Alexander was super excited as they returned home, they had finally picked out the child they wanted to adopt and were allowed to pick him up the next day. Thomas was chuckling at Alexander's adorable reation to this whole adoption ordeal. Alexander was bouncing in his seat the, ramblining about the child they decided to adopt.
His name was Philip and in Alexaner's words he was "simply perfect" he had shoulder length, curly, brown hair. He was toned and had lots of freckles, he was only a year old at the time.
Alexander bolted out oof the car as they got home, quickly unbuckling Philip from the car seat they had bought on the way over. He points to Thomas' mansion "Look Pip! You'll get to live here!" He exclaims excitedly, bouncing up and down.
Thomas chuckles gently and unbuckles himself, climbing out of the car and walking to Alex, kissing the top of his head
A/N: I know the adoption process takes WAY longer then this but for the sake of the story just roll with it.
Alexander smiles brightly "Come on! Let's go inside!" Philip was giggling with the most amazing giggle you've ever heard, Thomas loved the sound, maybe this wouldn't be so bad.
Alexander grabbed Thomas' hand and started dragging him to the front door, where Thomas unlocked the large white doors and pushed them in while smiling.
Alexander happily bounced in, looking at Philip and watching the small boy awe over the giant house. Thomas chuckles again and yawns, stretching out, he was tired for some reason.
Thomas looked down at Alexander "So beautiful.." He mumbles to himself, looking at Alexander and analyzing everything about him, as if it would be the last time to see him.
Alexander was now playing with Philip, bouncing Pip up and down on the couch while they both giggled. Thomas quickly got his phone out and started to records the ordeal with a smile.
The child was quickly growing on him, he thought the kid was really cute and fun, and Alex obviously loves him. Alexander picks Pip up by his hips and bounced him on the couch, watching the young child squeal and giggle.
He thought it was cute the way Philip's curly hair bounced a millisecond after the rest of Pip's body did. The kid almost reminded Alexander of an old friend....a very old friend..
He finally stopped, seeing as Pip was a bit tired "How about we all take a nap?" Alexander suggested. Thomas stops recording, pocketing his BlackBerry phone and nodding. Philip yawns and rubs his eyes with his small balls up fists.
Thomas chuckles and picks up both Alexander and Philip "My boys.." He mumbles, kissing each of their heads. Alexander leaned against Thomas' chest happily, petting Pip's hair gently. Thomas carried the two up the long staircase and into their bedroom.
Thomas gently laid Alex down and then Philip, he goes to the curtains and opens them just a bit to let some dim light in. He goes back and closes the door before kicking off his shoes. He pulls off Alex's shoes, who in return whined out, "I'm a big boy!" Making Thomas smirk and laugh under his breath "I'm sure you are, baby." Then he pulled off Philip's small and adorable Velcro shoes.
He climbed onto the bed laying on the other side of Philip, he reaches his arms over and pulls them close to himself, smiling contently. He pulls up the soft, heavy blankets and ran his fingers through Alex's hair.
Alexander watched Philip yawn and try to stay up, but the boys eyes had fluttered shut ands he was falling asleep. Alexander progressively grew more tired until he was passing out ,"I love you..." He murmurs.
Thomas leans over their son and kisses Alex's forehead "I love you more." He whispered into his ear and comforted both his boys until he fell asleep peacefully.
I fucking. Did it. It's four in the morning and I'm only progressive through this time, but it's the first time I've been up at this time in a while so.
Here you guys go, I hope you enjoy! Sorry its so short!
Word count: 703
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