That night he ended up going to bed late when he had to finish his homework, never once getting at least a text from Harry. The next morning he woke up two hours earlier than usual, feeling like he was going to vomit at any moment. He tried to take deep breaths to try and make himself better, but that went out the window when he felt worse. He barely made it to the bathroom where he hurt his knees when they landed on the cold hard floor, ignoring it when he was trying not to choke on his own vomit.
It continued like that until the sun was rising and he was laying down on the floor in his bathroom, feeling like he no longer had a stomach. His throat was raw and so was his nose when it had come out through it too. He tried to figure out if he had eaten something that wasn't good anymore, but when he couldn't remember, he gave up and went back to sleep. He wasn't sure how long had he been there when he was woken up by his mother who helped him go back to bed, finding out that school had started three hours ago.
"What's wrong?" Evelyn asked. She placed her hand on Louis' forehead to make sure he wasn't running a fever, frowning when he was doing fine yet looked so green. "Did you eat something gross? You sometimes eat the grossest things ever."
"No." Louis groaned as he turned around on his side and away from her, "I want to sleep."
"Okay, baby. I called the school to let them know you're sick. Let me know if you need something. There's a bucket on the floor next to your bed." Evelyn told him, shaking her head when Louis groaned again.
Louis spent the next hour in his bed, trying to relax when he was still feeling nauseous and also bored, until Zayn started spamming him with texts. He groaned when his phone wouldn't stop vibrating until he called his friend, anything to make him stop.
"Z, please stop spamming me." Louis weakly told him.
"Why aren't you in school!? I had to sit with Kendall!" Zayn exclaimed and Louis could already imagine him rolling his eyes, "With the Jenner! I think all my neurons are dead. May they rest in peace."
Louis wanted to laugh at him for being so dramatic, but couldn't even do that when he still felt ill. "I've been sick all day. I've been throwing up all day. It must have been yesterday's lunch, you know how nasty they are."
"That sucks, babes. Are you okay now?" Zayn cooed.
"I'm still nauseous and it won't go away even after taking pepto!" Louis whined.
"Or maybe you're just pregnant." Zayn casually said as he fixed his hair in the school bathroom while Liam was peeing, "You can't wash away a baby with pepto." He laughed.
"Oh god..." Louis started coughing when he accidentally swallowed his own spit. "No no no no no no no."
"You okay?" Zayn asked, now sounding worried then moved the phone away when he heard gagging, "Did you just puke?"
"Zayn, I cannot be pregnant! I'm only seventeen! No, this cannot be happening!" Louis started crying, hearing shuffling on the other line then Liam's voice telling Zayn to give him the phone.
"Lou?" Liam sounded nervous, "Don't listen to Zayn, it's probably just a bug or something."
"Yeah, just a bug." Zayn shouted. "Liam, give me the phone."
"Zayn, what am I gonna do?" Louis couldn't stop crying as he stared at Harry's closed window.
They were way too young to have a baby. What if Harry didn't even want to be a father? Louis would have to raise the baby alone! Although Louis was pretty sure both their parents would force Harry to help him regardless of his feelings. And speaking of his parents, they would be so disappointed in him. Louis got good grades and planned to go to college. A baby would ruin everything. He couldn't be pregnant. He just couldn't.
In the middle of his mild panic attack, Zayn responded, interrupting his heavy breathing. "Hey love, it's going to be okay. But maybe you should take a pregnancy test to check if this is morning sickness or not."
"Zayn I can't buy a test. I can't even get out of bed," Louis whined pathetically, "Could you maybe buy it for me?"
"Louis, the lady knows my parents!" Zayn felt like crying, "But Liam can go in and buy it. You're going to be okay." Zayn promised him, his voice reassuring and soft.
"Yeah tell Lou that I'll be over there in a few hours." Louis overheard Liam say in the background. He was thankful that he had friends like them.
The next few hours were hell for Louis as he waited for Zayn and Liam to get there with the test. Lucky for him his mother had gone out to the pharmacy to try and find him something for the nausea. During that time, he had been able to eat at least a few crackers and drink some water, but it didn't help settle the part of his stomach that was now upset due to the fear he was feeling. And when they actually got there, he threw up what little he had eaten.
Zayn went straight to him and hugged him close, making sure to rub his back when he knew Louis loved when they rubbed his back. Liam silently gave him a brown paper bag containing a single box inside of it. That was it, that box and the test inside it held all his and Harry's future. Only his if Harry wanted nothing to do with him and the baby.
He took it with shaky hands and made his way to the bathroom, letting Liam and Zayn sit on his bed to wait for him. He had started drinking water long before they showed up and after reading the instructions, he finally peed on the stick then set it on the counter on top of toilet paper. He set the timer for five minutes and took a seat on the closed lid of the toilet.
