Lost and found - (Final)
Kellin isn't the type of person to get mad. He's always neutral to any situation that presents to him in his life and he always remains calm, even if the situation is bad or worth getting crazy over. He is just an overall calm person.
Right now though, he is anything but calm. Right now he is mad. Irritated, annoyed, angry, however you want to call it. Just plain and truly mad.
And mad at a lot of things.
He is mad at Vic for dragging him into his old world where he has old friends and old girlfriends and old stories to talk and laugh about with everyone. He is mad at their stupid party and their suburban houses and their stupid girl and boy couple games. He is mad at this fucking neighborhood for being so damn quiet, he is mad because he can't drown his own thoughts out with any kind of noise because there isn't any. The birds chirping around him don't help much. He is so mad at the weather too, for being so fucking cold for no reason at all. He is so mad because his dumb jacket is not doing its job at keeping him warm enough.
Shit, he is mad at Vic again for dancing so close to that girl Jenna and for being so oblivious to the way he's making him feel. And he is mad at himself, he is mad because he actually fell for Victor without even noticing. Everything she said is true, he's been pondering on that for the whole three minutes he's been walking down the street, he's in love with him and he's just realizing now. He was stupid enough to fall for his guy best friend. To fall for his only guy friend. Does that make him gay now? He doesn't even know. He doesn't even want to think about it. And it doesn't even matter anyway, because Vic is probably making out with Jenna behind some tree right now. Probably confusing her too.
He can't be in love with Vic. Because if what he's feeling is actually love, then... There's only so much pain he can endure. And he won't be able to handle it any further.
"I hate this," he mumbles to himself and braces himself for warmth.
"I hate today," he kicks a pebble that's on the road and sighs. "I hate Valentine's Day."
You see, this is exactly what he means when he claims Valentine's Day is such a joke. The whole day has been a downward spiral. It should have ended when Vic showed him the concert tickets. Roll credits, turn on the lights. But no, this isn't a movie. And everything had to get messed up.
He can't even be bothered thinking of how much today's sucked all over again. He'll end up screaming in the middle of the road where he is walking. And judging by how quiet this neighborhood is, someone could actually call the cops on him or something for disrupting the peace or whatever. Right now, he can only hear the trees being blown by the wind and those birds singing. There isn't a car in sight and he's actually walking in the middle of the road, still kicking that pebble he found.
He takes his phone out of his pocket and looks at the time. He's been walking for only ten minutes now. It's getting kind of dark, but he doesn't care. He keeps walking and ranting in his head about everything as he always does. He doesn't know where he's going, of course not, he doesn't live here, and he's miles away from home, so he just goes along wherever his feet drag him.
He makes some turns and crosses some streets until he sees what resembles a park on a far corner. He notices some people inside so he continues walking and stops at the entrance. The park looks out to a lake, and there are some benches for people to sit on and take in the view. A bunch of trees surround the place and there's also a playground to its right. Some kids are at the swing set, laughing while they see who can swing higher. Some older couple is walking down the racing track.
He walks inside and stuffs his hands inside his jacket pockets, his feet moving slowly towards one of the benches in front of the lake. He sits down and crosses one leg over the other. He sighs as he gazes at the water and the sky above it, which is only getting darker by the minute.
He'd been staring at the water for a moment, trying to shut his brain off, when he feels his phone vibrating. He takes it out and looks at the notification. Vic just sent him a text asking him where he is. Kellin feels tempted to throw the phone into the water. Obviously that would be stupid, so he does the most civilized thing and ignores it.
He wishes everything to get back to how it was before he caught all these dumb feelings for him, before the kiss, before all he could think about in his head was Vic. He wants to go back to normal. He just wants to forget, or find a way to get rid of everything. But it's pretty obvious he can't do that. He'll just have to learn to live with it for the rest of his life. Even if it kills him.
