When school was over, he made plans with Zayn and Barbara to come over later that afternoon. He tried not to speed on his way back and when he finally got home, Harry's motorcycle was already parked in the driveway. He parked in front of the Styles residence and made sure he had all his stuff before he got out, locked it and ran inside. He was going straight for the stairs, but Anne stopped him.
"Lou, come eat something. She just ate and is sleeping in her crib. I have the baby monitor on." Anne showed him the expensive baby monitor she had gotten. Louis could see she was asleep.
"I'm just gonna go say hi. I haven't seen my princess all day long." Louis told her then took off before Anne could stop him again. He just wanted to make sure she was really okay. And he missed her. It had been six hours since he had held his little star and he needed to see her.
He tried to be as quiet as he could, blocking the cat from running in as soon as he opened the door. But Dusty gave no fucks and sneaked in through a crack, running straight to Josie's crib where he hid under it, but Louis knew he was there when he heard the kitty start purring.
Louis tried not to pick her up, but he found it impossible when he needed to hold her. She didn't even flinch when he did, so he made his way to the rocking chair where he sat down with her. Harry had moved it there a while back when Louis had finally gotten over his fear of rocking chairs after watching The Woman In Black. He watched her for a few minutes then put her back in her crib and went back downstairs, leaving the door open so Dusty wasn't trapped in there.
By the time Louis was done eating, Harry had already left for work (but not before kissing Josie goodbye) and Anne was resting in her bedroom after the long day of watching her granddaughter. Louis was now in the bedroom, doing homework as fast as he could so he could try and help Harry out with his. He had texted his friends to just come in after he had asked Anne for permission, the woman agreeing right away when she already knew them.
Zayn was the first to walk in holding bags, then Barbara who only had a small one with her. As soon as Zayn saw the baby sleeping on the bed, he rushed over there and looked at her, trying to be quiet. Barbara took her time walking over there, greeting Louis first before she gave her attention to Josie.
"She just had to be asleep right when I come over." Zayn said, handing Louis all the bags he had brought. "Just a few gifts for my goddaughter from my family and me and the pregnancy pics of you and Harry I took a while back. Can I hold her?" He asked.
"Sure, but be careful." Louis warned him, watching him like a hawk when he picked her up.
"How's it going so far?" Barbara asked him, taking a seat next to Louis.
"Good. She's been asleep this whole time and I've been doing homework." Louis smiled, only glancing at her a few times when he was looking at Zayn holding Josie, making sure to check on him every few seconds.
"I brought her a little something." Barbara handed him the bag, watching with a smile as Louis opened it.
He found two Winnie the Pooh plush rattles and Louis almost cried at how cute they were.
"You are the first one to get her a toy. Thank you." Louis told her, trying to hold back his tears and the urge to open them and play with them.
"I hope she likes them." Barbara smiled.
"She'll love them!" The proud mother told her.
"Open mine now." Zayn whispered without looking at them when he was too focused on Josie and her little hand, analyzing her little fingers. Zayn cooed when he saw the tiny fingernails. They were freshly clipped and Louis was so thankful Anne had done it for them when he was terrified of cutting her skin.
Louis started opening the gifts, smiling when he went through the pictures. He definitely wanted to frame a few. Post one on IG for everyone to see. Next he found a teddy bear and a few outfits, something that made him fight the urge to play dress up with her. She was just too cute and the little cute dresses weren't helping his case. But she wasn't a doll and needed her beauty sleep.
He was still looking at them when he heard Josie start to cry. Zayn looked ready to fly out the window when his eyes widened and kept flinching the louder she got.
"I didn't hurt her. I swear." He quickly told Louis when he handed the baby over to her mother.
"I know you didn't." Louis assured him. "She's just hungry... and has a wet stinky diaper."
His friends watched him as he changed her like a pro, accepting their compliments when they told him he was a natural. As natural as Josie's poop, Zayn had declared in one of his crazy moments. Louis loved him to death.
