near the border. Apparently her fever spiked again." Robin answered.
Louis flinched, his hand going over his heart. His little one had almost died again.
"If something happens to my granddaughter because of that bitch, I will fucking scalp her." Anne threatened.
"But is she okay?" Louis demanded to know, his voice hysterical.
"They started her treatment again but she won't stop crying. She needs her mother." Robin said. "She also threw up the formula Kris gave her when the agent picked her up. They said she threw up all over him." Robin chuckled shaking his head. It made Louis and Harry smile a little. That was their Josie alright.
"We should pay for the dry cleaning." Harry said, then seconds later they laughed, mostly out of relief now that they knew their sweet girl was safe. Gemma looked especially relieved. Harry squeezed her hand and kissed her cheek. Everything was going to be okay.
The three hour car ride there was spent mostly in silence when Louis and Harry had finally been able to fall asleep, Louis even drooling a bit on Harry's shoulder. They were woken up hours later, seeing nothing but empty streets when they looked out the window. A few minutes later, Robin pulled into the small hospital parking lot, letting Louis, Harry, Anne and Gemma out of the car as he went to go look for a park.
Louis ran inside, needing to see his baby girl. He knew that she might be hungry because it had been so long since he had fed her. However, it wasn't that easy when they had to show their ID's and Josie's birth certificate. Once he and Harry were identified as her parents by police officers, they were let in Josie's room. Louis' eyes widened when he saw border patrol agents talking to the police, and Desmond soon joined them. One of them wasn't wearing the top part of their uniform and Louis knew instantly that he was the one that Josie had threw up on.
Louis held on to Harry's hand as they followed the doctor and a police officer. Louis heard her before he could see her and it brought tears to his eyes. He didn't even know it was possible to miss her cries, but he definitely had and he swore never to complain again about her crying. It was the most beautiful sound in the world. Her cries were like music to his ears and he was sure Harry felt the exact same.
Louis started crying when they let them in the room and they quickly went to her. She was wearing a different onesie and was wrapped up in a blue blanket. Harry carefully and gently picked her up, kissing her little red face before helping Louis hold her after he had sat down on a chair, already eager to hold their little star. She kept crying until she finally looked up and saw her mother's face. Her cries turned to whimpers before she finally stopped crying once she realized that her mommy was here. All the while Harry searched for any injuries, relieved when he didn't find any. Although her little eyes were swollen with how much crying she had done.
Josie quickly reached for Louis' shirt, pulling on it with all her strength.
"We'll give you some privacy." The police officer gave them a gentle smile then walked out of there with the doctor.
"I know, baby. Mommy knows you're hungry." Louis kissed her forehead a few more times. "Wait a second for daddy to help me."
As soon as Harry lifted Louis' shirt up, Josie latched on immediately and started eating as if that was the last meal she would be getting. Louis rubbed her cheek with his thumb, feeling bad for his daughter when she had to go through what she did. He knew she would never remember it, but it still must have been scary to be with a stranger and away from her parents.
While Josie ate, Harry stood behind Louis and wrapped his hands around his waist, looking at their peaceful daughter over his shoulder.
"It's so good to have her back in our arms," Harry spoke quietly into Louis' ear.
Louis leaned back on his boyfriend's chest. "I was so scared we were never going to see her again." Tears rolled down his cheeks as he stroked her soft red hair, gently massaging around the spot where the IV was inserted into her head again. "I'm never letting her go," he promised her father. "She's not leaving my sight, Harry. I'll never let someone take her from us again."
"Ssshhh baby, I know. I know." Harry rocked Louis and Josie in his arms, doing his best to calm him down. "We're all together now. It's okay. Everything is okay."
When Josie was done eating, Harry helped Louis burp her and fix his clothing. Then he had Louis sit down before he laid a sleeping Josie on his chest. Louis smiled when he felt her little hands grip onto his soft shirt, as if she didn't want to let go of him either. With his bad arm, Louis rubbed her back, his fingers that were poking out of the cast moving in soothing circles.
He let Harry hold her as she slept knowing that she was safe in her father's arms. Harry ended up putting her in her crib so she could properly rest then hugged Louis. They did nothing but stay in each other's arms and watch their baby girl. When she finally started waking up, she fully opened her eyes and looked around before she started whimpering. Louis moved to calm her down, but stopped when Josie started to move around and slowly tried to roll over. He looked at Harry who already had his phone out then looked back at their daughter who was trying so hard to turn around on her belly. She ended up giving up and bursting out crying before Harry finally picked her up and gave her to Louis.
"Good job, baby!" Louis praised her as he kissed her cheeks. "You worked so hard."
"You deserve a prize!" Harry said before he started kissing her cheeks and her hands.
