Don't you dare leave me alone.
"Lucy!" The door was slammed open by a beyond terrified Natsu and a cautious Gray. Both came rushing to me, frantically asking me questions that I couldn't decipher due to them being asked in a rush. What I understood was that I had woken up screaming on a hospital bed with a killer headache. I was still screaming (that I don't know why) and clutching my hair tightly. Natsu untangled my blond locks from my hands, held them with his right hand and caressed my face with his left.
"Luce, Luce look at me. I'm right here. I'm here. I'm here. Luce," I stopped screaming and looked at Natsu with tear filled eyes and 'I'm-processing-everything-slowly-and-I-don't-understand-this-shit-so-be-a-sweetheart-and-explain-what-the-fuck-is-going-on' look. He closed his eyes, let out a ragged breath and started explaining the situation.
"You collapsed after... You know, so I brought you here. You have a fever now and the doctor told me to let you stay here for a day or two." Natsu answered.
"But that doesn't explain your sudden change of attitude with me Natsu." I rushed it out.
Stupid mouth. Can't shut up at the wrong times, can you?
"Lucy," he sighed and I raised my hand up to stop him from speaking further.
"Stop Natsu. I know it's my fault for not telling you about Sting earlier but that doesn't mean you can go bonkers at me. I had my reasons for not uttering a word about it. Thank you for telling me it doesn't matter because it hurt like a bitch! Thank you for-
I was abruptly stopped when Natsu jumped and hugged me, kissing my head and nuzzling his nose in my hair. By that time, I was already crying and clutching his shirt tightly.
"I'm so sorry Luce. I'm so, so sorry. I was so worried and angry. Luce I was blinded by my own anger. I regret everything I said earlier. Please forgive me." He tightened his hug, letting me rest my head on his shoulder.
"Shut up." I said. I felt him smile and flinch all of a sudden. He broke the hug in a wink of time and looked around the room. He sighed in relief while I clutched my head in hopes of getting rid of this dizziness.
"Seems like popsicle slipped out quietly. Phew he didn't see me go mushy." He mumbled.
"Why?" I asked him.
"He'd annoy me later." Natsu shrugged. I laughed. He turned around, grabbed a chair, planted his oh-so- fuck Lucy, stop it- butt on the chair that didn't look comfortable and held my hand, rubbing his thumb in smooth circles. By that time, I'd laid back down because of the stupid drip making me dizzy (I still think it's the fever or the post trauma).
"Luce?" He asked in a monotone.
"Hm?" I hummed, feeling the familiar warmth course from my hand throughout my body, giving me slight goosebumps.
"Are you still mad at me? I know it was a lame reasoning but... I really am sorry." He gave me his puppy dog eyes.
"Why would I be mad at you? There's no reason for me to be mad at you." I grasped his hand tightly.
"On the other hand, you need to know why I hid it from you and what actually happened." He nodded and motioned me to continue. I took a deep breath and explained.
"It was before my mom... I was 10. The Eucliffes had a good running business so there was an alliance formed between them and the Heartfilias. My parents, specifically my mom thought it would be a good idea to betroth me to Sting. She discussed it with my father and he agreed. The Eucliffes were informed of that and they also agreed. The next day, my mother broke it off when they arrived. Sting and I both studied at Sabertooth. We were good friends along with Rogue. I still remember what happened. It was a shock to them that my mother suddenly changed her plans. My father got really confused. Both my parents excused themselves and had a 15 minute discussion in private. In the meantime, I got really uncomfortable when I found out that I was to marry Sting but was later grateful that it was to never happen. This caused some ripples in our friendship. Rogue remains loyal to both of us till this day. Sting, well Sting had other things in his mind. After mom's death, Sting visited me after 8 months of me completely shutting everyone out of my life. He started being violent. He used to manipulate my mind in sick ways. You won't believe what a 12 year old Sting had in his mind. He... He almost...
"Luce, stop." Natsu spoke.
"No Natsu, you need to know-
"I know enough for now." He continued, "I had a hunch about it but now I know it was correct. You don't need to worry so much. From this day, you're to always stay with someone. If I'm not around, either stick with Erza, Gray, Gajeel or Jellal okay? They'll keep you safe."
"I understand." I replied.
"Good. Now if you'll excuse me, I have some work to do." He kissed my hand and proceeded to go out.
"Don't you dare leave me alone Natsu." I sneered.
"Gray's outside. I'm telling him to sit besides you, if that's okay?" He turned around to see me nodding. He slightly nodded too and opened the door only to let Gray in.
"Stay with her till I come. Don't even think of stepping out of this door till someone from our gang comes." Natsu ordered him.
"Aye aye, ash tray." Gray snickered and pushed him outside, shutting the door as quickly as possible.
"That idiot needs to sort his thoughts straight." Gray huffed and plopped on the chair.
"Isn't the chair uncomfortable?" I asked him.