He fed her, knowing he shouldn't be embarrassed, even more when Barbara and Zayn gave him a little bit of privacy. When that was done, he let Barbara hold her. Smiling everytime she would tell her what a pretty baby she was now that she was awake. Her and Zayn marveled over her blue eyes which were sparkling brighter than ever.
They ended up leaving an hour later to let Louis rest. The mother finished his homework and Harry's then went to take a shower while Josie slept. While in the shower, he was starting to get frustrated when he was leaking more than he usually would. When he was done, he dried the area and quickly put on breast pads to absorb some of it.
When the clock struck nine pm, Louis was starting to get worried when Harry still wasn't home. He was planning on bathing Josie when Harry walked through the door looking completely exhausted. Louis watched him drop his wallet, phone and keys on his nightstand then make his way to them.
"Hey." Harry greeted him then knelt down by the bed where Louis had Josie. The baby was wide awake and still dressed when Louis didn't like to have her naked. He already had everything ready for her bath, including a clean diaper and her pajamas.
"How was work?" Louis asked him, seeing Harry move their daughter closer to him, then smiled when Harry turned her over on her side so she was facing him and kissed her cheek, resting his head next to hers.
"It was okay. I have Sunday off." Harry told him then kissed Josie's little fist. "How was your day?" Harry looked up at Louis with tired eyes.
"Good. I did your homework so you don't have to." Louis told him.
"Lou, you didn't have to." Harry's face softened.
"I wanted to. You work a lot and then have to come home and do homework. I want you to spend time with her too." Louis looked down at his lap then looked up when Harry got up with Josie in his arms.
He expected him to put her in her crib, but Harry kissed the top of his head and thanked him. Louis wanted to kiss him, but instead smiled when Harry started talking to Josie. He loved to see them together. It was really cute and Harry was so good with her.
"So what did you do today, my little star? Did you have fun with nana? Did you sleep all day, muffin?" Harry kissed her cheek, nodding when Josie squeaked and stretched. "I see. That sounds like a lot of fun, muffin. I'm glad you had a good day."
"Are you gonna shower?" Louis asked when he was sure they were done with their conversation.
"Yeah. Were you gonna give her a bath? I can wait." Harry offered.
"I'll just bathe her while you shower." Louis suggested. "Can you get her ready?" He asked, nodding when Harry did.
Harry grabbed his pajamas first and clean boxers before he took her to the bathroom where it was warm and Josie's things were already on the counter. Louis bathed her as fast as he could when she wouldn't stop crying. He changed her there to avoid having her get cold and when he was done, Harry was done too.
Louis blushed and looked away as soon as Harry had opened the shower curtain, not caring that he was naked and wet. That was Louis' biggest fantasy and he couldn't get turned on when his asshole still hurt. He wanted to get fucked, but sadly they couldn't do that.
"I'm gonna go back. She needs to eat and then I need to pump for tomorrow." Louis said then quickly rushed out of the bathroom.
"Okay." He heard Harry say before he closed the door.
Louis was still feeding Josie when Harry walked into the bedroom then walked out to eat the dinner Anne had left for him in the fridge. He thought Harry was going to eat downstairs, but Harry walked back in with a plate full of spaghetti and meatballs and a cold water bottle. Louis was sure he was going to throw up for eating that much and just as he was about to go to bed but said nothing.
When he was done breastfeeding, Josie was still wide awake so Louis placed her down in between Harry and himself and began pumping. By the time he was done his nipples were sore and kind of cracking. He sneaked into the bathroom and rubbed vaseline all over them, hoping for it to fix the problem or he was fucked.
Harry was walking around in the room with Josie in his arms when he walked back in there. The baby was still wide awake and Harry looked ready to drop at any moment. That's how tired he was. He put Josie down in her crib, but picked her up again when she started crying.
"She won't go to sleep." Harry sighed, frustration clear on his exhausted face.
"I'll take her. You can go to sleep." Louis said sweetly, taking pity on Harry.
