They are 'a bunch of weirdos'.
It was time for our next class. Chemistry lab had a weird environment. Sure there was pungent smell of chemicals, but it was like a museum. There were ancient writings on it, and pictures of many scientist were hung on the walls. This was one of the class I had to take without Levy. I saw an isolated lab table and immediately walked to it. The window was beside it, so it was comfortable. Mr. Freed Justine walked in the class and started marking our attendance on the spot. He was on the second name when the class door was kicked open. The whole room turned their attention to a certain pink-haired guy and a raven-haired guy panting heavily at the door.
"Sorry I'm late." The pink bastard said.
"Dragneel! Fullbuster! How many times do I have to warn you to be on time!?"
"Sorry, flame brain here was-
"Shut up, ice freak! It won't happen again, sir!"
"This is the last warning. Next time, you'll be sent to detention."
"Aye." They both said in unison.
I returned back to what I do when I'm bored.
Doodling on your notebook is the best way to pass your time, huh?
I was not paying even half of my attention to what Mr. Justine was saying. I drew something like hair, and then the face, the eyes and the nose when the person sitting besides me nudged me.
This person seems familiar.
I ignored him and kept doodling. I was drawing the ears when I heard a 'psst'.
"What's your problem, Pinkie?" I whispered.
"If you're talking about my hair, then it's salmon, not pink."
"Can you even spell it?"
"Yes, I can."
"Then why don't you?"
"So Pinkie knows how to spell. Hmm, interesting."
"Hey! What's that supposed to mean?"
"Dragneel? Blondie? Any problem?" Our chemistry teacher asked us.
"No, sir! We're perfectly fine!"
Pinkie aka Natsu gave his signature grin. I could see half of the girls swooning already.
"Good. Any more interruptions and you're out of the class. Got it?"
Apparently, the raven haired dude aka Gray Fullbuster swore and slammed his hand on the table and walked out of the class and before he walked out of the class he glared at Pinkie who was laughing his ass out.
"Gray, your clothes!"
A brunette in the far corner who looked like she was drunk pointed out to Gray. He shrieked and picked up his shirt after finding it, leaving the class.
Just for your information. He stripped his shirt off of him and was left in jeans. Due to his stripping, he was kicked out of the class.
"Now, back to the lesson. Rutherford performed an experiment-
I was back to doodling on the back of my notebook when I felt something soft near my temples.
"Nice drawing you got there."
I shut my notebook and directly spoke to Mr. Justine, interrupting his lecture on Rutherford's experiment which was associated to something I never concentrated on. It might be about the Cathode rays or whatever.
"Sir! Pinkie over here is disturbing me again and again and is not letting me concentrate on the lecture."
"Wha- what did I do?"
The teacher sighed.
"Out. Now."
"But I didn't-
"Darn it! I'll have revenge, blondie bitch."
"Get out before I give detention!"
"Okay. Okay. Jeez, don't be so loud."
He stood up and walked to the door. Before he exited, he stuck his tongue out at me. I was fuming, but I calmed down soon.
Revenge is sweet, Dragneel, only if it mocks the prey.
The day finally ended with the sweet sound of bell ringing. I put my stuff in the locker and took out the books I'll be needing for completing my homework and for the test preparation. I also grabbed a few books that I got from the library today.
The best part after completing the homework is to read novels and get lost in the world of imagination.
I slammed the rusty locker shut and almost dropped everything because the pink-haired Dragneel was standing besides me and giving his million dollar smile.
"What?" I snapped.
"What what?"
"What are you doing here?"
"Adoring the pretty little blondie standing in front of me?"
My eye twitched.
"Are you stalking me?"
"Why would I stalk you?"
"Then what are you doing here?"
Have you got nothing better to do?
"I just told you that I'm adoring the pretty little blondie standing in front of me who is now shooting daggers at me by her murderous glare."
I kept glaring at him.
"Just kidding. I came here to get a few things from my locker."
He straightened himself and opened the locker that was right besides mine.
Great. Just great. Just fucking great.
"Then get them and go."
He took out a bunch of keys and a cap with the FTA emblem painted like it was on fire.
"I got it."
I spun on my shoes and started walking to the place where my petite friend asked me to meet. I still remember her strict order. She looked so bossy when she said "Lucy Heartfilia, if you stepped out of the grounds without seeing me or the gang, I swear you will be punished!"
She really is crazy.
"Hey Lucy! Over here!"
I saw Levy waving her hand. I walked towards the tree where she was standing.
"Lucy, I want you to meet Erza Scarlet. She is the Student Council President."
