Sorry for the errors, we're hella tired. Thank you so much for the comments, it motivate us to write more! :)
When Louis woke up that evening just before dinner, he found himself alone in his bedroom. He could faintly smell food and his stomach growled at the thought of food. He was starving. He sat up and looked around his dark bedroom, ignoring the flutters in his stomach. He stayed there, staring straight at his window until he snapped out of it and got up to take a shower.
As soon as he was done, he changed into a different pair of clean pajamas and started looking through his drawers, looking for a bigger shirt when most of them didn't fit anymore. He turned around to look for his bags and stopped in his tracks when he noticed the box on his bed. He felt like his face was on fire when he noticed it was open and inside was another box. His vibrator had finally arrived.
He quickly grabbed the box and shoved it under his bed just as someone knocked on his door. He wanted to die when his mother walked in and shut the door. She sat down on his bed and stared at him, making him sweat. Even his ass was sweating.
"You got a package in the mail." She started. "And I didn't know if it should be kept in the box so I opened it -"
"Mom, don't you know it's illegal to open someone else's mail!" Louis all but screeched, his voice going incredibly high, and his cheeks turning incredibly pink.
Evelyn just gave him a look and continued. "I wouldn't have opened your package if I had not received a bill from the same company that it was ordered from."
Louis just stared at her in horror. His face was growing redder by the second, and his hands were becoming increasingly more moist. He wiped them on his pants and then sat on them to hide his very visible anxiety.
"Baby," Evelyn spoke softly, putting a hand on his shoulder. "I could care less that you bought a vibrator. I'm just upset that you purchased it without even asking me! Stealing money will not be tolerated under my roof, Louis William. Are we clear?"
Through his shame-filled tears - Louis could never handle hurting his mom, especially when it was unintentional - he nodded okay. "I'm sorry mommy. I promise to never buy anything without your permission again." He apologized sincerely.
"Thank you, baby." Evelyn smiled and then hugged her son. "And stop acting awkward! You don't need to feel ashamed for owning a vibrator. I own a strap-on myself! Sometimes when your dad and I want to mix it up a bit, we switch roles and have a little fun." She giggled cheekily.
Louis' eyes widened in shock, and then he immediately slapped his hands over his ears. "Mom I love you 'n all, and I'm super glad that you are cool about this, but please stop. I really don't want to know about your's and dad's kinks. Or anything involving your sex life really. "
"It is completely normal, honey." She assured him.
"I still don't want to know. Mom, please!" Louis took a step back.
"Fine I'll stop." She said, then her expression turned serious just a his father knocked on the door then walked in. "Baby, your father and I need to talk to you."
"If this is about that jerk and the baby then no, we're not talking. I already said I'm giving her up and that's it." Louis crossed his arms over his chest.
"I just want to know why you couldn't trust us." John spoke up, his voice trembling with hurt. "I thought you trusted me, at least enough to tell me what was going on. About the pregnancy, about Harry bullying you. I would have put a stop to it."
"I was scared." Louis' eyes filled with tears. "I didn't want to disappoint you. I thought I could just have her in Spain and leave her there, act like I never had a baby." Louis decided to come clean.
"We would have been a bit upset, but we would have helped you out. We weren't going to disown you or kick you out. W– We would have..." John trailed off, not really knowing what else to say.
When Louis kept crying, he stood up and went to him. He hugged him for the longest time, letting his son cry it out. He looked at Evelyn, seeing his wife nodding just as Louis had calmed down.
"Your mother and I have to tell you something." He said.
"What is it?" Louis asked.
"We know this might be hard for you to... swallow," John said, fear in his eyes as he rubbed a hand over his stressed face. "But uh, your mom is pregnant."
"Surprise?" His mom squeaked, hands on her still-flat tummy.
"Aren't you like old– I mean are you serious?" Louis asked in complete disbelief.
"I'm only two months along, so yes. You're going to be a big brother!" She squealed, making Louis cringe.
"But why?" Louis asked.
"Because we want another baby. That's why." John narrowed his eyes.
"And you didn't care to ask my opinion?" Louis narrowed his eyes right back.