He felt bad for Harry when he handed her over when he usually didn't. That's how tired Harry was when he was asleep as soon as his head had hit the pillow. Louis didn't know what was going on with his baby when she wouldn't go to sleep, and whenever he would put her down in her crib, she'll start crying. Louis decided to lay down with her on his chest and once they were comfortable, he started rubbing her back and humming a lullaby as she sucked on her pacifier. A few minutes later, she was finally asleep and didn't make a noise. Louis put her down in her crib then went to sleep.
They had trouble waking up the next morning, and Louis left to school angry with himself for not waking up in time to feed her. Anne had ended up giving her a bottle while Louis almost tripped a few times when he was running around trying to get ready. They were ten minutes late to school that morning and to make things worse, they were starving. Louis wanted to kiss Liam when he gave them a pop tart he had brought for Zayn when the boy would get hungry in the middle of class. Liam was sure he wouldn't mind.
When he made it home that afternoon, he ate one of the sandwiches Anne had made for them and went upstairs to do his and Harry's homework, glad that it was just for one class. He was on the bed rattling one of the plush rattles close to Josie's face and looked up and looked around. He stared at his window, wondering what his parents were doing when he hadn't been there in ages. He felt bad so he left the toy in Josie's hands who dropped it as soon as he had let go and got up to pack a small bag for Josie. He wrapped a blanket around her, told Anne he would be next door and made his way there. He went in through the garage and as soon as he opened the door his mouth watered when he smelt the dinner they were cooking.
"It's just me!" He announced when the noise stopped and his dad grabbed a pan.
"Lou!" His mother dropped the spoon she was holding in the sink and rushed to hug him and kiss his cheeks. Louis was worried she was going to trip when she was already seven months and was bigger than he had been at the time.
"Hi." Louis kissed her cheek. "We came to see you."
"You should stay for dinner." Evelyn told him, reaching for Josie, smiling when Louis let her hold her.
"I would love to." Louis nodded. He missed his mother's cooking, he missed living there but now he lived next door with his baby and her father. That's how things were now, that's how his life had changed. But he didn't mind. Staying with Harry was best for their little Josie.
"How's my princess been doing? Look at you! You're getting so big and more gorgeous every passing day." Evelyn held her in front of her then moved her closer to kiss her cheeks before she had her resting against her chest. Her little legs were on the side of Evelyn's big tummy when it was more comfortable that way for the woman.
"Hi, dad." Louis hugged his dad, letting go soon. He was about to grab a piece of carrot from a bowl, pulling his hand away when his dad lightly smacked it away.
"That's not cooked yet." John told him. "And you haven't washed your hands."
"Honey, let him have it. He must be starving." Evelyn told him without looking at him when she was focused on her grandbaby, rocking her from side to side.
"Fine, but wash your hands." John sighed.
Louis did as told then grabbed two pieces when now his dad was holding Josie and talking to her in a high pitched tone. He was making funny faces and Louis wanted to laugh when Josie opened her eyes and blinked at her grandfather when he was in the middle of telling her a story. Not a few seconds later, her face scrunched up and she started crying.
"Oh c'mon! My story wasn't so bad, baby. I don't hear you crying when Robin tells you stories." John said.
"That's because he bribes her with a pacifier." Louis joked, handing one to his father, watching the way he smiled when Josie calmed down as soon as it was in her mouth and continued staring at her grandfather while she sucked.
When they were about to sit down, Louis looked around ready to panic when he realized he didn't bring anything to put Josie in while his hands were busy. His father quickly fixed the problem when he brought out a swing meant for Claire and had Louis put Josie in there before he turned it on and it started gently rocking the baby to sleep. Louis definitely wasn't jealous that he didn't have one. He wanted one. But he knew they were expensive and he couldn't ask Harry to spend more money on something they didn't need. Dinner passed by quickly, and when Louis was getting ready to leave after helping them clean up, his dad and mom surprised him when John brought out a box. It was an identical swing for Josie and Louis couldn't help but tear up.