His hands were shaking and when the timer went off, he stood up with shaky legs and grabbed the stick. He furrowed his brows at what he saw, not understanding what it meant until he read the instructions again. That's when he dropped both the stick and the box and his eyes filled with tears. Two pink lines. He was definitely pregnant and definitely fucked.
"Lou! Babe, open the door!" Zayn shouted as he tried to open the door as soon as he had heard his best friend crying.
"Louis, open the door!" Liam tried to twist the doorknob, giving up when Zayn pushed his hand away so he could try.
They took a step back when Louis opened the door and handed Zayn the stick wrapped in toilet paper. Zayn looked at it with disgust but took it anyway even though it had pee on it. Now was not the time to be showing how disgusted he was when he saw the two pink lines. He knew what they meant, had read it on the box, had seen way too many shows. Those two evil pink lines meant his best friend was indeed pregnant.
"What am I gonna do Zayn? I'm way too young to have a baby!" Louis said, tears falling from his eyes more rapidly by the minute.
"And Harry..." Louis ran to the bathroom and vomited again in the toilet, the idea of telling Harry making him nauseous.
Zayn immediately went to his side and rubbed his back softly. "It's gonna be ok babe. A baby is a big responsibility but not the end of the world."
"Yeah," Liam said softly by the door, his face with holding a very pensive expression. "But Harry, you are going to have to tell him Louis. It's his baby and he has a right to know."
Louis wanted to stab Liam for making so much fucking sense. He hated it. But his best friend's wise boyfriend did have a point. Harry was the father and he did need to know. And soon.
"But what if he leaves me?" Louis whispered quietly into the white porcelain bowl while wiping the tears from his eyes.
"Then your dad will kick his ass." Liam said. John would not tolerate Harry knocking his son up and leaving him in the dust.
"Right after Liam and I do." Zayn said defensively. He and Liam wouldn't let Harry abandon Louis in his time of need.
"Now get your ass up, Louis. After you tell Harry, then we can figure it out from there. But first things first, you have to let him know about the little life inside of your tummy."
Louis' hand went to his stomach. His and Harry's baby was really just under a few layers of skin nestled in uterus right below the pads of his finger tips.
Liam rolled his eyes. "It's most likely not even a baby yet. Just a ball of cells."
"Shut up, Liam! Don't talk about my goddaughter like that!" Zayn yelled, slapping him upside the head.
"Jeez, babe." Liam whined helplessly. "I'm sorry."
"Tell that to the baby!" Zayn snapped back. Zayn was crazy sometimes, but Liam couldn't live without him.
"Uh..." Liam said staring at Louis.
But the pregnant boy was in his own world. He had lifted his shirt up while they were bickering, and was slowly rubbing the pudge below his bellybutton with the softest stroke of his fingers. His blue eyes just marveling at the tan skin.
"Louis?" Zayn spoke quietly, not wanting to disrupt his moment with his unborn child.
"Yeah Z?" Louis said, letting his shirt fall back down and looking over at his friend and his friend's boyfriend who were staring at him. But before Zayn could say anything, all three of them heard the motor of a motorcycle engine pull up into the neighboring driveway. Harry was home from school.
"Harry's home." Liam said, deciding to state the obvious to break the awkward silence. But just speaking the information only increased the tension in the room, the paleness of Louis' face clearly showing his anxiety.
"Um well," Zayn sighed, "I think that's our queue to leave."
As him and Liam started walking toward Louis' door, the blue-eyed boy turned toward them and said, "thanks guys, for like the test and your support."
"No problem, Lou." Zayn smiled, and Liam nodded in agreement and said "good luck," before they disappeared downstairs.
Not even a second after they left, he heard a soft thump against his window, and looked to see Harry's balled up sock fall right after it hit the glass pane.
Louis walked to the window and opened it. Harry was on his balcony looking over at him with a concerned look on his face.
"Hey." Louis said pathetically, his voice cracking from having cried a few minutes ago. His throat was also sore due to having thrown up all day. He was in poor shape.
"Where were you today? I didn't see you at school." Harry asked worriedly
"At home. Sick," Louis softly replied. Part of him wanted to ask why he cared when he never acknowledged him at school; he only laughed whenever Kendall insulted him.
"Awe baby." Harry said sweetly. "Wanna come over and cuddle?"
Louis' hand went to his belly at the word baby, which reminded him that he needed to tell Harry as soon as possible. Fuck. He thought, his hand shaking nervously on his clothed stomach. Fuck his life.
"Yeah. Get give me a sec and I'll be right over."