"This was completely our decision as a couple. We had been talking about it for a year now and when you left to Spain, well... An opportunity opened up." Evelyn trailed off, her face turning a shade of red.
"Am I not enough?" Louis burst into tears. "You don't need another son."
"Sweety..." Evelyn also burst into tears as she reached to hold her firstborn in her arms. "Of course you are more than enough. You're my firstborn and I'll always love you no matter how many babies I have."
John could only watch the mess that was his wife and son, both of them pregnant and by the looks of it, very emotional. The next couple of months were going to be rough for him.
"Why don't we go eat dinner?!" John clapped his hands. "I bet you're both hungry."
Louis wiped his nose with the back of his hand and nodded. He took his mother's hand and made his way downstairs, following his father. Dinner was delicious, even more so when he had missed it and had been starving.
After dinner, John left Evelyn and Louis to watch a movie by themselves. He knocked on Anne's door and when Gemma opened the door, he greeted her and walked inside after she had invited him in.
"Is your brother around?" John asked as he looked around.
"He's upstairs in his bedroom." Gemma told him.
John nodded his head and then went up there and knocked on Harry's door. He opened the door a moment later and look surprised to see John.
"Hey John." Harry greeted him politely.
"I need to talk to you." John said as he walked into the room and looked around.
Harry watched him make his way to the bed, quickly asking him to please sit down on his desk chair. He took a seat on the bed in front of John and waited for him to start talking.
"Earlier today Louis said something. I didn't acknowledge it at first, but now I want to address the situation." John began in a serious voice. "Louis mentioned that you bullied him in school. Is that true?"
"I-" Harry closed and opened his mouth like a dumbass.
"Is it?" John asked again.
"I never stopped it, sir." Harry looked down in shame. "And- and when they made fun of him ... I sometimes laughed along with them." Harry confessed.
John's face contorted in anger and he stared Harry down until the boy looked too uncomfortable.
"I'm beyond disappointed in you." John said. "I really thought you were better than that."
"I'm so sorry." Harry looked at him, eyes filled with tears. "I promise I won't ever do it again."
"It's not me who you should be apologizing to. It's Louis."
"I know, sir." Harry agreed.
John nodded, satisfied with Harry's answer. He stood up and Harry did too.
It was a hot day in the middle of August when shit hit the fan. Louis had been staying at home for the past two weeks just lazing around the house. He refused to go outside, and most of all refused to see Harry. But the boy didn't bother him, thank God. Louis' mom had been giving Anne updates which she then told to Harry. So there was no need for them to communicate.
Louis had been on the couch, watching Supernatural and eating whatever healthy food his mom had gotten for them when someone rang the doorbell then knocked on his door. For a moment Louis thought about making a run for it to his room, thinking that maybe it was Harry. But these days, he had been seeing him leaving to work before eight in the morning and not coming home until after five in the afternoon. After that, Harry wouldn't come out again and his lights would go out every night at ten. Louis didn't know why he kept working when everything was given to him.
He made a great effort to get up and answer the door since his parents were with Sonia, checking up on the baby, his sibling. It was still weird to think about it. When he finally got up, he wished he hadn't when he saw Zayn standing in front of him, his arms crossed over his chest.
"Zayn!" Louis squeaked, moving out of his best friend's way when said friend looked down at his belly and then walked in as if he owned the place.
"I'm so mad at you." Zayn took a seat on the couch and grabbed the popcorn Louis had been eating.
"Zayn..." Louis started, but his best friend interrupted him.
"First you don't tell me you're leaving to Spain, and then you ignore all my calls and texts and then I had to find out through Harry that you're actually pregnant and that the asshole is gonna have a daughter. I mean, it's not like I have feelings, whatever, fuck with them." Zayn sassed sarcastically. Then he cut the shit and said, "I can't believe you lied to me, Louis."
"I had to." Louis sniffled. "I was freaking out and Harry had a bad reaction. I was alone."
"No you weren't. You knew you had me and Liam!" Zayn glared at him, trying not to let Louis get to him when he saw him walking his way, his eyes lowering down to look at his rounded belly.