"You didn't have to." He told them as he looked at the picture on the front of the box.
"But we wanted to, love." Evelyn kissed his cheek. "Just a little something for our granddaughter."
"This isn't little at all. They're expensive." Louis couldn't accept it.
"That doesn't matter." John told him. "If you don't mind, I'm going to help you put it together."
Louis knew he couldn't argue with them, so he let them go back to Harry's with him. John carried the box and as soon as they were inside, they greeted Anne and Robin who were watching tv in the living room. A few minutes later Anne and Evelyn were in deep conversation while John and Robin were putting together the swing and Louis watched them still holding Josie. Harry walked in that moment, stopping in his tracks when he saw them all in the living room.
"Uh... hi." He gave them a nervous smile, trying to hide the pharmacy bag with lube and condoms in it behind his back.
"Hi, dear." Anne greeted him. "I left your dinner in the microwave."
"Thank you. What's going on?" He asked.
"Dad and mom got Josie a swing." Louis informed him as he smiled.
"Oh, that's awesome. Thank you!" Harry told them. He didn't even feel bad that he hadn't been able to get her one when Louis' parents were smiling. He knew they were going to spoil Josie a lot.
Instead of going to the kitchen to heat up his dinner, he went to sit next to Louis and their daughter. She was asleep but Louis let him hold her anyway. He watched his father and John build the swing, and when it was done he placed Josie in there. The swing was mostly grey and white colors and it had a canopy that was removable if they didn't like it. Josie opened her eyes, yawned and stretched before she fell asleep again as soon as Louis had turned the swing on and started rocking her.
Louis' parents ended up leaving later that night when they had stayed longer to catch up. Harry used that time to run upstairs and hide the bag in his drawer then ran back downstairs to eat the dinner his mom had left for him. He raised his brows when Louis took a seat next to him and started feeding Josie right there. The silence felt nice but it didn't last long when Josie unlatched and started crying before Louis helped her latch on again.
Friday after school, Louis was so done with everything. He had homework to do and piles of laundry to do even though he was always doing laundry everyday. He never thought a newborn could go through so many outfits and diapers. He hated having to wash them everyday, but it was better when Harry didn't have to spend money on them and so far Josie had never gotten a rash.
That Friday night he made his way upstairs with a basket full of clothes and diapers. He could already hear her crying at full volume, and he almost tripped when he tried to get there faster. He wondered what could be wrong with her when she was already bathed and fed and was ready for daddy to come home and give her a goodnight kiss.
As soon as Louis got in the room, he dumped the laundry basket on the bed and ran to her crib. He picked her up and began rocking her back in forth, swaying his body and walking around, trying to sooth her the best he could. She had just eaten and he didn't know what could possibly be wrong. He checked her diaper only to find out she didn't need a new one. He tried giving her her pacifier but she spit it out and only seemed to get angrier. He tried leaving her on the bed and let her cry it out while he folded clothes, not even caring when Dusty laid down next to her.
He tried to be patient, but her cries were starting to get to him when she had never cried like this before. He thought about leaving the room, but he couldn't leave his baby all alone to cry with the cat as her only company. She needed him. He pulled on his greasy hair when he was yet to shower and then walked up to her and picked her up. Her face was red when she kept crying and Louis had the urge to put his hand over her mouth to get her to shut up. He rubbed her back softly but her cries only kept getting louder, if it was even possible. His ears were ringing and he felt his own tears rolling down his cheeks.
"You're fine, nothing's wrong." Louis told her, but he wasn't exactly sure who he was talking to anymore, himself or his daughter.
"For the love of God! Please shut up." Louis cried out hysterically, about to lose his mind, and he started speeding up his rock, Josie going back and forth at a fast pace in his arms. "Please..." Louis sobbed louder.
He never noticed when he started rocking her even faster and rougher, he never noticed when he rocked her from side to side. Until it was the last straw and he couldn't handle it a second longer. "Just shut the fuck up, Josephine!" He mumbled darkly against the top of her little head.