She introduced me to a girl who looked 19. She had scarlet hair, like her name, and brown eyes. She was absolutely stunning.
"It's nice to meet you, Ms. Scarlet."
"It's nice to meet you too, Lucy. Call me Erza, please."
After we shook our hands, she folded her arms and smiled at me. I really don't know how to put it but that girl had a sense of authority in her voice.
"Where are they, Erza? They should be here at this time."
"Perhaps they would be doing something else that is important. That's okay. I'll see you tomorrow, Levy!" I said with a nervous smile and started walking away when-
"Not so fast- oh, there they are... Fighting again."
She grabbed my collar and pulled me back.
"Over here you guys!"
I saw the same dude with piercings all over his face and hands, dragging the same raven haired dude I saw in all of my classes.
Most of my classes, to be more precise. The teachers were satisfied with their work after kicking him out of their classes on his stripping.
Since when did I become that observant?
"Gajeel, this is Lucy. Lucy, Gajeel."
The metalhead Gajeel was observing me from top to bottom. I sweat dropped.
"Uh, nice to meet you too."
He moved back and I sighed in relief.
He pulled out his hand for me to shake, which I quickly did.
Levy dragged the stripper all the way to where I was standing.
"Lu, this is Gray."
"I'm Gray Fullbuster, nice to meet you."
Fullbuster, huh? Sounds familiar.
"I'm Lucy. Uhh, your clothes are uh..." I started blushing. On the cue, his eyes went wide and he shouted.
"Not again!"
He shrieked and went to look for his shirt, and jeans.
"Now where is that fire lizard!?"
"You mean there are more, Lev?"
This can't be good. Until now, I've been seeing weirdos everywhere. Erza was the only normal and civilized over here.
"Hey, freezer! You were- Aaagh!"
Erza moved her hand and smacked the pink haired dude's head- wait, pink haired? Pink haired!?
"You know the consequences of being late, Natsu!"
"Yes, Ma'am."
I think I spoke too soon. I take all of it back. This is a lively bunch of weirdos.
"Natsu, this is-
"The feisty blondie."
"Pink-haired asshole."
"Nice to meet you too." He smirked.
How did he get the audacity to speak to me like that?!
"I'm sorry, I think I never said that it was nice to meet you."
"I'm Natsu Dragneel, the hottest boy in this school. I didn't quite catch your name."
Hottest, pfft. Nice joke there!
"I think it would not be necessary to tell you my name. If you think you are that hot and popular here, which you aren't, why don't you ask any other person? They can tell you."
I think I'm getting good at stupid comebacks. Come on! This was the best you can do, Lucy? Tsk tsk tsk.
"Okay, don't tell me. H- where are you going?"
"See ya Lev!"
I quickened my pace just to ignore that hot headed lizard.
"Hey, wait up!"
He spun me around so I could face him.
"What's your problem?"
Seriously? Can't that guy understand that I'm annoyed by his presence?
I think I'm PMSing earlier than I expected.
"I just wanted to talk to you, and be your friend."
I think I've seen him somewhere.
There was something in his eyes that told me that I could trust him, that he can be my friend on whom I can rely.
"Friend? Can't you see that I don't want to?"
I can't take any risks of making more friends.
Not when his spies are here.
"I can see that you'd be delighted to have me around you."
"Puh-lease. In your dreams."
I'm desperately trying my best to scratch his ego which is twice the size of Fiore itself. Gimme some credit!
"Hey, where do you live?"
"On earth, duh."
"No, I mean where in Fiore do you live? I can drop you."
Okay, I admit it's a bit far away from school and the car I bought had a flat tire so I had to run, but I am not letting a total stranger drop me at my house and stalk me my whole life.
I think I over exaggerated a bit.
Nah, I over exaggerated a lot.
I know I've seen him somewhere.
I hate you, you fucking mood swings.
"Hey! Lucy! Luce!"
Natsu snapped me out of my thoughts.
"Oh uh, what? Wait- Luce?"
"Yeah. I decided to give you a nickname and I think Luce is perfect. It suits you."
I blushed. Great. Just great. Just fucking great.
It's not even a day yet and he decided to give me a nickname.
Note the sarcasm, please.
"Come on, I'm giving you a ride back home."
"You don't have to. My house is near so-
"Don't worry. Come on."
And let me say again, when I decided to walk with him to his Maserati GranCabrio so that he could drop me back, I never knew that when I will sit on the passenger seat of that car and go back to the little house of mine on the Strawberry Street, my life will be changed.
And this is where the real story begins.
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