"I'm so sorry." Louis got on his knees on the couch next to Zayn, then wrapped his arms around Zayn's neck. "It felt like the only option at the moment." Louis sniffled, and when Zayn let out a loud sigh, Louis knew his friend had already forgiven him.
"I'm still mad at you, but I think I understand. I just wish you would have trusted me. I'm your best friend, Lou." Zayn hugged him.
"I know, and I'm sorry." Louis pulled back.
"Can I touch it? Has she kicked yet?" Zayn asked, excitement showing through his voice. "Harry said it's a girl and he's very excited. When is she due?"
"I don't know, we didn't ask." Louis told him, now realizing that he didn't ask, but its not like he actually cared.
"I cannot wait!" Zayn exclaimed.
"Zayn...babe, I'm not keeping her." Louis looked down at his lap.
"Oh?" Zayn's eyes widened. "But Harry said–"
"I don't give a fuck what that asshole said. He's an idiot that can't think straight and see that we can't raise a kid." Louis rolled his eyes, shaking his head.
"Dude, no offense but that was harsh." Zayn gave him an unimpressed look. "He's her father and he has rights over her too."
"Did he send you here to try and make me change my mind? 'Cause if he did then you can tell him to go fuck himself." Louis glared at his friend.
"What!? He didn't! I came here because I wanted to see you and all this time I assumed you guys were keeping her by the way Harry was talking." Zayn glared too.
"We're not keeping her. He doesn't get that she's going up for adoption. I already called an agency and they sent me the information of parents who are looking for a newborn." Louis told him, frowning when he saw Zayn looking horrified, his wide eyes said it all. Louis could tell that he was trying to hold his tongue.
"You make it sound like you're going to sell her." Zayn pointed out, unable to hold his tongue. "How would you even know if you can trust those couples with the baby?"
"The agency is one of the best." Louis argued. "She'll receive great parents. I know it."
"I don't know, Louis." Zayn looked down at his hands then at Louis again. "But if this is what you want then you know you have my full support. You're my best friend and we'll always have each other's back."
"Thank you, Zee." Louis smiled.
"Okay!" Zayn smiled. "So how was Spain? I've never been there."
The mention of the country made Louis think about Andres. It had been two weeks since he had last seen him and he already missed him, especially his cuddles. Now he was here all alone. They texted and faced timed all of the time, but it wasn't the same. Louis had told him everything that had happened, knowing that Andres agreed with Harry. The Spaniard was a very family oriented man after all, but Louis ignored that. Instead they would talk about anything else except about the baby situation.
"Did you meet a lot of people?" Zayn asked, about to freak out when Louis bit his bottom lip, his cheeks turning a little pink. "YOU MET A BOY!" Zayn exclaimed excitedly.
"I did." Louis blushed even harder.
"Tell me everything! Oh my God, did he fuck you while pregnant??" Zayn demanded, and when Louis started with showing him a picture they had taken in his aunt's backyard, Zayn had stared at it for a long time.
"No, Z!" Louis laughed. "We just kissed and stuff. But he was super sweet. I miss him already." He sighed longingly.
"I bet! Just look at your face. The fond is showing." Zayn giggled. "And I can't blame you, he's fine. But still not as fine as Liam though." Louis rolled his eyes, Zayn was such a loyal hoe, it was sickening.
"I wish he was this baby's father and not Harry." Louis said out of nowhere. "I can't stand Harry." He rolled his eyes again.
"Lou..." Zayn cooed at him. "You just say that because you're really hurt and no one can blame you. Harry fucked up, but he's trying to make it right."
"I don't care, Zayn. What's done is done and now all I feel for him is hate. I wish he would leave me and his baby alone, I don't need him ruining my plans. I already have enough with my parents fully supporting him and the baby that they're gonna have too."
"Your mom is gonna have a baby!?" Zayn asked, completely wide eyed at the new information.
"Yeah, she's two months or so." Louis shrugged.
"Wow." Zayn said. "That must be weird, to be pregnant at the same time as your mom." He laughed.
"Yeah, tell me about it. We threw up at the same time yesterday." Louis shook his head. "But at least I made it to the toilet."
Zayn wrinkled his nose. "That's so gross, but so funny." He started laughing, falling over tho his side as he clutched his stomach.