"Lou?" Anne opened the door, her eyes widening when she saw what was going on.
"She won't shut up. She won't shut up. I can't!" Louis looked at her, his eyes wild and panic-stricken, his arms still rocking her harshly. Anne realized that he was very close to accidently hurting Josie, so she knew she had to step in before Louis did something that he would most certainly regret. She hoped that he hadn't shook her yet. Babies were fragile things and shaking could give them brain damage or harm her skeletal structure.
"It's fine, Lou. I'll handle her." Anne rushed to him and gently took a screaming baby from her mother's arms.
She knew Louis had fed her and she didn't have a wet diaper, so she placed her upright against her. Her little head was resting on her shoulder where she had placed her baby blanket and then started gently patting her back. She took a seat next to Louis on the bed, letting him rest his head on her shoulder as he cried. She didn't stop patting her back until Josie stopped crying and spit out some of the milk she had eaten. The smell made Louis wrinkle his nose.
"I'm such a terrible mom," Louis cried, his head in his hands. "I almost hurt her and..." He couldn't finish his sentence too ashamed, not knowing what he would have done if Anne hadn't come in.
"You're not a bad mom. Things like this happen all the time, and sometimes you have to step out and let others help you. She probably ate more than she could handle or had air in her tummy." Anne concluded when she gave a now quiet Josie back to Louis and grabbed the blanket. "I'm gonna take this downstairs to rinse it off or it's going to stink up the whole room." Anne kissed the top of his head.
"She's going to cry again." Louis panicked, lifting the baby up to give her back to Anne.
"She's fine, Louis. She's safe with her mom and won't cry again. She was very uncomfortable, that's why she was crying." Anne explained. "And when what I just did doesn't work, it means they're really fussy and it's okay if you step out of the room and let them cry it out. Babies don't get hurt from crying." She told him wisely.
"Thank you." Louis wiped his tears away with his sleeve, looking up when the bedroom door was opened and Harry walked in holding two corn in a cup Louis had asked him to bring him from a Mexican food stand on his way back from work. It only made Louis burst into tears again.
"What's wrong?" Harry asked. He set the cups down as he watched Louis and his mother.
"Just Josie being a fussy girl. Nothing we couldn't handle." She told him. "Dinner is in the microwave, baby. Don't stay up too late." She kissed his forehead then wished the teen parents goodnight before leaving them alone.
As soon as Anne was gone, Harry grabbed one of the cups and gave it to Louis. "Here's your corn, extra chili powder and salsa. Your asshole is gonna burn when you take a shit tomorrow." Harry said without any sympathy in his voice.
It made Louis snort before he burst out laughing. He didn't even care that he had boogers running down his nose, almost touching his top lip. He let Harry clean him up at the same time he took the cup. He let Harry take Josie and listened to him talking to their baby as he mixed all the ingredients until he was satisfied. He took the first bite and chewed the corn like it was a piece of fruit, the spicy ingredients not bothering him at all.
"I don't know how you can eat that. You used to cry if a bell pepper so much touched your lips." Harry said from where he had Josie on the bed and was giving her tummy kisses. Her little belly button was the cutest thing in the world.
"Pregnancy fucks you up." Louis shrugged, then let out a loud sigh. "When I was pregnant I really really craved spicy stuff so I guess I got used to it."
"Explains a lot." Harry nodded. "So why were you crying?" He wondered aloud, knowing that it must have been a bigger deal than his mom had made it out to be if Louis eyes were as red as they were.
"Anne already told you. Josie was fussy and I got overwhelmed." Louis snapped. He didn't want to tell Harry about the things he said to her or how he started rocking her too fast. What would Harry think of him?
Harry knew that Louis was not telling him the full truth. But he decided to let it go for now, not wanting to argue with him when he was already so tired from his long day at work.
After they were finished with their corn and Harry ate his dinner that Anne had saved for him, Louis and Harry got ready for bed. Harry checked on Josie one more time, about to lose his shit when he found Dusty in the crib sleeping next to her.