"Kay." Harry smiled and then went walked back inside of his room.
Louis laughed bitterly. That smile was about to turn upside down.
He quickly grabbed the box the test came in and then placed the test inside of it before he could chicken out. He then walked out of his room and down the stairs, losing courage with each step that he took toward Harry's house.
Once he reached the Styles' and Twist's front door, he tried to open it, but his hands were shaking too bad. Thankfully Robin came to his rescue by opening it. Louis quickly hid the pregnancy test box behind his back before he could see it.
"Hi Louis. He's in his room." Robin greeted him kindly.
"Thanks," Louis said, walking quickly past him and straight for Harry's room.
He didn't even knock before going inside, and was met with a half dressed Harry, with only loose gym shorts hanging low on his hips, the outline of his dick distracting Louis momentarily before he met eyes with his fuck buddy and soon-to-be baby daddy.
"Hey Louis." Harry said while taking a seat on the bed.
Louis just stared at him, not sure what to do.
Harry raised his eyebrow at him questionably. "Well are you gonna sit down so I can cuddle you?" The half naked boy chuckled looking up at Louis confusedly. Louis was acting so strange.
"Uh yeah... right." Louis walked over to the bed, the bed where their baby was made. Fuck. Louis shook his head. He couldn't even think straight anymore. His mind running with thoughts of their baby.
He took a seat next to Harry and leaned against his chest out of habit. But his body, unlike usual, was stiff and filled with anxious tension.
"Louis, are you alright love?" Harry said gently, as if he was talking to a scared baby animal.
"I..." Louis looked at his stomach, trying to give himself courage. He had to suck it up and swallow his fears. He had to do this for their baby.
"I'm pregnant, Harry."
"What." Harry said disbelieving. "You're pregnant?"
"Yes," Louis whispered.
"And it's mine?" Harry asked.
Louis then looked up at Harry, his eyes filling with tears and his lips trembling with despair and pain. How could Harry even ask him that? Louis had thought that Harry would react angrily, sympathetically, or fearfully. But not with insulting denial.
Louis stood up and faced him, rage in his eyes, and a protective hand on his stomach. "Of course it's yours, Harry! Unlike you, I haven't had sex with anyone else but you. You were my first and my last, and everything in be-fucking-tween! And if you don't believe me, you can go straight to hell!" Louis screamed and then turned around and started for the door.
"Wait! Louis I'm sorry. I believe you. Don't leave..." Harry got up and reached for him, wrapping his arm around the pregnant boy's still-slim waist, trying to stop him from leaving. But his big hand coquensidencely landed on flat expanse of Louis' belly, right over their baby, making the mother-to-be halt, lips parted open in surprise at the sudden intimate gesture.
"Lou," Harry said as calmly as he could in their situation, "please don't leave."
"Okay." Louis whispered softly.
Harry, not moving his hand, held Louis against him and laid them both down on the bed.
They sat in silence, Harry's thumb brushing against the exposed skin above the waistband of Louis' pants. And Louis' hand rested on top of his. Their future occupying both of their thoughts.
Then Harry's other hand felt a square object on the bed and held it up. "Louis, what's this?" He wondered holding up the box that Louis had brought with him.
"Oh that's the pregnancy test box." He said nonchalantly.
"Uh... Then why does it say Fertility Test?" Harry asked aloud.
"What?!" Louis said, sitting straight up and taking the box from him and reading over it carefully. "Fertility Test?! Liam bought me a fucking fertility test?"
"Well they do look kinda similar." Harry said in Liam's defense. "Does this mean you aren't pregnant?"
"I don't know. The test was still positive, and I was pretty sure I was having morning sickness." Louis responded thoughtfully.
Harry unwrapped his arm from around Louis and stood up. "Well there's only one way to find out. Let me go get some from Gemma's emergency stash in her room."
Harry quickly left and returned with three small rectangular pink boxes that clearly read Pregnancy Test on them in large bold letters.
"Here. Go takes these," the curly haired boy said as he nodded toward the bathroom.
Louis took them from him and then went to do his business. And returned back a minute later with the three tests in his hand.
"We have to wait five minutes," he said quietly, then placed the tests on the nightstand and then began pacing the room.
"Louis..." Harry's deep voice pulled the stressed boy out of his trance. Louis turned around and looked into his pretty jade eyes, that reflected feelings of fear and affection in them. Harry took both of Louis' tiny hands into his bigger ones and held them gently. "I just want to let you know ... if there really is a baby in you, that I'm not leaving your side. We are in this together. Okay?"
After hearing those honest words, the tension left Louis' body, and his muscles relaxed, going limp in Harry's hold.
