The Assassination
The rest of the group quickly learned what to do when they got down, so now they were all a group of half-human, half-snakes. "Where did Kolten go?" John asked. "Mission...the castle" Dragon said, a dark look in her good eye. They then began to slither towards the castle, keeping a lookout for the distinct red snake tail and flame hoodie, but they kept running into dead ends, the place was like a gigantic maze!
Eventually they found someone that seemed to be a guard, his snake tail was camo and his human half was covered with black, shiny armor. He slithered past them towards the kingdom and the group decided to follow him, still keeping an eye out for Kolten. Eventually they reached an entrance to the castle, luckily there was a feast so all you needed to do was say "I am loyal to King Cobra" to get in, so they had to wait quite some time since there was a line of MANY ahead of them.
When they finally got inside they were amazed at the sight, the telltale cobra patterns were marked all over the shiny grey walls, and the white floor was waxed so much you could see your reflection as you slithered in. There were over 10000 chairs seated around a table filled almost everywhere with all the delicious food you could think of, ham, turkey, chicken, pizza, mashed potatoes, you name it, it was on that large table. "Up there" Tyler said, pointing to a giant throne at the opposite end of the table, which had its own small steps leading up to it, and there was a snake person in it. He had the tail of a King Cobra but the human body of a muscular man who could defend himself easily if he needed to, his snake eyes looking at all who entered, and on his chest was the symbol of the King Cobra. "Welcome everyone! Please, take as much food as you like and don't be shy!" He yelled above the chatter to his subjects.
Kolten cursed under his breath as he saw his friends enter, he was slithering silently behind each pillar, everyone in the room too busy chatting with each other to notice him, he had his flame gun ready to summon for his shot to kill his target, King Cobra. His friends would see his tail, his hoodie, and know who he was. But he was ready to kill all the guards and the king, if needed, but he was told the more guards dead, the more money. He smiled to himself as he watched the guards go over to their own table and gulp down their drinks. "Idiots," he said to himself "they don't know I put poison in it, they will all end up dead..." although it was boring, not being able to stab or shoot them all, it was less messy.
He moved forward still, his gun made of pure flames slowly appearing in his hand. The guards on either side of him were lined up so that one shot would kill all 3, if he got the right angle that is. So he moved forward, a demonic smile growing wider onto his face. He stopped behind the last pillar, his heart racing in excitement. Time seemed to slow down as he leaned out from the pillar and pointed his gun at their heads. He pressed the trigger and a bullet of white-hot flame shot out, faster then any bullet. It went right through the first guard's head, no mess, it just melted his armor and brain as it passed through. King Cobra looked and barely pushed the other guard away before the bullet went into his head. It stopped, and nothing happened for a few moments, but then, he screamed in agony as his whole body burst into flames. In reality it was only a few seconds, so Kolten made the gun disappear and ran out from behind the pillar, acting distressed and saying he saw a masked figure slither away after swearing he would kill him if he told anyone.
His friends saw him.
But even they believed his story.
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