"No, that's not your bed. Out." Harry ordered the stubborn cat, who only opened his eyes and gave him a snooty look.
"What's he doing?" Louis asked from the bed where he was ready to turn off the light. He was dressed in loose pajama pants and one of Harry's big t-shirts.
"He's in there sleeping with her." Harry told him.
"Get him out. He's not sleeping there." Louis quickly told him.
"Dusty, out. Now." Harry ordered to the cat again, and when the cat didn't move, he reached in and grabbed him.
Dusty completely lost his shit as soon as Harry's hand got too close to him and the baby. He hissed at Harry and scratched his hand with his sharp claws, causing him to let go. Then he stared at both of them and growled, his tail swishing against Josie's side protectively.
"I know, boy." Harry cooed at him petting his fur repeatedly, and then tried one more time to pick him up. "You love her too, but you can't sleep with her. You shed a lot, kitty." Harry sighed in relief when Dusty let him pick him up.
Harry made sure Josie was okay then turned around and walked to the bed with the cat still in his arms. He set him down next to Louis and watched him get up and run to Louis where he laid down next to the boy, curling up into a little ball before he fell asleep.
"Cockblock." Louis mumbled as he petted the cat, weaving his fingers through his soft fur.
"Wait!" Harry paused, ready to throw Dusty out if necessary.
"I was kidding, Harry." Louis yawned.
"Louis, don't play with me like this." Harry narrowed his eyes and climbed into the bed next to Louis and then started kissing down his neck, stopping at his collarbone where he began sucking softly, knowing that it got Louis in the mood sometimes.
"Hazza..." Louis moaned quietly, his hand clenching a little bit in Dusty's fur. "Not tonight."
"Pleeeeease," Harry whined, making his eyes big as he shifted his body weight onto Louis.
"No." Louis rolled his eyes, doing his best not to look at Harry.
"C'mon." Harry begged, pressing his already hard cock into Louis' crotch.
"Did you see the new outfit Josie was wearing? Mom got it for her."
Harry just stared at him, his dick softening instantly. "Seriously, Louis?" He got off of him and went back to his side. If Louis didn't want to put out then fine. He could watch Harry wank himself off right in front of him. Also, no means no. But that didn't mean he wasn't a vindictive little shit.
"I was just asking." Louis shrugged, while he continued to pet Dusty, not noticing when Harry pulled down his pants, and wrapped his hand around his cock. "She also got her another one and it's pink and has cute little white ruffles and -" Louis started at Harry in shock. "What are you doing?"
"What's it look like I'm doing?" Harry rolled his eyes and moved his hand a little faster, closing his eyes and pinching the tip. "Fuck," he cursed.
"How dare you." Louis pinched his arm before he went for the dick. It wasn't fair. Harry knew how much Louis liked his dick, like the size, and the length, and the width. It had perfect dimensions, and fit amazingly inside of him. So of course he couldn't resist him when he saw it.
Dusty jumped out of the bed and ran to hide under Josie's crib as soon as Louis wrapped his small hand around it.
"You're gonna help me, baby?" Harry asked him, his deep voice going a little higher in excitement.
"Yeah but I'm not using my mouth. I brushed my teeth already." Louis traced his thumb along the thick vein that ran down the side, causing Harry's whole body to shiver. He missed Louis' small dainty hand on him. Where it belonged.
"That's okay." Harry placed a hand on the top of Louis' head, gently running his fingeris through his hair. Then he tugged on it softly, trying to tell Louis without using words that he wanted to kiss him.
Harry wondered what the hell was Louis doing when he turned around and got on his hands and knees. He thought maybe he had gotten lucky and he was finally going to get to fuck Louis when he pushed his pants down.
"Are we gonna fuck?" Harry asked overzealously, wanting to be a hundred percent sure before sticking his fingers in Louis.
"No. My asshole is gonna tear open again!" Louis' eyes widened as he slapped Harry's hand away. Ever since he had given birth, he had gained a small phobia of it happening again. The blood and the pain was still too fresh in his mind.