His phone vibrates again and this time Vic's calling him. He presses the decline button as fast as he can. If he picks up he can say something stupid, so he won't. He'll wait a bit and calm down. He wants to spare himself the embarrassment and just ignore everything. His phone vibrates again and Kellin hits decline once more. This goes on for three more times. Then he receives at least twenty text messages asking him where the hell he is and if he is okay. He ignores them all. Eventually, though, he doesn't need to anymore because right then his phone shuts off and Kellin realizes his battery died.
"Shit," he murmurs and now he actually considers throwing the device to the lake.
He shakes his head and puts the phone back on his pocket. Oh well, he thinks. Vic will have to find another way to locate him. He stays on the bench, quietly watching the scene in front of him. He finds it beautiful. The sky is grey, and the clouds look full, like it would rain any time. A breeze runs through him it makes him shiver a little. The kids playing in the swing are gone now, and everything is back to quiet. To anyone it would've been relaxing, but to Kellin it only intensified the noise in his head. He rolls his eyes. That's it. That's enough of Vic thoughts for a day.
He stands up and walks to where the swings are. He sits on one, surprising himself at how well he fits on the little sit, and lifts himself a bit before letting go and balancing swiftly in the metal structure. He goes a little faster each time and soon he is swinging back and forth just like he used to when he was a little kid. Now he understands why those children were so loud, this is actually so much fun. His hair goes to his face every time he comes down and he starts laughing to himself just imagining what he looks like doing this, sitting on a tiny swing set, balancing in it like he is eight years old and not twenty six. He knows that if Vic were here, he would be laughing his ass off too. He would be taking pictures of him and mocking him for being a child. Kellin wouldn't have cared at all.
Thinking of Vic makes his laughter die down. And soon after he is swinging slower and slower, until he stops completely. So much for not thinking about him for two seconds. He closes his eyes and sighs. Stupid Vic. Stupid brain for always thinking about him. Stupid, stupid, stupid.
He opens his eyes back up and stands up from the swing. Maybe it's time to go back and face the music. But not really, since he will act like he only went out for some fresh air because he was bored or something. He can get away with that very easily, he guesses, and the phone dying part is actually true.
It's darker now, the streetlights are on and giving the park a yellow glow, the last of the grey sky is saying goodbye in the distance. He steps out of the park and starts to aimlessly walk again. Something he shouldn't have done at all because a few minutes later, the sky now completely dark and his phone still dead, he finds himself without any idea of where is.
The shock comes to him slowly, he realizes a little too late that he's actually lost and not walking back to the house. He can't remember where he came from, or which turns he made, he can't even recall where the park he was at just moments ago is.
He takes his phone out in hopes it magically came back to life but it's still useless.
"Shit," he mumbles to himself and sighs. Just what he needs. "Okay, chill. I'm just going to have to..." Nothing. He can't come up with any kind of solution to this mess he put himself into.
Stupid, stupid, stupid. How could he be so stupid to leave and walk around in a town he's never been to before? And alone, to make matters worse. He always has the worst ideas.
He tries to remember the way he came from, he tries to play the scenes backwards in his mind, he closes his eyes and tries to picture the streets. And while he fails to do that, he figures out that he has the worst sense of orientation in the whole entire world. He can't do it. He doesn't know where to turn or where to go. And if he starts walking aimlessly again, he'll only get more lost. He sighs again.
He stops pacing around and sits down on some random front steps. The building they belong to towers over him and he can see himself stranded there for hours. He has no phone, he has no idea where he is or where the house is located in the first place. He thinks of looking for a cab, but the streets are so deserted he doesn't give that idea any hope. He keeps thinking about what he could do when the cherry on top happens. It starts raining.
"Fuck!" He yells, this time not caring if anyone hears him. Fuck, fuck, fuck. He climbs the rest of steps quickly to avoid getting soaked and thanks God the building has a big entrance with a ceiling. He hopes no one gives him shit for being there. He braces himself and tries to warm his body a little. Damn jacket. Honestly, he can't believe his luck. Well, now at least he has noise to draw out his thoughts.