"You should go get the others so they can see her, especially Anne and Gemma. I know they were as scared as we were." Louis said, smiling when Harry nodded and went to get them.
Not a minute after Harry was walking back followed by the rest of their family. Anne was already crying and going straight to her granddaughter. She was glad Louis let her hold her Josie as she kissed her cheeks and her forehead then held her as close to her as she could. Josie was calm in her arms and sucking on her fingers until Louis replaced them with one of her many pacifiers. She even gave her nana the biggest smile.
The next one to hold her was Gemma who wouldn't stop crying. She had brought a miniature baby doll that was for Josie as a welcome home gift. Gemma finally smiled when Josie seemed to love it; she had both her little arms wrapped around its body that was only a bit smaller than her own.
"Can I hold her?" Des asked his daughter when he, Robin, and John came into the room. Josie's aunt nodded, a little surprised that he wanted to. She handed over her niece to her grandfather, gently placing her in his big arms.
Desmond smiled when she was completely comfortable in his hold. He brushed a finger over her soft red hair, soothing Josie, who had began to fuss. Once she stopped squirming and was relaxed in arms again, he kissed her forehead.
"You used to do that," Des chuckled as he shook his head, glancing up from his grandbaby's angel face and looking at her father. "You loved your hair stroked. It would calm you down right before you were about to cry." Des smiled. "She reminds me so much of you as a baby. Always happy and smiling." He gave her the fondest look.
Then he looked at his son. "I know I've made some mistakes with you that I can never right, but if you promise not to make the same with her, then I promise to always help keep her safe. I'll never let anyone take her away from you." He swore.
Harry didn't know what to say. Words wouldn't come out of his mouth so he ended up just nodding and wrapping an arm around his dad. Josie's gaze was always on her father, giving him a smile when he held her little hand in his.
Desmond gave her to John next, so that Josie could spend some time with her other grandfather while Robin waited patiently.
"What's gonna happen to Kris?" Louis asked.
"She will be taken back to L.A. where she'll go straight to the county jail. She'll wait for her trial while she's in there, then she'll spend a few years in prison." Des answered him. "I'll make sure of it," he said determined.
"I talked to Harry's boss. He has the evidence ready and is willing to testify if needed." Robin informed them.
"She better get a long sentence." Anne narrowed her eyes. "For her sake."
Gemma and Louis looked at each other, knowing that if Anne had the chance, she would strangle Kris with her bare hands.
"Honey?" Robin raised an eyebrow at his wife.
"She kidnapped my grandbaby, Robin. And she abused my son. I won't stop until that bitch is locked away. I don't want her to ever go near Josie or our family again." Anne said with angry tears pooling in her eyes. Louis nodded his head in complete agreement.
A moment later the doctor walked in, his eyes widening, surprised that there were so many people in the room.
"Hello, I'm doctor Peterson. I'm here to check on Josephine Styles to determine if she's well enough to be discharged and transferred back to a hospital in Los Angeles. I have already notified her pediatrician and they are prepared to continue the antibiotic treatment when you get there."
Louis and Harry introduced themselves as her parents when they hadn't had the chance before. The rest ended up leaving the room to give the doctor some space except for Anne who had stayed per Louis' request. They watched the doctor closely as she checked on Josie, glad that she was being very gentle with her. The whole time Josie kept her eyes on at least one of them, whimpering if they were too far away.
"She's responding very well to the treatment." Dr. Peterson said with a smile on her face. "She's a tough little one. She'll be okay on the way back. But you should probably feed her one more time before you go. I'll have a nurse come in to take the IV out and you can change her after if you brought clothes. We had to change her out of the onesie she was wearing since it was covered in vomit." She gave Josie a sympathetic look. "I'm actually going to prescribe her a cream for her rash. Looks like whoever had her wasn't changing her as often as she should have and unfortunately, Josephine developed a rash."
"I cannot believe this." Louis wanted to cry or throw something. He was so angry. His baby had gone through enough in the past 24 hours.
"That woman is in custody and I'll be sending my detailed report to the proper authorities about Josephine's condition when she was brought in. I'll do everything I can to make sure she doesn't get away with it." Dr. Peterson told them even though she wasn't supposed to say much.
"Thank you." Harry thanked her.
"The pleasure was mine. She was a lovely patient." The doctor smiled. "I'll leave you alone so you can feed her." She said before leaving the room.
A nurse walked in minutes later with a tray in her hands, introducing herself to them before she got to work. They felt bad for Josie when the nurse started to gently remove the tape from her head, being careful not to pull any hair out. Louis knew it was painful and prepared himself for when she started crying. Nothing was enough to prepare him when he heard her start to cry, seeing her trying to push the nurse's hands away with her little ones.