For the rest of the day they chilled on the couch, eating and talking about their summers. Zayn didn't bring up the baby again and they had a nice time. But when the topic of school came up, Louis realized with great horror that it was going to start soon. In two weeks to be exact. Everyone at school would know that he was knocked up. The petty part of him was looking forward to seeing Kendall's reaction when it got that that he was pregnant with Harry's baby. But the fearful part of him was scared, knowing that she was probably going to make fun of him even more now. Hell, the whole school might join her too. He wished that he didn't have to go back. He wished that he had stayed in Spain.
Louis spent the last two weeks of his summer chilling. When he got too bored he would hang out with Zayn and sometimes Liam. But he made sure that Harry stayed off his property. It was bad enough that he would be have to see him at school. Sadly, he couldn't avoid his baby daddy forever.
When the much dreaded day finally came, Louis had locked himself in his bathroom, refusing to come out. He was six months pregnant and definitely didn't want to go to school looking like a whale. He had cried and begged his dad to let him take online classes, but unfortunately, it was already too late to enroll. Louis was stuck going to school, his last year in high school.
Of course he did made him come out, and then proceed to drop him off, not wanting his son to drive when lately he had been losing his balance. It wasn't his fault that he was now heavier on one side (it was Harry's).
"Good luck, baby." Evelyn had kissed his cheeks then handed him a brown paper bag with his lunch in it. "I put some oreos in there, I know you've been craving them like crazy." She gave him a warm motherly smile and Louis' heart almost burst with love for his mother.
For a millisecond, a teeny tiny one, he wondered if the child he was carrying would look at him and feel the same thing he did about his mother if for some reason he changed his mind and decided to keep her. But he got rid of that thought when he had already found a couple who he would be meeting after school. They would be coming over while Harry was at work, Louis had planned everything carefully. Had watched Harry for weeks just to learn his work schedule, though now that they were going to school, he wondered if his shifts would change.
Louis didn't care either way. The couple was lovely and happily married. He was tall and handsome, she was tall and beautiful and they had a lot of money. Louis knew that the baby would be better off with them than struggling with teen parents.
"Thank you, mommy." Louis gave his mother the sweetest innocent smile he could come up with. She would be working late that day too like his father.
As soon as Louis turned around to leave, Evelyn narrowed her eyes, grabbing the pamphlet and the couple's information out of the pocket of her apron. She shook her head and calmly texted Harry, asking him if he could bring her a few things on his way home from work. She needed a few ingredients for dinner that night, she thought as she pulled her long blond hair up in a ponytail.
When John stopped in front of the school, Louis thought about asking him to take him back home. But when he saw Zayn waiting for him with Liam and Barbara by his side, he felt better. He smiled at his dad who wished him good luck then got out of the car, immediately feeling everybody's eyes on him. He didn't stop walking until he was safe in Zayn's arms, glad that his best friend had his back.
"We have the same classes." Zayn told him as soon as he had wrapped his arms around Louis.
"How?" Louis asked, remembering that they had compared schedules as soon as they had gotten them.
Louis had made his mom pick it up for him instead of doing it himself like he had been doing since tenth grade. But there was no way he was going to show up there looking like a whale before the school year started. Now he just had to endure going to school until he had the baby, then he would be free again.
"I convinced my mom to come talk to them, and they changed my schedule around." Zayn shrugged just as Louis looked at Liam and then Barbara.
"Hey, guys." He shyly waved at them.
"Hi, Lou." Liam smiled.
"Hi, Louis." Barbara waved at him.
Louis could see she was trying not to look at the belly he had worked so hard to hide, but it clearly hadn't worked when she could see how big he was. Louis wanted to cry when he knew he was only going to get bigger.
"Okay!" Zayn exclaimed. "How about we go to class. There's still fifteen minutes to spare, but we could use them to find nice seats."
"That sounds great! Come on, Lou." Barbara smiled at him.
"Actually, I'm gonna go see a few friends but I'll meet you there." Liam said, then reached for Zayn and kissed him. "I'll see you in a bit. Love you, babe."
