Chapter 4
~~One hour Later ~~
"Bye. Wait... Where did the Polterpup go?!" Emile slyly played off his bye as I left the room.
We don't have plans to tell anyone quite yet. Not until Emile and I are ready and we've gotten to know each other more. I shut his door softly, letting out a breath. Everything is so very different here...
"You okay Olivia?" I looked up, blinking a couple of times.
"Oh. Hey Tim!" I showed him and he smiled but cocked an eyebrow.
"Did I surprise you?" He asked worriedly and I nodded my head.
Emile knocked against the wall, warning us we were a bit loud, well Tim was being loud.
Yeah, a bit. Guess I wasn't really paying attention." I shrugged my shoulders as he nodded his head.
"Sorry about that. Reese and Masae are ready when you are." He whispered and I nodded my head in thanks, heading down to them.
"Soooooo~ Where are we going first?" Reese asked and I looked between the two.
They'd be cute together... (Hahahahaha sorry but no Olivia. That ship won't sail in this book xD) But Reese is dating Jon and I'm like 75% sure that Masae likes Emile.
"It doesn't matter to me. I don't really need anything but school supplies and clothes." Masae Translated
I let my eyes drift in and out of focus. This is fun. I shook my head and smiled at Masae.
"Well. Let's get started and we can grab something to eat when we're done." She smiled and I nodded my head.
After a good while, I sat down everything. I was tired. Shopping is tiring when you've never done it, and when you have two people who are use to being on their feet for long periods of time it's difficult!
"I got food." Reese smiled as she set down two trays. One had two bowls of Orange chicken with white rice and another had a slice of pizza and breadsticks.
Who's is whom's? I signed as Masae translated.
"Have you ever had Panda Express before?" (Not sponsored no matter how much I eat there xD) Reese asked and I shook my head no.
"Well you can have this bowl, Masae can have the other and I'll eat this big o'slice of pizza~" She smiled and I nodded my head, grabbing the bowl and the chopsticks.
"We're back!" Masae yelled, followed by two hard pounds on the walls.
"Jon and Emile were recording. Guess I'm editing for them." Reese sighed and I giggles silently.
"You go apologize, I'll go help Olivia with putting everything away." Masae smiled as I picked up my bags.
We said our goodbyes and headed to my room. Gosh it feels so weird to say that my room... My own room...
It took us a good two hours to put everything away. Emile came in halfway through and asked Masae a few questions outside my room so I couldn't hear them. When she came back in she gave me a smile but refused to answer my questions.
Tellllllll meeeee! I begged.
Are you actually serious? I got my hopes up
"You aren't finding out Olivia." Masae laughed and I sighed.
Damn adults and their hidden things.
"Watch those fingers lady. No naughty words while I'm around." She smirked and I knew she was kidding.
So many opportunities to make fun of Jon and Emile.
I guess there are some good things that come with being mute... Even f it's just a simple thing.
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