He glances at the streets, they're emptier now and his hopes lower. He can only hear the rain hitting the ground and the rustling of trees from the harsh wind. He feels like he's going to die on that doorstep.
Some minutes pass and the rain doesn't seem like stopping anytime soon. Kellin's already thinking of ways to spend the whole night on this porch, cold and hungry and still pissed off at everyone and everything. He's still thinking about all his possibilities when he hears the front door of the building open up with a buzz. He jerks his whole body towards the sound, part frightened at the sudden sound, but part hopeful that someone might finally help him now.
He sees a man walking out, he looks middle aged and has a raincoat on, his right hand is holding an umbrella. He instantly stops when he notices Kellin standing there. Skeptical, he walks towards him slowly. Taking his earphones off his ears, he looks at Kellin with a questioning look.
"Hey, were you locked out?" He asks, his voice loud and rough. "I've never seen you before around here..." He fixes his green raincoat and stands by the door.
Kellin instantly jumps out from the wall he was leaning on. "Hello, sir, um... no, I..." he stutters because of the suddenness of the moment.
"Is someone waiting for you inside?" He asks again, clearly wary of the boy's presence.
"Sorry, no, no." Kellin shakes his head. He's going to have to explain what happened to him to this man, this is probably his only chance. "Um, my name's Kellin. This will sound really stupid, but I'm not from around here, I just came here to this party thing because a friend asked me to and I'm a really good friend so I said yes, but then that party got annoying and I had to leave because I couldn't stand it anymore.
"I was just taking a little walk, it was only meant to be a little walk, and I went to this park and I stayed there for a while, then I wanted to go back to the party, but I realized I had no idea where I was, and I still don't, and it's raining so much and my phone is dead and I don't know what to do and I—"
"Hey, hey, whoa," the man interrupts his rambling. "So you have no idea where this party is anymore?"
Kellin shakes his head, feeling so fucking stupid.
"Do you know your friend's number? I could borrow you my phone," he offers and Kellin's eyes light up. He does know Vic's phone number for reasons he doesn't want to dwell on now.
"Yes, please. Thank you so much." He replies and the man nods. He opens up his raincoat to take his phone from his shirt pocket and hands it to Kellin.
His faith in humanity is restored just a little bit.
He quickly dials Vic's number and presses the call button. Vic picks up at the first ring.
"Kellin is this you?" comes his voice and it catches him off guard.
"How did you even..." he mumbles in disbelief, but then continues. "Y-yeah it's me." He says, stuttering again. He blames it on the cold, but he's just stupidly nervous of speaking to him.
"Where the hell are you?! I've called you like 500 times and more! It's pouring outside! Are you alright?"
Kellin closes his eyes. He hates this. Vic's so fucking concerned it just makes him feel like a bigger dumbass than before. He wasn't supposed to go missing, he was just supposed to chill the fuck out. His plan backfired big time.
He sighs, "I'm sorry... I just wanted some air and then my phone died and then I got lost like the moron I am. I'm fine, though." He speaks quietly, not really wanting for raincoat man to hear his embarrassment. There are a few seconds of silence on the other line.
"Where are you now? How are you calling me?"
He moves the phone away from his ear and asks the man the address of this building, which he gladly gives out. He puts the phone back on his ear.
"Um, I am on 5th Ave Street. Pacific building?" he says to Vic. "I had to borrow a phone to call you." He smiles awkwardly to raincoat man.
"What!? That's like a mile away Kellin! How did you walk a mile in this cold? You don't even like to walk, seriously, what's going on?"
That's true. Kellin hates to walk long ways, then again, he hasn't been himself much today, has he?
"I don't know alright," Kellin sighs. "Just, can you please send a cab or whatever, anything, I'll pay you back." Raincoat man must already think he's a big baby, Vic must be thinking the same thing. There's another pause on the line.
"No, I'll go, just wait there and don't go anywhere else. I'll be there in 10."
"Alright..." Kellin says even though he'd rather go back in a cab. "Thanks." And then hangs up the call.