Louis had to look away when he saw them kissing and being cute like they always were. He sometimes wished he was Zayn when his relationship with Liam was perfect. It was like they were married. They never fought, only argued sometimes, but they weren't as bad as his arguments with Harry. Liam didn't make fun of Zayn, Liam appreciated and loved Zayn. Zayn had everything Louis wanted. Zayn wasn't knocked up like he was, and life was easy for him.
Louis snapped out of his daze when Zayn grabbed his hand and Liam walked away. They walked into the classroom and took a seat at the very back on a corner. Louis felt better when Zayn and Barbara sat down in a way so that they were shielding him from the rest of the class, and he had never felt more grateful.
Back in the hallway, Liam made his way all the way to the end of the hallway, where Harry was standing and leaning against the wall. As soon as the green-eyed boy saw his friend, he pushed himself off of the wall and made his way to him, meeting him halfway there in the hallway.
"How is he? Is he doing okay? The baby?" Harry worriedly fired questions at him.
"They're doing good, bro, calm down," Liam laughed. "Zayn has all of his classes with him and Barbara has a few with him too so I think he'll be fine."
"Okay." Harry sighed in relief. He had woken up that morning worried out of his mind about Louis having a shitty first day of school. "Thank you, Li. And please let me know if anybody messes with him, if they even look at him the wrong way."
"Harry..." Liam grabbed his arm, using that fatherly tone that Harry sometimes hated because Liam was always right. "Don't get in trouble. There's a lot of people here who are idiots, so try not to let them get to you." Liam warned him.
"I won't." Harry said. "I can't get in trouble anymore, or do stupid shit."
"You better not." Liam said before he let go of Harry, then both of them started walking toward their classes.
Harry could tell something was bothering Liam, so he went ahead and asked, already knowing what it was that was bothering him.
"So... You're not playing this year?" Liam wondered aloud.
Harry shrugged. "I don't have time for football. I'll be working after school and during the weekends."
"Even on Sundays?" Liam asked, completely surprised.
"Yeah." Harry shrugged again. It was slowly starting to become a habit of his. "I need money for my kid."
"I just think working Sundays is a bit too much. You're gonna work yourself out man." Liam said worriedly. "With school, work afterwards, and then on the weekends? You are still a kid, bro."
"Yeah...well, that doesn't matter anymore. I'm gonna be a dad soon, so I might as well grow up now." Harry said. "I'll be okay, Li." He smiled.
"And you know Niall, Zayn and I are here for you, even Barbara. I think she and Zayn already planned a shopping day for the baby. Don't be surprised if they show up at your doorstep with baby things." Liam chuckled.
Harry wanted to cry, so he reached out and hugged Liam, trying to hold back his tears.
"Thank you! You really have no idea how much it all means to me. Thank you." Harry thanked him with all of his heart.
"You'll be okay." Liam hugged him back then let him go when Harry pulled back. "Have you thought of any names?" Liam asked.
"Not really." Harry looked down at the floor as he fiddled with the straps of his backpack. "I want Louis to pick it with me." He said bashfully.
Liam didn't say anything after that when he knew the situation Harry was in. He had his arm wrapped around him as they walked into the classroom, going straight to Niall who had saved them two spots near him. Harry was grateful when the blond handed them both coffee. They took a seat and got ready for the beginning of a new school year and thankfully their last. Time sure had gone by fast, and the fact that Harry would be a dad in a few months made him feel happy and nervous. In no time he would be holding his daughter.
Louis' day had gone from being okay to being bad when everybody had stared at him during lunch, even more so when he had seen Kendall eyeing him up and down during one of his last classes. Math to be exact. Louis hated math class, and now he hated it even more.
His last class of the day was the parenting class that was now mandatory for all students to take in order to be able to graduate. Over the summer, the school board had decided to make it a required course, so Louis' class would be the first to need it to graduate. It was only one semester and according to the curriculum, it would cover Sex Ed and pregnancy prevention in both females and males among other things. He was dreading the parenting part of the curriculum. He was not at all happy about the idea of taking care of a robotic baby. He knew that he was already going to hate this class. A constant reminder of his predicament, of the real baby inside his belly.