"I know, sweetheart." The nurse cooed at her. "It'll be over soon," she said in a comforting baby voice.
"Josie." Anne made her way to them after the nurse nodded that it was okay. "Honey, let the nurse do her job." She grabbed her little hands and held them down, away from the tape where the IV had been placed. The baby didn't like that when she cried louder, looking more angry than in pain.
"She is a feisty one." The nurse grinned down at Josie.
"Like her momma," Harry smirked, pinching Louis' bum when no one was looking.
"I am not feisty." Louis pouted, though his cheeks were pink.
Even after the nurse finished Josie continued crying, staring angrily at her nana until she released her hands from her hold. "Josephine Louise," Anne gave her a pointed look. But she didn't stop until she was in Louis' arms.
"Josie don't be rude to nana Anne." Louis scolded her.
"She's like that now, now imagine when she gets older." Harry chuckled.
Both Louis and Anne rolled their eyes. "As long as she's not as rebellious as you were." Anne told him and ruffled his curls.
Harry helped Louis put her back in the crib then let Anne change her when they knew she wanted to do it. The nurse ended up coming back in with a bag containing diapers, wipes, and a sample of the rash cream along with a prescription. Anne was quick to change her, but as she applied the cream to her granddaughter's rash, Josie began whimpering again, not liking the irritated skin on her bum being touched. When Anne saw how large the rash was it made her even more angry. No wonder her Josie was in so much pain. As soon as Anne was finished putting on her clean onesie, they were on their way out, glad that they had brought her car seat.
"I'm riding with dad." Gemma told them.
"Alright, sweetie." Anne kissed her cheeks.
"We'll drive you there, honey." Robin told her after John had already left.
"Where is he?" Anne asked. Louis and Harry were walking behind her with Josie's car seat secured in Harry's strong hold. The thing just kept getting heavier.
"Police department. He's finishing up with some details about that woman. It's only a few blocks away." Robin told them.
"Alright. Let's go." Anne said.
Louis ended up having to sit on Harry's lap, his long muscular arms wrapping around him, so Gemma could have the seat on the other side of Josie's car seat. The baby had fallen asleep after Louis had fed her. There hadn't been a power strong enough to wake the exhausted baby up. Louis was glad she was resting after all she had gone through. They had already filled the prescription the doctor had prescribed and they were ready to go back home.
When they got to the police department they all ended up walking her in for some reason. They saw Des talking to the police officers then shake their hands and palm their backs. Gemma started making her way to him to tell him she was going to ride with him but they all stopped in their tracks when they saw two police officers walking out with Kris who was handcuffed.
They made awkward eye contact as she kept walking until they were passing by them. Louis gasped when Anne reached out and grabbed Kris by the hair and pulled her away from the two shocked police officers. It happened so fast when none of them saw it coming. Anne kept pulling on Kris' hair until the woman was screaming and on her knees, trying to get away from Anne when the angry mother slapped her. No one had ever seen Anne that way, she looked ready to kill.
"This is for my son, bitch!" Anne slapped her once. "And this is for my granddaughter!" Anne slapped her harder, ignoring Kris' screams.
"Anne, that's enough!" Des pulled her away, accidentally getting hit on his face with the back of Anne's hand when she started thrashing in his hold.
"Dad!" Gemma screamed when Des involuntarily let go of Anne who tried to jump Kris again.
"Ma'am, calm down or you will be arrested!" One of the police officers who had been holding onto Kris yelled as he wrapped his arms around Anne to get her away from Kris who was still on the floor.
Anne spit at Kris' face before she let the officer take her away from there. Everybody followed, including Des who was holding onto his blackening eye but looked proud nonetheless. Anne was told to sit down then handcuffed by the officer who ignored her family's protests.
"You can't handcuff her!" Harry exclaimed. He didn't want to see his mother handcuffed, especially because of him.
"She just committed battery on another person." The officer told him before he walked away to Kris.
"Dad you have to do something." Harry begged Des then looked at Robin. "Dad..."
"I'm on it." Des said.
An hour later Anne walked out of there after she had to pay a fine, but she was grateful she was able to go home with her family. The drive back home passed quickly and when they finally made it to Los Angeles, Robin drove them straight to another hospital instead of the children's one where Josie had been. The pediatrician was waiting for Josie and that time, Louis and Harry got to be in the room when the nurse inserted a new IV. She had to go through a few tests to determine how she was doing, and as soon as the doctor was done he left them alone so the baby could rest. Louis was all by himself with her since Harry had gone to get something to eat with Anne, Robin and Gemma until his mother showed up.
"How are you feeling, baby?" Evelyn asked him. "How is Josie doing?"