He hates this even more than before.
How did he get into this stupid mess anyway? Now Vic has to come pick him up like he's a child that tried to run away from his problems. He feels dumb. So stupid and dumb.
He gives the phone back to its owner and thanks him a hundred times.
"That's a hella good friend you have there, boy," he tells Kellin while he puts his phone away. Kellin nods. Yup. "You can stay here son, but I have to run to the pharmacy. Will you be okay? I could bring down another umbrella."
"No, no it's fine," Kellin shakes his head. "Thank you so much again, sir. I mean it."
Raincoat man nods and pats him in the back. "You'll be fine, son." He says and opens up his umbrella. He walks down the steps and Kellin sees him walk way.
When he's out sight he sits down and leans against the wall again. He sighs for like the fiftieth time. He should've said no when Vic asked him to come here. It might've hurt Vic a little if he said so, but then he wouldn't be hurting this much right now. He closes his eyes once more. What's that thing people say? That if it hurts it must be love? No, he has to let go of that. He has to bury it deep inside him, build up his walls again. Once he faces Vic he has to go back to normal. He can't act this weird around him for the rest of times. Vic is still his best friend and he can't lose that. He has to pretend he doesn't feel anything for him. For both of their sakes.
He hears the engine of a car coming closer.
He jumps from the wall again and sees Vic's car pull up in front of the building. The tanned boy comes out of the driver's side and quickly runs up to where Kellin is standing, an umbrella covering him from the rain.
"Come on," Vic says as he walks up the three steps on the porch. He doesn't look angry, he looks confused, but... relieved? Kellin is near the edge of crying by now.
He gets under the umbrella and the both boys walk down again. Kellin silently prays not to trip and fall and make everything worse for himself. They make their way to the car and Vic opens the passenger door for him. Kellin slides inside quickly and Vic closes the door. He looks up and gazes through the windshield wipers at Vic running to the other side of the car. He climbs inside too and places the wet umbrella on the backseat floor.
Vic proceeds to start the engine, he doesn't say anything else. He drives through some streets, and Kellin can't take the tension he's feeling from all the silence. The warmer is on, but he's still shaking a bit. The sweeping of the wipers is the only sound that surrounds them, and the rain still falling outside.
Vic drives slower then, Kellin notices they're not near the residential part of the neighborhood anymore. He sees more trees and that lake he was looking at earlier in the distance. Did he really manage to walk this much? Turns out he's the insane one after all.
They stop at a red light and Kellin wants to say something so bad, but he doesn't know what. He should just apologize and forget about the whole thing, and hope for Vic to do the same. He probably hates him now. Or he probably thinks he's a weirdo or something, running off like that. He probably ruined his day with that Jenna girl, he probably ruined his chance of getting back together with her because of his own stupidity. He didn't mean for that to happen. But the idea makes him feel a pang in his chest anyway.
He stares at the red light that seems to be taking forever to change. "Are you mad at me?" he asks quietly, still fixated on the red blurriness he sees of the light.
Vic chuckles lowly. "I'm not mad at you Kellin," he says. "I just don't get it."
The red light turns to green, but Vic doesn't step on the gas. He doesn't move.
He finally moves forward, but only to park the car on the nearest free space he finds. Which is only a street away from that traffic light.
"What are you doing?" Kellin asks, looking around. "Oh no, are you going to murder me?" he jokes and Vic turns to look at him.
"Kellin," he says with sigh. "We have to talk about this."
He looks down to his hands and fiddles with his fingers a little. "No we don't," he whispers. He doesn't want to talk about this day ever. It's been too much.
"We have to," Vic pleads. "Something's up with you, and I want to know what."
Kellin closes his eyes and breathes evenly.
"Nothing's up, I told you, I just wanted some air." Kellin replies, shrugging his shoulders. It was time to get his act together, keep building the walls.
"Yeah, and I don't believe you," Vic continues. "I know you Kells, something's bothering you and I want to help."