"Then what the fuck are you doing!?" Harry fisted the sheets tightly in his hands, trying to stop himself from touching Louis. The anticipation was killing him.
"I said you can't fuck my ass, but you can fuck my thighs." Louis smirked, releasing his hand from Harry's length and slapping both of them down on his own thighs, making the skin jiggle playfully. Even though he might not have been in the mood a few minutes ago, this was proof that his baby daddy's dick was inspiring.
Harry was sure he had died in his sleep, possibly due to eating a lot before bed, and was now in heaven after a life well lived. Louis had always expressed distaste about getting his thighs fucked. But now there he was, offering it to him. All that thick creamy skin just for him. And no one else.
He didn't waste time and quickly kicked off his pajamas from his feet. He turned Louis around on his back then lifted his legs up, pressing his thighs together and making sure the rest of his legs weren't touching the other.
"Squeeze 'em nice and tight, baby." Harry instructed him as he grabbed the bottle of lube from his nightstand drawer and popped the cap open.
Louis didn't have to be told twice, quickly doing as told. While he watched Harry, he started playing with his nipples when lately that got him going. He let go of the left one and trailed his hand down his body, slowly wrapping it around his dick.
Once Louis was ready, Harry poured a generous amount of lube on his fingers and then poured some more in between the crack of Louis' thighs, wanting the slide to be nice and smooth. He found Louis already playing with himself, making him more desperate than he already was.
"Are you ready, Lou?" Harry asked, his cock hovering over the slicked up seam. "We don't have to do it if you really don't want to." He reminded him.
"Oh my God, Harry you bitched enough, just put it in!" Louis demanded. "I want it."
"Not if you're gonna have that attitude!" Harry paused.
Louis rolled his eyes. "You know you love it. Now put it in!"
Harry didn't have to be told twice, and slowly pushed it in between the fatty area between his upper thighs, loving the way they swallowed up his length and surrounded it with warmth and squishy thickness. He lifted Louis up a tad and then started thrusting in and out, making Louis slide up and down on the mattress messing up the bedsheets. The headboard didn't bang against the wall when Harry had made sure it wasn't too close to it. He didn't want anybody interrupting them over a damn headboard. He was glad that Dusty knew to leave them alone. Now he just hoped that Josie would stay asleep.
When Louis felt Harry's dick began to twitch, he knew that he was close to coming and squeezed harder. He wasn't expecting for Harry to suddenly grab his cock and start pumping as fast as he was thrusting in and out his tight thighs. Louis was close and so was Harry. Little black spots started clouding their vision, and a moment later they were coming together, Harry pulling out and painting Louis' thighs white, and Louis creaming his pudgy tummy.
Harry's got up afterwards and retrieved a wet washcloth from the bathroom. He cleaned Louis' legs and belly, patting them dry with a towel when he was done. Then he throw them in the hamper and climbed back in bed. He lied next to Louis a satisfied smile on his lips. But when he looked over at Louis, he was deep in thought, a slight pensive grimace on his face.
"Lou?" Harry whispered quietly. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah," he replied. "Just thinking."
"'Bout what?" Harry placed his hand on Louis' stomach and started rubbing the baby-soft skin soothingly. He didn't mind feeling the invisible jagged stretchmarks scars under his fingertips. If anything they made him more beautiful. Evidence that Louis had carried his baby for nine months. Something that Harry would forever appreciate.
"That we came together. For the first time." Louis said.
"That is kinda weird." Harry chuckled. "I guess we finally got it right after three years."
Louis lips turned up at the ends giving Harry a small smile. "Guess we did."
A few minutes passed and they both shifted so that Harry was now spooning Louis, his large paw still on his belly.
Deciding to be adventurous, he raised it up higher until his hand touched Louis' titties. He creased them gently, but when he brushed over his sensitive nipples, Louis made a sound of discomfort.
"Not now kitten," Louis told him, pushing his hand away. "I gotta feed her soon."
