The Aftermath
It hit 11:45 and Thomas slowly opened his, he squinted due to the bright sun coming through his window. He sighed softly and looked down at the smaller man pressed against his body, he smiled softly. He held Alexander in his arms until Alexander began to awaken, which was about fifteen minutes later.
Alexander awoke pressed tightly against a taller form, it took him second to realize it was Thomas. He squinted his eyes at the light and looked up at Thomas with a small smile "Good Morning." he said in a cute groggy voice.
Thomas was startled at first then looked down and smiled "More like good afternoon amour." he smiled down at Alexander.
It took Alex a minute to comprehend what he said "Did you just call me love?" he asked in a sweet sarcastic tone, and giggled softly.
Thomas slightly blushed "Oh bite me." he said jokingly, he glanced over at the alarm clock.
Alexander took that as an invitation "Ok~" In a flash he had propelled himself up a bit to reach Thomas's neck. He nibbled on Thomas's neck for a bit then kissed up his jaw line.
Thomas caught his lip between his teeth and moaned ever so softly, Thomas laughed quietly "Let's not get into this again."he suddenly tensed up and his eyes widened.
"Thomas? What's wrong?" Alexander asked with a sound of worry in his voice
"My..uh, ok I have servants, and what are we supposed to tell them?" Thomas said biting his lip "They get here mid-day and bring lunch u-" Thomas was cut off by the door suddenly opening and in stepping a female servant.
Thomas quickly covered them up with a blanket and tried his best to hide Alexander aswell, the servant looked at him suspiciously "Good morn- afternoon Mr.Jefferson." she said sweetly "Good evening Mrs.Brookes, how is your husband? Feeling well yet?" He asked in a thick accent, Mrs.Brookes shook her head and frowned, she seemed to finally notice Alexander "Is that Monsieur Lafayette?" she asked, Alexander glared up at Thomas with cold eyes.
Thomas winced "We broke up..a week and a half ago." He lied, Mrs.Brookes looked at the lump in the covers "Then who is that?" she asked, Thomas laughed "My new boyfriend, now please leave us Mrs.Brookes." she nodded and stepped out leaving a tray of lunch for him.
Once Alexander heard the door click shut he stood up but wobbled and halfway fell, his legs were too sore to walk, he sighed and snatched his clothes up from the floor. He sat on the floor pulling just his- Thomas's shirt he was borrowing on, and his boxers
Thomas was surprised at the sudden outburst "What's Wron-" he was cut off by Alexander
"We are NOT dating." he said in a pissed tone.
Thomas looked at him- more like glared at him "So last night meant nothing!? And neither did this morning I assume!?" Thomas said in an angry tone
Alexander looked up at him " meant something." his face softened "I, you just, declared it as if I had a say-so!" Alexander growled
"So you don't want to date me?!" Thomas yelled and sat up angrily staring at Alexander
Alexander audibly whimpered at Thomas yelling at him, he winced and thought back to a previous relationship. Alexander couldn't move his legs so he turned his back to Thomas and rubbed the tears from his eyes at the memory of the relationship.
Thomas looked at him as anger faded from his face, he got up and put on a oversized t-shirt along with his own boxers and then walked over to Alexander, he crouched down beside him and sighed "I'm sorry..I couldn't say It was just...that this was just a one time thing........"
Alexander stayed silent, a look of hurt spread across Thomas's face " this...a one time thing, Alexander?" his voice cracked.
Alexander stared down at the floor not knowing how to respond "I...don't is." he inhaled sharply and said nothing.
Thomas sighed and picked Alexander up carefully and set him on the bed "Sorry...for your..uh..legs." Alexander slightly laughed "It's a small price to pay for so much pleasure." he said with a soft laugh.
Thomas grabbed the try of food and walked over to the bed and handed it to Alexander "Here, I'm not hungry." Alexander looked up at him "Are you sure?" Thomas nodded silently "Mhm, not hungry as previously said." Alexander looked at him thankfully and began to eat the food on the tray.
Thomas looked at him then had a thought "Would you like me to draw you a bath?" Thomas asked "The bath is pretty big I could help you because..your....legs." he frowned feeling a bit guilty for being so rough, Alexander swallowed his- Thomas's food. Nothing here belonged to him, Alexander reminded himself "I say yes to both of those." Thomas nodded and stood up disappearing into a doorway across the room.
Thomas walked into the white tiled bathroom and shivered at the cold contact with the tiles, he walked over to a bath the size of hot tub and turned it on. He let the water run until it was hot and then proceeded to put the stopper in the drain an waited for it to fill up. Thomas stood from the side up the bath and looked through an assortment of scented bathwashs, conditioners, and shampoo. He thought about Alexander's obsession with strawberrys that he told him about yesterday and picked out the strawberry soaps. He poured scented strawberry soap into the bath and set the shampoo and conditioner aside and stopped the bath when it had hit somewhere above the halfway line.
Alexander looked up from his finished platter of food as Thomas walked in and took the empty platter of his lap. Setting it aside he picked Alexander up bridal style and carried him into the washroom. Thomas set Alexander down on the side of the tub, Alexander skimmed his hand over the top of the really hot water "You don't have to do this you know." Alexander said as Thomas helped him undress "I know." Thomas said bluntly as he pulled his own shirt off of Alexander. Alexander slightly blushed again, Thomas didn't seem to notice, he pulled off Alexander's boxers and then slid him into the water.
Alexander was hit with a relaxing wave of warmth when he hit the water, he practically moaned, but bit his lip before actually doing so. When his legs hit the water he slightly gasped at the relief that he felt, Thomas noticed his reaction and felt even more guilty "I am so sorry..." Thomas said sitting on the side of the tub, Alexander looked up at him "It's ok Thomas." Alexander waded over to Thomas and grabbed his hand "Come on, hurry up and get in, I need 'help' " Alexander said and looked up at him.
Thomas pulled off his shirt quickly as Alexander sat and watched, getting a better look at his dark skinned body. Thomas pulled off his boxers and stepped into the hot tub and sunk down slightly as it relaxed his muscles. Alexander looked at Thomas for a bit then smelt a familiar scent he sniffed the air is that...strawberry? Alexander looked at Thomas "Is that Strawberry?" he asked as Thomas sat up in the hot water and nodded "Ya, you told me how you loved it so I thought.." concern spread across his face "I'm sorry do you not like it?" he asked. Alexander looked at him "NO, I love it! Smells great" Alexander exclaimed.
((and if I do did you not read the second to last chapter? xD))
Thomas reached over and grabbed the body wash and the shampoo & conditioner. He opened the shampoo and poured a bit on Alexander's hair, he then poured some on his hands and ran it up into his hair (Like he was putting it into a hair tie) He looked like Lafayette for a second then his hair fluffed back out. Alexander laughed softly and began to wash his own hair, Thomas scrubbed his hair at his best abilities. Alexander sunk into the water and scrubbed his head off, Thomas did the same, they continued with the conditioner and last was the body wash. Thomas opened up the body wash and poured it in his hand, next thing he knew someone elses hands were on him. He looked up at Alex who was sitting in Thomas's lap and rubbing his chest to help "cleanse" him.
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