Kells. Kellin swallows the lump on his throat.
"Why?" He says while rubbing his hands on his face. "There's really nothing to say, let's just pretend this never happened and go back."
Vic turns back and takes the keys out of the ignition and puts them in his pocket.
"Okay, I won't start the car until you start speaking."
Kellin looks at him in disbelief. "Are you serious?"
Vic crosses his arms and looks at him. "Hell yeah I'm serious."
Kellin rolls his eyes. "You're being a child, Victor."
Vic scoffs. "No, I'm not; you are."
In a way, they are both being children, Kellin thinks. But it's not like he's going to tell Vic he loves him right here right now in his car, in the middle of nowhere Albany with rain pouring down on them. As if that would fix everything, as if that would explain all that's been going with Kellin for the past year or so, as if saying it out loud would finally make Kellin accept the fact that he does love Vic. More than he could ever admit. More than he could even grasp. That all he wanted to do was kiss him and hold him and never let go.
He can't do that. It might as well kill him. He has to follow his plan of pretending nothing's wrong.
"Kellin," Vic's still looking at him, giving him that inviting look that says you can tell me anything and I will understand, whatever weird thing is bugging you, I will understand.
Will he understand this, though?
"Did something happen? I mean you were fine, I saw you talking to Tay and I thought you were having a great time," Vic continues. "And then you completely disappeared."
Just the mention of Tay has Kellin's stomach churning again.
"I asked her if she knew where you went but she had no idea. Kel, I was actually worried something happened to you. Are you even listening to me right now?" Vic pleads. He is listening, alright. But he wants to disappear more than anything.
"I am," he says quietly, fumbling with his fingers again.
"You could've at least told me you were leaving." Vic finishes, never taking his eyes off the pale boy.
After Aly's round of games ended, he went looking for Kellin to laugh about the whole situation because he knew Kellin would have a shit ton of jokes about them. He knew he was going to get teased for the rest of his life for taking part in them, but turns out Kellin wasn't even watching the silly games. He was nowhere to be found. After asking Tay, he asked Mike, and Aly, and Jaime and even Tony, who had been talking to him earlier in the day. No one knew anything. Aly told him he might be outside taking a call and Mike told him not to worry about it. But how could he not worry about him when he wasn't even picking up the phone? When he finally received his call, everyone at the party had moved down to the game room, since it started raining and everyone thought it would be cool to take the party to the basement. Vic had never ran out of a house so fast.
"I'm sorry," Kellin mumbles again, but he means it. He didn't think Vic would be so worried. He was supposed to be occupied with Jenna and his friends. Not thinking about him. "Can we go now?"
"You still haven't told me what's wrong."
"God," Kellin groans. "Stop it, you just wouldn't understand."
"Try me."
"No, I won't try you." Kellin is losing patience now. "Let's just go back so you can hang with your friends and girlfriend and whatever and party all night alright, let's just, let's just go."
Vic blinks a few times. "Girlfriend? What are you talking about?"
Shit, did he say that out loud?
"What? No, I- Nothing, I just said we should go, so let's go."
"I think if I had a girlfriend I would've told you already." Vic smiles to himself, but Kellin couldn't see it because he was avoiding looking at him at all costs.
"Whatever, it's whatever." Kellin shakes his head.
"You think Jenna is my girlfriend?"
Shit. Why did you go there Kellin. He sighs. "I- I mean, at least future girlfriend in my opinion." He says quietly. Might as well tell the truth on that. "Which is great for you, I would be happy." He never thought how much those words would hurt to say, they stung, but he had to say them.
"More like past girlfriend, Kellin," Vic laughs. Yeah, he already knew that. "She is married. Her husband is on a business trip right now, that's all. I even went to the wedding, we're just still good friends. But that's that."
Oh. Oh.
Well, if Kellin wasn't feeling stupid before he's definitely feeling it now. So Jenna, pretty blonde ex-girlfriend Jenna is married? He probably should've felt happier at the news, but he's still trying to build up his walls, so he only shrugs.