Harry mimicked Dusty and hissed in his ear playfully as he respectively retracted his hand and placed it back on Louis' tummy.
"Can I ask you something?" Harry broke the silence a moment later. "And I want an honest answer."
"What?" Louis wondered.
"What happened with Josie before I came home?" Harry asked.
"Um..." Louis leaned away from Harry as much as e could while in his hold, not wanting to tell him the truth. "I uh... nothing really happened."
"You're lying. I know it." Harry kissed the back of Louis' head. It was his way of telling him that everything was okay.
"I'm just a shitty mom. That's all." Louis shrugged, suddenly feeling uncomfortable with no pants on.
"You're not a shitty mom. You're a good mom, the best mom."
"A good mom doesn't have the urge to put their hand on their baby's mouth or shake them until they shut up." Louis confessed, expecting Harry to pull away from him. He was left surprised when Harry held him tighter.
"But you didn't mean to hurt her, you didn't hurt her." Harry said.
"Because your mom came in just in time. If she hadn't done that I would have probably hurt Josie. My Josie." Louis tried not to cry. The thought of hurting his baby gave him a headache and the urge to want to vomit.
"Don't blame yourself. It happens. We know babies are not easy to take care of and Josie's ten times worse. She got your attitude." Harry smiled.
"No, she got yours. She's such a demanding little shit. Just like her father." Louis finally smiled.
"How about she's like both of us. Half and half." Harry suggested, letting Louis turn around so they were facing each other.
"Okay." Louis whispered with a smile on his face, and then whispered even quieter "But she still has my eyes." Harry's laughter was the last thing he said before he fell asleep.
That saturday morning Louis woke up once at six in the morning to feed Josie then went back to sleep. He woke up again at eight to feed her again, finding out that Harry was already gone. When he was done feeding her, he took a shower then went downstairs to eat something. He looked around for Anne, finding out she was outside planting new flowers. He ate two full bowls of cereal when he was starving and was too lazy to cook something. When he was done, he looked around the clean kitchen, already bored when Josie was sleeping and his mom and dad were out for a spa day. He used to go with them, but now he couldn't go.
His days continued being the same. He would go to school then come home and spend all his time with his child and doing his homework while Harry worked. When Harry came home, he would let them spend time together while he folded clothes and diapers then it was bedtime. Sundays when Harry didn't work were used for study time. A day where Louis would sit down with Harry and help him catch up in anything he needed for school. So far Harry had good grades, better tehan before, and they were a hundred percent sure he was going to graduate.
He knew that when he had gone outside to get the mail and had found their report card for the last semester. He had Josie in his arms as he looked through the mail. She burrowed her little face deeper in between his shoulder and neck and started whimpering soon after. He could hear someone making his way to him and when he looked up, his mother was making his way to him.
"Louis, it's cold out here and you have her in just her onesie." Evelyn scolded him. "Get in the house." She told him, then put her mail under her arm and grabbed Josie. "She's freezing!"
Louis was about to tell her that it was a warm onesie and he was only going to be outside for a little bit, that that's why he didn't think of wrapping a blanket around her, but stopped when he heard her whimpering. He saw her curling up into a little ball as soon as his mother wrapped her jacket around her. He followed her when she started walking back to Anne's house, feeling the nice warm air as soon as they walked inside.
"The onesie is really thick. I didn't think..." Louis trailed off, already ashamed of himself.
Evelyn let out a loud sigh and handed her granddaughter over to her mother. "I'm sorry if i made you feel bad. I know things like this happen, I'm sorry." She apologized.
"It's fine, mom. You do it because you worry." Louis understood.
"It was good to see you, love. I gotta go back but I'll see you later." She hugged him and then she was gone, leaving Louis and Josie in the living room.
Louis looked at Josie and smiled before kissing the top of her head. "I'm sorry mommy took you outside without your blanket, my little star." He told her as he walked upstairs to take a nap with her. He was exhausted and he was sure she was too.
Thoughts? :)
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