He walked into the classroom and went to sit next to Barbara and Zayn when he saw her waving at him. Niall was sitting next to her and Zayn and Liam were on his other side. He was feeling okay until Kendall walked through the door and took a seat far away from them. If Louis thought things were bad, they only got worse when Harry and Aiden both walked through the door at the same time, bumping shoulders and glaring at each other.
Louis felt like the main attraction at a freak show - not just because he was pregnant - but because the whole class was staring at the pair by the door then back at him. Liam waved Harry over to an empty seat he had saved for him at their table while Aiden took the only empty one at Kendall's. The air felt thick and there was nowhere for Louis to move when the class was already full. He was hoping the teacher would make a new seating chart, and when he saw that their instructor was Mr. Lovett, he even had hope, because the man sometimes liked to do that.
"I'm going to pass out the curriculum for the semester and a few forms that both your parents and you kids have to sign. If you're eighteen already then your parents don't have to sign anything unless it involves risking your life which...it's not the case here. I expect you to have your supplies ready by tomorrow." Mr. Lovett said, eyeing everybody in the room.
He was a young man, only twenty seven, with blond hair and green eyes. Louis remembered how in love he was with the man back when he had just started high school.
"Is it just me or is something going on here? The atmosphere feels so tense." The young teacher looked around the room. "Anyway, now is not the time for drama. I hope you're happy where you're sitting because I won't be changing the seating chart. At all."
Louis pouted in disappointment, but he was glad that, at least, he wasn't sitting right next to Harry and that he was only going to have this class for only one semester. He watched Zayn filling out the forms, signing them like a total grown-up. His parents still had to sign the documents too, but Zayn was acting as if they didn't need to. Louis signed where he had to then waited for the teacher to start reading the curriculum.
"Okay! This semester we're going to cover a lot of important things." Mr. Lovett said. "We're gonna start with STD's, then Sex Ed and how to prevent pregnancies in both females and males." Louis wanted to laugh bitterly at that but he held back, letting the teacher continue. "Now, they are almost similar, except in some areas, which we will be discussing later. Do not start with the jokes, I will take points off from anyone that says something stupid." He said while giving them a warning glare. "Trust me, I have absolutely no mercy for immature bullshit in this classroom."
"You're no fun." Kendall whined in her bitchy voice, a smirk on her wicked face.
"Making fun of others isn't fun, and it will not be tolerated here." Lovett declared, narrowing his eyes at her.
Louis' cheeks felt hot and when he looked up, Harry was staring at him, almost protectively. Louis made a show of rolling his eyes so hard that it hurt.
"Once I'm sure you've learned everything there is to know, we will then get ready for the grand finale." He said as he walked to a storage closet near his desk.
He opened it and walked inside, coming out seconds later with a car seat. He set it on top of the table in front of him and picked something up that turned out to be a baby doll. Except that it looked way too real to be a just a simple doll. The teacher fiddled with something on its back, then made his way to the computer where he clicked at something and out of nowhere the baby was crying as loud as it could. He let it cry for a few seconds before he turned it off.
"This will be the last assignment for the parenting section. During the remainder of the course we will learn about giving birth and child development. You will find a partner to work with from your own table, and both of you will be the parents to one of these lovely creepy babies. You cannot pick a certain baby or the sex, this is to teach you that you can't pick the gender of your child in real life. You can't choose a gender and no matter what you get, even if it isn't what you wanted, you're supposed to love them unconditionally" Lovett explained. "I don't make the rules, the school does. So if you break it, you pay for it and let me tell you, these babies are not cheap, just like a real baby."
"Can we get baby insurance?" Jeffrey, one of the popular kids, asked.
"No Jeffrey, we don't offer that here." Lovett sighed.
"Shame." Jeffrey said genuinely disappointed.
"Now," Lovett continued. "That's all there is to do today so feel free to use your free time as you wish. No screaming or being obnoxious though, I've had enough for today." The teacher finished dismissively and then walked back to his desk and sat down, filling out some paperwork.
Louis used that time to go through the whole curriculum, reading every single little detail. He was starting to get tired of Zayn and Liam flirting with each other as if they were the only ones there. He glared at them and that's when he saw Aiden was staring at him. He made a great effort to look away and ignore him. He did not need nor want him getting involved in his life again. After the party last May, he had done enough to complicate it. Louis knew that the students were wondering if Aiden or Harry was the father of the baby. The gossip was already irritating him and it was only day one.