"Fine, can we go now?"
"That's what's bothering you? Jenna being my girlfriend?" Vic won't get near those car keys, will he?
"What? No. That would be ridiculous, I," yes, of course it was part of the issue but he would never tell him that.
"Kellin," Vic interrupts him.
"Victor," he repeats, he's going to die in this passenger seat. He can feel it.
Vic keeps looking at him, he's been able to feel his gaze on him the whole time they've been on the car. It's slowly killing him. And that's when he gives up. He wants to get out of here, and if talking is the only way, then talking he will.
"It's just," Kellin sighs, thinking about what to even say. "Everything was too much okay? You know how much of an antisocial I am and being there with all your friends was really weird. I'm not good with people. I suck at conversations, but at the same time I wanted to talk so much? And I have no idea what all those people were talking about at all, and you were gone the whole time, and you are just so loved here and then there's me, the weirdo who only has one friend and a cat at home and I don't know, I... don't know. It just got to me, I didn't mean to make such a big deal out of it at all..."
Vic's eyes are still on him, but Kellin keeps gazing at the drops falling down the glass. Silence.
"I told you, you wouldn't understand."
At least he kept the being in love with him part to himself.
"I'm sorry," Vic says after what felt like a lifetime of silence. Kellin finally looks up at him, even in the dark he can tell Vic looks his best. "I didn't think you'd feel like that. I should've thought about that more before asking you. But hey," he shifts his body in his seat so he's fully facing Kellin. "There's really nothing for you to worry about. This life here is quite literally the past, I just came here for a stupid party. I don't see these friends that often so it's always exciting to see them again, but you are my best friend, now, in the present; and honestly I think the only one that matters. We live in the same city, we hang out literally every day, and we do everything and go everywhere together. You know everything about me and I hope I know everything about you. If anything, my friends here should feel jealous of you." Vic finishes with a soft chuckle.
Kellin doesn't mean to, but he is getting choked up now. He guesses everything Vic said is true, and that's why his heart rate is going literally crazy.
"And I'm sorry I bribed you with concert tickets." Vic finishes and Kellin can't stop himself and lets out a big laugh at that.
"Was that a bribe?"
Vic grins, "no, but I knew you couldn't say no after seeing those."
"Well, now I don't know whether to feel offended or not." Kellin replies, smiling anyway.
"You shouldn't 'cause we're still going."
Kellin smiles to himself and looks back at his hands, a little silence falls over them. His stomach is still in a knot and his hands are sweating a little now, but just the thought of Vic's earlier gift has him feeling a warmness on his whole chest now.
"You didn't bribe me Vic..." he then says shaking his head. "Hell, even if you'd offered me a thousand dollars, I would've said yes without even caring for the money."
"Wait, for real?" Vic asks incredulously.
"Yeah for real," Kellin imitates the way he said it. "I would do anything for you," he goes quiet, continuing to blush furiously after realizing what he actually said out loud. Words were just slipping out of him now.
"Well, I would've given the tickets to you anyway," Vic smiles in return. "It was a nice surprise, wasn't it?"
"Duh." Kellin laughs, finally turning his head to look at Vic who is smiling his way too.
"And just for the record," Vic says, holding his gaze. "I would do anything for you too."
Vic's smile is infectious. Every time he smiles it's like light bulb flicks on inside Kellin and he always starts smiling too, just because Vic did first. And that's what's happening now. They are smiling at each other and Kellin's pretty sure his face looks as red as it can get, but it's dark inside the car so he doesn't mind if Vic notices. He doesn't really care about anything at all right now. He just wants to look at Vic, and smile. Just this once.
But then a few seconds pass by and Kellin's smile starts to fade a bit. His heart is still beating way too fast and all rational thoughts fly out his brain as he only focuses on Vic's eyes and the sound of the rain outside. It isn't long before his body gets a mind of its own and he starts leaning forward, a little more every second, and it is in a swift motion that he plants his lips on Vic's, giving into him in a sweet, yet powerful kiss.
