Tuesday after class, as soon as the dismissal bell rang, the noirette immediately grabbed her bag and went straight to the girls' locker room to change into her gym clothes. It's been a week after she received the volleyball club uniform, and today is the scheduled day of practice match with Aoba Johsai.
The noirette finished quickly then immediately head towards the school grounds but she stopped her track when she heard heavy footsteps sprinting towards her direction. The noirette was about to look behind but in just a blink of an eye, the two cause of sudden rumbling of the ground passed through her sight. Ah, the duo.
She was about to tail them but a sturdy body bumped her shoulder that almost made her kiss the rough pavement of the school ground.
“What the hell...” she gasped. One foot was stepped forward as she balanced herself. Thank God, she's been doing exercises lately.
After recovering herself from a sudden phenomenon, she sent sharp gazes to the person who bumped her and guess what? It was those pair of golden orbs that met her eyes.
“Arara gomen,” he said while wearing that smug off face — beside him standing was the freckled boy whose pair of eyes were filled of concern.
“What’s your problem, Tsukishitma?” the noirette asked, emphasizing the nickname she specially made for him.
“I didn't see you there, you're too short.”
[Name] bit her lower lip, trying to contain the rage burning within her body. She took a deep breath first before she spat the words, “Isn't it weird that you have four eyes but you still can't see clearly?”
The man standing beside him nearly choked to his death as the noirette blatantly said those words. He, never in his life, witnessed someone dissing his best friend like the noirette did. She’s brave.
[Name] turned her back to them, leaving the blonde stunned at her remark. He scoffed then shook his head in annoyance, “Tch,” was all he could say.
There, they saw a bus rented by Takeda sensei who just stepped out of the vehicle.
“Hello [Name],” he greeted with a warm smile. The noirette bowed her head and returned the greeting, “Good afternoon Takeda sensei,”
"Hi, [Name]-san!" Hinata energetically said, and the boys greeted her back.
"Who's not yet around?"
"Heeeeey, I'm here!" the baldy said, waving his hand while running towards the team.
"As always..." Daichi muttered, disappointment lacing on his voice.
"Let's go!" Takeda sensei said.
They entered the rented bus and drove to Aoba. She and Kiyoko are seated beside each other.
The bus were filled in silence, which was very unusual, then suddenly Tanaka screeched that woke the members up, "Stop the bus!"
"What happened?" Takeda asked, panicking.
The bus stopped and they looked around at the back to see that Tanaka's pants were filled with a glistening consumed food by Hinata. [Name] covered her mouth when she saw Hinata's vomit, while the rest of the member's face were in disgust.
"I-I'm sorry Tanaka-san," Hinata tiredly said.
Kiyoko stood up and went to the back to fix the problem, while [Name] remained stiff on her seat.
"Oi chibi, don't tell me you're at the same situation as the squirt?" the blonde mocked.
She just rolled her eyes and immediately inhaled her vicks inhaler, "Are you alright, [Name]?" Suga asked.
She nodded her head as an answer, scared that something might come up if she speak. It's not that she's not used on riding a transport vehicle, it's just that she saw something gross that's why she's feeling nauseous.
Good thing that the travel didn't take long and they finally arrived at Aoba Johsai High.
"Sorry, Tanaka-san. Sorry," Hinata exclaimed as they already got out on the bus.
"I told you, don't worry," Tanaka patted his back after he finished putting his gross pants on a plastic, "Anyway, today's match depends on you. You've gotta free me up like you did in the tryout," [Name] saw Hinata feeling uncomfortable again.
"Tanaka! Don't pressure him!" Sugawara hissed.
"I-I'm going to the bathroom," Hinata said and walked away.
"Feeling sick again, squirt?" the blonde mocked while Yamaguchi giggled on his side. [Name] glared at them.
"He's really hopeless! He's gotta get a grip," Kageyama exclaimed and was about to follow Hinata when Suga stopped him.
"H-hey, take it easy, Hinata's not really good at handling pressure!" [Name] glanced at Hinata who walked like a zombie. Does he even know where the bathroom is?
"I'll just follow him," the noirette said and walked towards the sick boy.
"H-hmm?" [Name] looked at him in shock as she saw his pitiful state.
"You look terrible," the noirette blatantly said. Hinata just nodded his head and entered the male's bathroom.
[Name] sighed and went to the girl's bathroom to do her business. After she went out on the cubicle, she heard Hinata's voice.
"... arrogant doesn't describe him. At the feet of King Kageyama, I'm an oppressed subject that suffers everyday," Is he talking to someone? And why is he saying those words to Kageyama?
"Told you."
"He hates him," an unfamiliar voices said while giggling. She step closer at the door and listen.
"His receive, block, and serve are all consistently good," the unfamiliar voice said.
"I know, and it annoys me," Hinata said.
"But his toss is great/terrible," they both said in unison but the last word were different.
"His toss?"
"It's great..." Hinata lowly said.
"Psh, just to remind you that he disposes of those he doesn't need," [Name] decided to step out and the three boys were shocked.
"Hinata, are you feeling alright now?" the latter nodded his head while his eyes remained curious on the two Aoba volleyball members.
[Name] looked at the two players of the other team and smiled innocently, "Seems like you don't have an idea how much Kageyama have changed,"
She turned her head on Hinata, "Let's go?"
The two members were stiffed because of the sudden presence of the girl, "I-Is she their manager?"