"Better. The pediatrician did a few tests on her to determine how she's doing and if she can go home soon." Louis answered.
"My baby." Evelyn wrapped her arms around him, letting Louis rest his head on her chest. "I brought you and Harry clean clothes so you can shower here. I know you kids won't separate from her anytime soon."
"Never." Louis told her. "Thank you, mom. Is Claire with dad?"
"She is. Lately your father is the only one who can keep her quiet." She chuckled as she rubbed Louis' back.
Louis smiled. "Harry's great at doing that too." He glanced at his baby girl who was sleeping peacefully in the crib a few feet away and then leaned back into his Evelyn's arms. "He's so good with Josie."
"True." His mother smiled. "Not only is he good with babies, he makes pretty ones too." Louis nodded in agreement. "And I know the next ones will be just as pretty."
Louis blushed, his cheeks trying as red as Josie's rosy hairs atop her head. "Mom!" Louis whisper-yelled, not wanting to wake his sleeping angel.
"What?" She shrugged. "Anne and I predicted that you two would get married someday. Do you think Harry getting you pregnant was that much of a surprise to us? Of course we wished that it hadn't happened so soon."
"What?" Louis looked up at her completely surprised.
"We always knew there was something going on between you two." She giggled and Louis rolled his eyes.
"I'm just glad it was him and not that Aiden kid." Evelyn visibly shivered.
"Ew." Louis made a face of complete disgust. "I never liked him like that."
"I know, sweetie. It was all Harry for you. Those dimples the first time he smiled at you pulled you in." She pinched Louis' cheek and then sighed, but then went quiet and looked at Louis. "He did disappoint me after what he did to you. I was so angry to learn that he and Kendall bullied you and that he wasn't there for you when you first found out about Josie. But I guess he's gotten better now. I'm glad your father had a talk with him, and that he decided that he wanted to be in Josie's life. I knew you guys wouldn't be able to resist her." Evelyn grinned
"My dad what?" Louis asked. He didn't know his father had talked to Harry about the bullying.
"He didn't tell you?" She questioned him, surprised. "Your dad was so upset about it. He made sure he gave Harry a talking to. You know your father doesn't tolerate that. Especially since Harry is practically family."
"He never told me." Louis said. "But I'm glad he put him in his place. He should have wrestled him though." Louis shrugged.
Evelyn laughed. "John would have crushed him. I was so surprised when I had you and you were so small. I thought he would have given me a big baby."
"Like that time he almost crushed me when I was nine." Louis remembered as he smiled. "Hey! I got a big butt."
"That you do." His mom agreed. "You sure didn't get that from me."
"You're as flat as Harry." Louis told her.
"Louis William!" Evelyn looked offended. "I am not that flat." She said, then started laughing when Louis did.
They had just calmed down when Harry, Anne and the rest walked into the room with full bellies. As soon as Gemma closed the door, she pulled their drinks out of her bag and passed them around. Louis had always wondered why her bags were that big until that time they had gone to the movies together and she had packed half the kitchen in there. They greeted Evelyn with smiles on their faces before Louis' mother looked at him.
"Honey, let's go get something to eat. I know you haven't eaten." Evelyn said. Louis agreed only because he was hungry and Harry and his family were going to stay behind. He grabbed his phone and wallet and started following his mother.
Before he walked out, Harry grabbed him by the hand and turned him around. "Not gonna give me a kiss goodbye?"
Louis blushed. He and Harry had never kissed in front of their family members before. But now they were boyfriends, so there was no reason not to.
Harry leaned forward and kissed him on the lips, only giving Louis a little tongue to keep it short, since they had an audience. Regardless, by the time they had broke apart, Louis was heavily breathing and his eyes were a bit dilated. He soon walked out of there and joined his mom by the door. But before they could get far he heard Harry ask something that almost made him choke.
"Guys, is my butt really that flat?"
He laughed when Gemma cackled.
"I'm sorry but it is, baby." Anne told him. "I blame your father."
"But its cute." Harry grinned. "Isn't it Lou?"
"Sure Haz." Louis shook his head while smiling as he and his mom waved goodbye to the rest and made their way out of the hospital.
After they were gone, Harry made his way to the crib. Maybe Josie was going to wake up soon. He definitely wasn't going to wake her up on purpose.
"Don't you dare, Harry Edward." Anne said with narrowed eyes before Harry could touch the crib.
"I would never, mother." Harry touched his chest, trying to look offended.
"She's going to wake up hungry and Louis isn't here to feed her. And she needs to sleep as much as she can." Anne glared at him.
Harry decided to leave her alone, not wanting to face his mom's wrath, only getting close to fix the blanket around her little body so she stayed warm.
Thoughts? :)
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