"Okay." Louis breathed out just as Harry pulled him into a hug. Louis rested his chin on Harry's shoulder, his chocolate curls tickling his button nose, while the other boy stroked his golden locks. Louis hoped that their maybe baby would have Harry's pretty hair.
Once the five minutes were up, Harry released Louis from his hold, and locked eyes with him. And just like two magnets, their lips gravitated toward each other; the force of the pull too strong to resist in such an emotional moment. They were trapped in their own LouisandHarry world. Both boys leaned in at the same time. Harry's plump pillow lips brushing lightly over Louis' before slowly siding in between them in a sweet comforting kiss, physically letting his boy know that they were going to be okay no matter what.
When they finally pulled away from each other, Louis weaved his fingers through Harry's, before disconnecting their intense gazes to look at the three tests.
Positive. Positive. And ... positive.
Louis stood completely still. The room was so quiet, that the only thing that could be heard was his and Harry's erratic heart beats, which were not in sync. At all.
Harry tore his hand from Louis' limp grasp, and ran it nervously through his wild curls, making himself look even more deranged.
"Fuck!" Harry cursed loudly and looked away from Louis, as if he didn't want to face him, or face the reality that he was a symbol of his impending fatherhood. Their impending fatherhood. Louis was going to be a parent. Fuck was right. For some reason finding out the second time felt different, more real, and the idea of a baby more daunting.
"How the hell did this even happen?" Harry asked, his tone filled with accusation and frustration laced with anger, a combination that Louis didn't like one bit, making him flinch.
"I don't know! One of the condoms probably broke." The blue-eyed boy answered quietly, feeling more vulnerable by the second. "But does it matter?" He whispered. "I'm pregnant and that's that. No point in getting mad over how it happened."
"Stop reminding me." Harry bit back coldy. He then took a seat on the bed and held his head in his hands defeatedly.
"Harry?" Louis took a step back, unsure on how to proceed from here, a hand limply laying on his lower abdomen, seeming to hover protectively over the growing life inside of him.
What had happened to the Harry from a moment ago who said that everything was going to be okay? The sweet Harry who had even caressed his stomach, who begged him to stay. What happened to the Harry who said that they were in this together? He wanted that Harry back. Needed him to comfort him and reassure him that he wasn't in this pregnancy alone. Louis wasn't strong enough to have this baby on his own. Not only did he want Harry by his side, but he needed him. Now more than ever before.
Harry slowly lifted his head up and looked at Louis. They stared at each other for a moment. Fear was swimming on the surface of his green eyes along with tears that were seconds away from pouring down.
"Lou ..." Harry took a deep breath, and licked his lips, his hands shaking with anxiety. "I need time." He finally said.
"You need time?" Louis asked, incredulously. "I - Hazza please. There's no time for-for contemplation!" Louis told him. If he thought that Harry needed just day to get used to the idea that would be fine. But after having known Harry for years, he knew that a few days wasn't what he was asking for. This was Harry's subtle way of dodging his responsibility, his cowardly way of backing out. He could already feel the the distance between them that Harry was trying to create, building a figurative steel wall between them. And he couldn't let Harry complete it. He needed Harry on his side. By his side.
"Please Harry," Louis was begging now. "I need you. The-the baby - your baby - needs you."
"I can't do this right now." Harry got up and started pacing in front of Louis. And then he turned his back completely away from Louis, looking out the window, eyes glued to Louis' room. Then he turned back to him and said softly yet resolutely: "I think you should go."
It was like a slap to the face for Louis who took a step back and started crying, feeling a sharp pain in his heart. Not only was Harry telling him to leave, but he was telling him to leave with the life he helped create nestled inside his belly. Louis himself was used to handling the rejection, but this time he couldn't because it wasn't just him that Harry was kicking out of his presence.
"This is your baby too and we need to figure out what we are going to do about it! Together. I need you now, Harry! So please, man up." Louis glared, dead set on not letting Harry get away with this. Louis was determined not to go through this by himself. And maybe if he couldn't plead his way back into Harry's heart, he could spark some kind of paternal obligation out of him by provocation.
But sadly it had the opposite effect.
"Leave!" Harry shouted, his command slicing his heart completely in two, leaving Louis wounded.
Leaving Louis with a heart that was no longer capable of loving Harry or any part of him.
The blue teary-eyed boy took another step back then made his way to the door. He looked one more time at Harry whose hands were shaking, whether in anger or anxiety, he didn't know. And frankly, no longer cared.
"Fuck. You." Louis spat with such malice in his voice that it was enough to make Harry stop in his tracks and begin to approach him.
But he was gone before Harry could get to him. And Harry decided not to go after him, instead he slammed the door shut and locked it. Locking Louis out of his life, and throwing away the key.
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