It's unexpected and sudden, but Kellin's movements are in sync with Vic's, and nothing seems to matter anymore. Kellin can feel his heart exploding, his stomach turns into a million butterflies inside him, and now the warmness is everywhere, it's in his chest, in his stomach, in his hands, on his face, on his lips. He can feel the walls being torn down again, but he doesn't care. He doesn't care about anything anymore.
He places his right hand on Vic's cheek softly, getting closer to him in the process. Vic's lips are as soft as he remembered from the first few times they kissed, but this time it's ten times better, this is everything he's wanted for the longest time and he never wants this to stop, he wants to stay like this forever. With him, with Vic.
But that's when it hits him.
"Shit," he pulls away suddenly and sits back in his seat. "Shit, shit, Vic, I'm so sorry." He keeps his head down, breathing heavily in the process.
He's mortified. He feels suffocated. He feels like he's choking. He feels like the car is closing in on him, not letting him breathe anymore. This isn't happening, this isn't happening, this isn't happening. He needs to get out, he needs to get away from here. And that's what he does. He quickly opens the car door and steps out of the vehicle. The rain soaks him immediately, but he doesn't even feel it. He runs.
What did he just do? He literally just straight-up ruined everything. This wasn't part of the plan at all. He was supposed to go back to normal and forget about his feelings. What was he even thinking? He wasn't, that's all. And now everything is fucked.
He's having a full-on panic attack as he stops running, and it's getting so intense he has to put his hands on his knees, breathing in and out quickly, but still trying to calm himself. He doesn't even know if he's crying or if the drops racing down his face are just the rain. His clothes are already soaking, his white shirt clings to his torso, and it is way colder than he thought it would be. That's the least of his worries, though.
As soon as Kellin walks out the car, Vic does the same. His heart is beating as fast as the other boy's, if not more.
"Kells." He yells by the car for him to stop running, and Kellin does, only to drop his head and put his hands on his knees. "Shit," Vic curses and quickly takes the umbrella from the backseat and opens it up. "Kellin!" He yells again as he runs towards him. This time the dark haired boy hears him and looks up and stands once again. The look on his face is one of terror and fear and it breaks Vic's heart to see him like this.
"I'm so sorry Vic, I, I didn't mean t-to do that, I don't know what came over me," he says in choked breaths. "I'm sorry. I'm sorr-y. Y-you must think I'm some freak or something. I'm sorry we can just-"
"Hey, hey," Vic places a hand on Kellin's cheek, holding the umbrella with his other and covering them both from the rain. "Stop talking," Vic looks into his eyes as he brings his lips back to Kellin's, shutting him up. Kellin freezes in place and after mere seconds he pulls away in shock, leaving barely a few inches between them.
"W-what did you just do?" He whispers, eyes wide and choked breaths.
Vic smiles. "I just kissed you." His face is dripping from the rain that soaked him before he took out the umbrella, and Kellin's never seen anything more beautiful.
"Why?" He keeps whispering, it seems wrong to speak normally when Vic's so close to him.
Vic laughs a bit, "why do you think?"
Kellin looks into his eyes. Could it be? Could he have been so blinded by his own denial that he never saw that Vic... realization hits him like a ton bricks. Vic likes him. Like that. Vic feels exactly the same way that he does?
He can't believe it.
Right now he can feel his shirt clinging to his body and his phone is probably completely dead in his back pocket, he is shivering so much and a million questions run through his head, but having Vic so close to him, with the feel of his lips still lingering in his mouth, makes him forget about everything, his brain finally stops taunting him. And just like that, all his fears disappear in an instant. He tears all the walls down for once and for all.
"Do it again," he says, eyes trailing down Vic's lips. Vic grins and plants a sweet kiss on his mouth.
