cinq, cinco, five
Another day, another pimple gone.
Morning routine with the washing, brushing, yelling, panicking and yes, making sure I was wearing clothing while grabbing a donut.
My tenth grade morning routine was pretty simple. So I got to school before the bell and was on my way to my locker.
Stony Brooke High isn't big. We have 1000 kids and we're a pretty clean district that has like no fights a year.
We don't have "bad boys".
We have dickwads.
But overall our school is pretty much what districts want it to be, clean and filled with over achievers.
We don't have cliques. We have people who do different things and hang out with different people. There are groups of some sorts but not like all those movies and books where it's jocks vs nerds.
We have overly athletic people who are really smart. Like really smart.
In a way, almost the whole school is smart. Not in a real sense, but in a school sense. The school's grades are awesome and it's pretty normal to do your homework.
There's still a ton of people who copy other's or that don't do it.
It's still a regular public school.
We just happen to be one of the best public high schools in the country...
There's no pressure, right?!
I automatically found my locker without thinking. It becomes habit after awhile. I also just opened it automatically.
Not because I have my combo memorized, which would be a great idea, but because I leave it unlocked.
If you don't turn the lock, it'll stay on the last digit of your combination and you just have to pull down and open it up. It makes it super easy and quicker.
Seems dangerous? I carry everything important with me in my backpack. Those books in there may cost a pretty penny, but trust me when I say no one wants them.
And no one would go out of there way to get them.
Stony Brooke kids don't really steal. Of course there's some, especially in the girl's locker room. The place boys dream about and the place girls choke on perfume in? Yes, that's where the heavy lifting is done. But even then that's rare.
So a lot of the kids in this school leave their lockers unlocked like mine. It's simple. I don't even remember my locker number most of the time, let alone the combination. I just do what my brain tells me and walk through the gym entrance where the drop off is straight down until I hit the foreign language hall. And voilà, my locker!
Mon casier! Yay me!
My locker is right next to my first period class, Français.
J'adore français, mais il est très difficile. Pretty much, I love the language, but it ain't easy.
And yes, I know english grammar.
French was easy, but then I went into honors and I don't even understand the English meaning behind subjunctives and more stuff I forgot and will have to cram in.
French class has no cute French speaking boys. Some are tolerable looking. Some are gay. Some are just annoying as hell.
Mad is in this class with me though. That's the only good thing about this class when it comes to the people in it.
But Mad (short for Madison, but most people call her Maddy) and I aren't your typical best friends.
In a way we're not even best friends.
We're friends who just tend to hang out a lot and sometimes that consists of us not even talking but watching Pretty Little Liars or just listening to Shawn Mendes.
Mad is pretty quiet and is fun when she talks. But we have a ton of what most people call "awkward silences", but it's not awkward.
It's just normal for us. I mean I'm super talkative and she's not, but it's nice to be hanging out with someone even if you're not doing anything.
Plus, she's really the only person I hang out with. I'm thankful for her. We may not talk all the time or gossip or do what "normal" best friends do, but she makes me Mac and Cheese when I'm over and that's all you can really ask for.
Let me be more specific.
Now THAT'S a best friend right there. Seriously, it's a known fact that shaped is better than regular.
We also do our homework, like our french homework. She's an amazing student.
She doesn't do sports. Unless you count how many times balls hit her in gym.
Stop with the dirty minds, folks.
Seriously though, I'm lucky to have her in my gym class to talk to, but she always ends up getting hit. And it's not on purpose. People don't do that here. It's just those of us who suck at sports are forced into a gymnasium with 80 other kids and are expected not to accidentally aim and hit people.
Now that French is over and I zoned out completely, it's time for my favorite class.
More like, can I hide in the locker room or will they find me?
Seriously, I did that for months but then they started looking. I've even hid when they look. I just really hate gym.
We go in our gym spots and get our attendance, then they offer us 3 different choices of sports to do for a two week span.
I didn't even bother listening to the choices because I almost always pick the same one with Mad: wellness.
Wellness is pretty much a miniature gym with all the workout gear that people like my brother Shane use.
Wellness also has giant bouncy balls though that you can sit on and play with.
Gosh that sounded wrong. But seriously like those, oh whatever. Not like we're doing that anyways.
See, we brought our phones and hid paper in my sweatpants pockets. I'm actually wearing sweatpants over my jeans because I see no point in wasting minutes trying to put my skinny jeans back on. That's just stupid.
And I'm lazy.
So we go into the wellness center and sit on the edge near the window looking out at the football field. We do that and study for our chem test next period.
Bell rings and you know the drill. Strip down and go.
Basically a job description for strippers.
Off to the class where I stare at a diagram of a frog all period long and every other day for the lab period.
We took the quiz and I had no practice except for in gym so that wasn't an exceptional grade right there.
I thought 10th grade would be easy.
I head to art after that Fluorine Uranium Nitrogen class...
We did blind sketching and let me tell you, that hand I drew was better than my 2 year old cousin's! Actually, nah, his beat mine.
I had my headphones in all period and almost missed the bell. I took them out but hummed the song "Human" by my love Christina Perri.
I got to chorus and immediately Alex recognized it and smiled.
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