"Wow? I expected you to say 'hi' or 'Sup Gray? You good?' but all I get is 'Isn't the chair uncomfortable?' Like, really Lucy?" He mimicked me and deadpanned.
"Fuck off on a boat that goes to Bermuda triangle, turd." I blurted.
"Thank you for asking. I'm fine too." He replied and we both laughed.
"You good?" Gray asked and I nodded.
"Natsu told you about this incident, I assume?" I asked him and he smiled lopsidedly.
"Let's say he was beyond pissed at Eucliffe and himself. He really wants to protect you. Come to think of it, I saw you run alone after you had a conversation with one of Laxus' friends. Rufus Lore, isn't it? That guy who has everything in his 'memory'? Was everything okay?" He questioned.
"He told me about Sting being here and I guess I panicked and ran." I answered honestly.
"I thought he scared you so I went up to him, was about to ask him but something caught my eye and..." He was blushing. He really was blushing.
"And?" I asked curiously.
"I followed her. Oh Lucy you have no idea how much she's changed! She looks like a sophisticated lady who-
"Who're you talking about Gray? Is it that girl whom you showed me a picture of?" I inquired.
"Yes. Yes it was Juvia!" He excitedly jumped on his chair and I giggled.
"Go on. Tell me what happened next?" I urged him to continue and he sucked a breath.
"She was going to a cafe. I stalked her and saw that she had bought an ice cold lemonade-
"Just like you." I added and he glared but continued.
"-and sat outside. She was sitting on a chair under the umbrella and was quietly sipping her lemonade. All of a sudden, she slammed her plastic cup on the table and frantically looked for something in her purse that turned out to be her phone. She picked it up, put it near her ear and immediately put it a little away and winced. She hurriedly said something, practically threw it in her blue purse, zipped it, picked up her drink and ran. I was about to follow her when Natsu called me and told me that he was in the hospital with you so I drove here. When I came here, I saw Natsu freaking out while talking to the doctor. He later told me that he'd be asking Ms. Porlyusica to handle your case." He spoke.
"Okay you really are a creepy staler and you're so in love but who's Ms. Porlyusica?" I asked grimly.
"She is the best of the best doctor in this hospital. Oh, and Lucy? Why is your surname written as 'Dragneel' and not 'Heartfilia' or something?" He asked smugly while I hid my blushing face behind my hands and groaned.
"Not again." Gray laughed.
"You didn't tell me that you were married to that fiery lizard. Heck, you didn't even invite us to the wedding!" He exclaimed while grinning.
"Stop it, you gay dick! It was for safety purpose!" I yelled at him and he bellowed again. After he calmed down, he looked back at me and then burst out laughing again to which I laughed too.
"I'll personally ask him about it? How come he didn't make me the best man?" He made a sad face.
"Because you don't deserve to be the best man." I pinched his cheek to which he slapped my hand away and pouted like a three year old.
"At least you admitted that you're married." He snickered again.
"Gray! When did I-
Someone knocked on the door.
"Mrs. Lucy Dragneel? May I come in?" Hearing that voice, Gray's eyes widened.
"Crap! It's Juvia!" He whisper-yelled!
"Hide under the bed! Go! Quickly!" He scurried under the bed and I shoved his head inside which hit the bed and I heard an 'oww' that satisfied me. I cleared my throat and squeaked a little 'come in'.
The door opened, revealing a very fair bluenette that had her hair down till her waist and eyes as blue as a gem. Clearly she was way prettier than the picture Gray showed me. I heard a gasp from under the bed and I coughed.
"My name is Juvia Lockser and I'm the nutritionist's assistant. May I know if there was any problem with the food?" She kept scribbling in her notebook, never looking at me or anything else in the room.
"I actually didn't have anything to eat till now. I just woke up a few minutes ago." I answered.
"Oh. I'm sorry for the inconvenience. I'll ask the food lady to prepare something for you. It'll be here soon. Do you mind waiting?" She turned a few pages, raised her eyebrows in question, shrugged and continued scribbling.
"No I don't. It's okay and thank you." I said sincerely.
"Anytime." She mumbled and hurried out of the door.
"Well that was awkward." I muttered. Gray shuffled and came out, sighing in relief.
"Thank God she didn't look here otherwise I would've been screwed for the rest of my life." Gray uttered.
"Gray she is way more prettier in real." I looked at him and he smiled sadly.
"She is." I sat up and ruffled his hair to which he glared at me in reaction.
"I'm sorry frozen shitbag." I tried so hard to suppress my grin but in the end when he raised his brow it popped up.
"It's not funny." Gray huffed and folded his arms.
"It's funny to see you stalking her and hopelessly looking at her like you're in love. Well you actually are in love but-
"I get your point!" He shouted and I cackled.
"I think you should try and talk to her. I mean, Silver is against the idea but you two can still talk. It'll be Romeo and Juliet all over again." I fanned my face with my hand and acted like a lady. Gray shook his head in amusement.
"Well I guess it won't hurt if I make a light conversation here and there." I grinned and hollered.
"That's the spirit!"
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