He was seriously starting to feel like the fifth wheel when Barbara and Niall started acting corny, sharing the chips Niall had pulled out of his backpack. Louis wanted to kiss Barbara when she offered him some, now that he was starving and still had an hour to go until he could go home and eat to his heart's content.
"Before I forget," Mr. Lovett announced, getting up from his seat. "I wanted to pass out some contraceptives. I know what you guys do while procrastinating on your assignments." He joked, eyeing his students humorously. "Think of this as the first lesson on preventing pregnancy and STD's." He said chuckling.
Lovett had a shoebox in his hands, and started walking around handing everybody the damn condoms that Louis didn't need anymore. The teacher paused in front of the pregnant boy, his eyes on his belly for a second before looking back up and smiling kindly at him. Lovett handed him a small plastic bag with five condoms and then moved on to Zayn and Liam who thanked him. Louis wasn't sure if he wanted to laugh or cry as he watched Zayn taking Liam's bag and putting them in his backpack.
"I don't know why you're giving Louis condoms, he's already knocked up." Kendall smirked. "You're only wasting them."
"And I don't know how this is any of your business." Lovett turned around to look at her.
"I'm just saying. Some people really are dumb." Kendall continued. "I mean, who doesn't know how to use protection?"
Louis buried his face in his hands. He wanted to cry, overwhelmed with embarrassment.
"Your parents, obviously." Harry said, earning gasps from the whole class.
"What the hell!" Kendall exclaimed. "How dare you!?"
"Then shut the hell up!" Harry angrily glared at her.
"Why are you defending the trash. It's not like you're on his same level of stupidity." She sneered. "Knowing Louis, he probably slept with some idiot who got condoms a size too small."
"Well I can't help it if I have a big dick." Harry shrugged.
The whole class went dead silent.
"Kendall." Lovett spoke up. "Do me a favor and get out of my class. I will call the principal's office to let them know you're on your way. I clearly said I won't be tolerating this kind of behavior. Until you learn to respect your classmates, you're not welcome here."
Lovett then turned to look at Harry, speaking up as soon as Kendall had walked out and slammed the door shut behind her. "Watch your mouth, Styles." He winked at him and gave him a small warm smile right before he looked at Louis.
Louis already had Zayn's arms wrapped around him, watching Harry as he listened to Lovett explaining why Kendall was on her way to his office. Harry looked up at him, then back down at the desk, feeling everyone's eyes on them.
For the rest of the day Louis was in a state of shock. Not only had Harry stood up for him for the first time, but he had also inadvertently made it known that he was the father of the baby. Louis guessed that he was actually serious about wanting to raise her. But whatever, he still wasn't fully convinced, and it didn't matter anyways. He was meeting up with the parents from the adoption agency later that evening. Regardless, he was happy Harry had spoken up so that they would stop assuming that she was Aiden's. He didn't want anyone thinking he had actually slept with the prick.
When the bell rang, Louis packed up his stuff and followed Zayn to Liam's car. His best friend had offered him a ride. However, Louis didn't know that Harry had already asked Liam to give him a ride home after school. The dad-to-be knew that Liam was a very cautious driver, and would make sure that his baby was safe.
When Louis reached Liam's black Volvo, he hopped in the back seat strapped himself in. It was getting harder and harder for him to get comfortable in cars, when the seatbelt dug into to his round tummy. But at least Liam's seats felt nice against his back, which lately had been starting to ache. Being pregnant sucked.
"Do you want to get something to eat?" Zayn turned around in his seat to look at Louis.
"Chicken stars and a sprite. There's a Carl's Jr on the way home." Louis told them, already looking for his card in his wallet.
"I want the same thing, please." Zayn told Liam.
Liam ordered their food and Louis was left surprised when they had gotten their food faster than usual. They drove him home, and when he got there, he waved goodbye and then walked inside his house. He ate his chicken as he walked around tidying up the house. He dusted the furniture where dust was visible and then vacuumed the carpet, making sure to leave straight lines on it. He wanted to make a good impression on the Huard's. He needed them to adopt the baby, he was desperate for them to take her. He was eighty percent sure they would after he had showed them a picture of Harry. He had passed his good genes on to her after all.
