Wake up call
Alexander opened his eyes to Bright lights shining in his face, he squinted and groaned, his arms felt like they were burning. The lights dimmed and Alexander opened his eyes "Sorry!" A young nurse squeaked from the light switches on the other side of the room. Alexander nodded at her and weakly smiled "It's ok." He slightly sat up and winced falling back to his original position. The nurse rushed over "Your arms are really cut up, I don't recommend using them in anyway." She pressed a button on the side of the hospital bed and he moved into a sitting up position. She nodded as if asking if he was comfortable he nodded in response. He felt shooting pain in his arms and clenched his teeth. The nurse looked at him and walked out only to walk back in a couple of minutes later with two purple pills, she walked to his bed side "Open." she demanded in a soft tone "I'm not a child..." he muttered and then opened his mouth reluctantly. The nurse put the pills into his mouth, of course with gloves on "They should help with the pain." she said and handed him water he nodded and sipped the water to wash the pills down. After a few minutes he sighed under his breath as relief hit his system he looked at the nurse "Where is Thomas?" he managed to ask "Jefferson?" she asked in response. He nodded "He's in the next room over, had an anxiety-panic attack after coming in with you.." Alexander felt guilt "And Mr.Laurens left a few hours ago, told me to tell you he was sorry." He sighed "When can I see Thomas?" he asked immediantly "Now if you'd like, I'll tell the doctors you were asking for him." Alexander nodded in response "Please...." he said and then lay back as the nurse exited and walked down the hall. He heard the distance click clack click clack of her highheels
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