"She doesn't look the same as before, so I guess she's just new,"
"I want her number," Kindaichi agreed to his co-member.
Both their eyes widened as they sa how huge the gym was. It was gymnasium no. 3. So meaning, there are also huge gymnasiums around the vicinity of the school.
"Hinata, go change your clothes," Kiyoko said. [Name] stood beside the beaut. All the other members were now on their practice clothes with a red jersey. After Hinata changed, both teams lined up at the end of each court.
"Let's start the practice match between Aoba Johsai High and Karasuno High."
"We'll do our best!" they all exclaimed. The other members who were not in the court moved aside. Hinata, Daichi, and Tanaka were in the middle court.
[Name] gulped as she saw how nervous Hinata was.
"Is he gonna be alright?" she worriedly asked.
"I hope so," the beaut commented.
Matsukawa of Aoba Johsai served first. Daichi was about to receive the ball when Hinata suddenly interfered.
"Dumbass, it's not your ball!" Kageyama said.
"I'm sorry!"
Good thing that Ennoshita covered for it and Tanaka spiked it but it was immediately blocked by the other team. Kageyama was about to save it but it already landed on the floor.
"Hinata, calm down and watch the court," Daichi said with a little uncertainty on his voice.
Then the match continued with Hinata messing up his own members; bumping his own body to Tanaka, and knocking out the referee's high chair.
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"
Ennoshita stopped Kageyama for rummaging the short guy. [Name] sighed, this is a mess.
"Yeah!" Tanaka exclaimed after scoring a point.
"Alright, let's retrieve our score! The next serve is..." they all looked at Hinata who will currently serve.
The members inside the court were looking at him nervously. There's only one point needed for Aoba Johsai to win the first set.
"What a bad timing..."
"Hinata, relax!" [Name] shouted at the guy but seemed like he doesn't heard her because of nervousness.
"They have pretty managers!"
"Oh, that's the cute lady we bumped into a while ago. Let's get her number later," the players murmured which earned a glare at the blonde next to them.
[Name] bit her lip unconsciously, then she felt something looking at her. Her gaze fixed on the blonde who was sharply looking at her.
Why is he looking at me like that?
The whistle blew and Hinata suddenly threw the ball in the air and spiked it. It was a low serve, and a certainty of getting it to the other court is low.
A loud thumped filled the silence of the court, and Kageyama groaned at the sudden impact of the ball on the back of his head.
"Oh my god!" [Name] gasped and covered her hand on her mouth. Kageyama slowly turned his head to Hinata with a sharp gaze and a very dark aura surrounding his presence. Hinata was stunned there, looking very creeped out on Kageyama.
The two boys beside Kageyama giggled.
"Nice back of the head"
"How's your head doing?"
"Don't rub it in!" Sugawara scolded the two who continued to laugh. Hinata, on the other hand, were stiffed on his spot.
"Hey, Kageyama!" he began walking towards Hinata.
"W-Wait, let me explain...Stop!...Kageyama...Please..." Hinata said while backing away from Kageyama until he felt the wall on his back. Kageyama towered over him as he keep sinking on Kageyama's glares.
"Aren't we going to help Hinata?" [Name] nervously asked the senpais.
"Kageyama's just talking to Hinata, there's nothing we should worry about aside from his head," [Name] flinched as she remembered the loud thump of the ball on Kageyama's head.
Kageyama slowly lift his hand. The noirette thought that he was gonna punch the short guy but he placed his hand on the back of his head while coldly looking at the short guy. Phew.
"...it's time you operated normally!" he exclaimed to Hinata and walked away. They lined up together and bowed to each other. The first set was finished and they are given a ten-minute break. [Name] passed the towels and handed them their tumblers. She looked worriedly at Kageyama whose expression was unusually not angry.
On the other side, Tanaka looked scary while lecturing Hinata. “Listen, in volleyball every single player here on this side of the net is your ally!”
Then Hinata started to call him Tanaka senpai.
After the ten minute break, they lined up again and Karasuno served first. Ennoshita served the ball then the duo did the quick however, Hinata didn't reach the ball. Then another attempt, and finally they've succeeded.
“There's that freak toss and spike,” the blonde muttered.
The match continued and Karasuno was leading. The other team was shaken up by their strategies. The team blocked, received, spiked the ball perfecrly giving them a point — don't forget the weird receive Hinata was making since his cheek was always the one receiving the ball.
“Nice, Tsukishima!” Tanaka said
“Your tosses are far too accurate,”
“What?” then they started to bicker on the court and Daichi stopped them.
Then they were placed to block then they started to bicker again, “The enemies are on the other side of the net!” Tanaka shouted at them.
“I got the ball,”
“What? I was the one who touched it!”
“Will you two stop!” [Name] giggled at them.
The Karasuno was at their set point then they won.
“We are lucky they don't have someone who serves like Kageyama,” Ennoshita said.
“I don't know but I think that's not their regular setter,”
The gymnasium were suddenly filled with fangirling voices. Then Oikawa showed up, giving his fans an angelic smile, “Oikawa-saaaan!”
“That’s him, the setter of Aouba Johsai,” Kageyama said while gritting his teeth.
He was surrounded by his members, then suddenly he looked to the side of Karasuno, “Tobio-chan?”
“Who’s that? I don't like him,”
“His name is Oikawa Toru,”
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