That evening, after he had just finished getting ready for their arrival, he heard the chime of the doorbell. He tried not to run downstairs, feeling nervous all of a sudden when the couple was already there. He plastered on a smile before he opened the door, revealing the happy couple dressed in expensive clothes. Louis had never seen such an expensive car parked in front of his house. He thought it looked like a Porsche, but he couldn't be sure.
"Hi!" Louis greeted them sweetly. "Its nice to finally meet you in person. Please come in!"
"Hello Louis! I'm Jodi and this is my husband Michael." She introduced themselves.
"Nice to meet you." The man said, eyeing Louis up and down, licking his lips.
It made Louis feel uncomfortable. Suddenly he wasn't so sure about them as he placed a hand on the side of his belly. But he decided not to judge them too quickly. Maybe Michael's lips were just chapped.
"You have a lovely home, Louis." Jodi pointed out a she looked round, then took a seat on the couch after Louis gestured them to do so.
"Thank you." Louis smiled.
"You are six months along, correct?" Michael asked, surprising Louis when he went straight to the point.
"I am. Only three more months and you can have her. She's still cooking in the oven." Louis chuckled. "But if this little bun was done, I would hand her over to you right now."
"I'm so happy you decided to give us a chance. We tried so hard for a child for many years until we decided that adoption was the best way to go. This means so much to us." Jodi said.
"And I'm grateful that you are giving this baby a chance. I'm sure she'll be in good hands and I won't have to worry, wondering if–" Louis paused, faking his tears. "Wondering how she's doing, if she's happy and well taken care of. Harry and I can't keep her, but that doesn't mean we don't want the best for her."
"Has she kicked yet?" Michael asked.
"Not yet, but you can still feel if you want." Louis said, he completely ignored the fact that he wasn't letting Harry touch his bump, but was totally letting a stranger do it.
Michael reached forward and placed his hands on the sides of Louis' belly, where the pregnant boy could feel her moving. Maybe it was a sign, a sign that they were it and the baby really liked her new parents. Louis had a smile on his face, until he heard the garage door open followed by the door through the house. He almost shit his pants when he saw Harry standing there, holding a bag of groceries in his hands.
Harry saw them and then dropped the bag in shock when he realized what was going on. His angry face kept turning redder and redder as he stared at them.
"Get the fuck away from him!" Harry shouted at the man, making Michael drop his hands from Louis' bump and take a step back.
"Is something wrong?" Jodi asked, a look of confusion on her face.
"No." Louis gave her a nervous smile. "He just– he..." He trailed off, not knowing what else to say when he saw Harry's eyes were filled with tears.
"Get out!!" Harry screamed at them, knowing why they were there. "She's not up for adoption!"
"But Louis told us she is." Michael said, quickly catching up on what was going on. His face softened as he watched Harry and then Louis.
"Well she's not." Harry's voice cracked, and looked at Louis with betrayal in his eyes.
"We understand." Michael told Harry, then grabbed his wife's hand and walked out of there without saying another word.
As soon as the couple shut the door behind them, the screaming began.
"You ruined it! What the fuck is wrong with you!?" Louis shouted at Harry who was still standing in the same spot, just looking at the monster that Louis had become.
"Once she's born–" Harry's voice cracked again, trying so hard to swallow the lump in his throat. "Once she's born, I just want you to stay away from us." Louis took a step forward, stopping when he saw the tears rolling down Harry's cheeks. "I want you to get the fuck out of our lives. You obviously don't want to be involved and that's perfectly fine, but let me just fucking have her! Stop with this adoption bullshit. Jesus Christ."
Louis stood there speechless. Tears running down his cheeks.
"O– Okay." The pregnant boy whispered.
Harry shook his head and left, unable to look at Louis a moment longer. All the love that he had had for him completely evaporated. He no longer meant anything to him. He wasn't even the mother of his child. Louis was just a carrier. A carrier who was carrying his precious cargo. His baby girl. Who was now his everything.
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