Kellin takes in a sharp breath and then relaxes against Vic. It all feels surreal, he feels like he has to hold on to Vic as much as he can just to know that he isn't dreaming or imagining this all in his head. He kisses Vic like nothing matters anymore. And in a way, nothing really does. He places his arms around Vic's shoulders and pulls him closer. If he's dreaming, he never wants to wake up. And he never wants to let go.
They have to come up for air eventually though, and when they pull apart Kellin can't help the grin that forms on his face. He has to look down for a second to catch his breath and he can feel the warmness on his face telling him he is completely red in the face yet again. He's still shivering, but he feels warm all over.
"You don't know how long I've waited to do that." Vic says quietly, still trying to catch his breath.
He takes Kellin's hand on his own and starts playing with his fingers, his other one still holding up the umbrella. Vic feels like he's dreaming too. After all this time pining over the pale boy, wishing to kiss him and hold him and take his hand, he's finally doing it now. If anything, it's way more surreal for him. He never expected Kellin to make the first move at all. He's feeling everything at once and he loves every single bit of it.
Kellin looks up, "but... how? I thought you could never like me."
Vic chuckles. "I think I've liked you since the first night we met, but I was sure nothing would ever happen."
Kellin laughs. "But we hated each other that night."
"I don't think I could ever hate you Kells," Vic smiles and Kellin's heart flutters in his chest. "I have to admit you really surprised me here."
Kellin looks down bashfully. "Trust me, I'm in shock too."
"How did you know?" Vic asks. True curiosity filling his voice.
"That New Year's party." Kellin mumbles and Vic cocks his head.
"New Years?"
So Vic didn't really remember.
Kellin blushes again. "Um, we made out during the whole thing?"
When Vic doesn't say anything, he looks up and sees him wearing the biggest amused smile he could ever muster.
"Holy shit," he laughs. "I thought that was a very crazy drunk dream I had that night."
Kellin looks away bashfully, "nope," he says popping the p. "It was pretty real."
Vic gazes at him softly now, "That could've been our chance to start something and I was too drunk to notice."
Kellins laughs at that. "That wasn't our chance, trust me," Far from it. "We were both out of it and I wouldn't have known what to do. I didn't know what to do up until five minutes ago."
He then squeezes Vic's hand on his own. "This is. And I know what I want now."
"And that is..." Vic smirks and Kellin rolls his eyes.
"You, idiot." And then he pulls him towards him and their lips meet once again, not even bothering to count if it's the second, third or fourth time now. He's pretty sure it doesn't matter, since he will be kissing Vic nonstop from now on. He's sure it's going to become his new favorite thing to do.
Vic brings him closer and their chests meet halfway, he places his free hand on the small of Kellin's back and the younger boy sighs into the kiss. Rain is still pouring down around them and Kellin thinks they must look like a scene out of those cheesy movies people watch on stupid Valentine's Day.
But this is better than a movie, this is real, this is happening. What he's feeling is real and he can't believe it's genuinely happening to him. He can't believe how everything lead to this, this whole day had been a joke to him, but this right here, this is more than he ever expected. He's never felt so happy. His heart is full for the first time in his life.
"We're going to get a huge flu tomorrow." Kellin says when they pull apart.
"Your fault for running into the rain like that." Vic grins and pecks his lips again.
"Well, at least you're smarter and brought out the umbrella."
"I am," comes Vic's smug reply and Kellin punches him playfully.
"Can we get out of here now?" Kellin can't resist the shivers anymore and the rain doesn't look like it will stop any time soon.
Vic takes his hand again and they both walk back to the car. The seats are going to get soaked, but it doesn't matter. When they both sit inside, Vic takes a sweater that's laying on the backseat and hands it to Kellin, placing the umbrella back where it was before.
"Are you okay now?" Vic asks, taking the keys out of his pocket and puts them in the ignition once again.
Kellin tries to warm himself with the sweater as best as he can, shakes his hair a little trying to make it look at least decent. He looks at Vic and smiles. "Yes, more than okay."
Vic smiles too and takes his hand again, kissing his knuckles softly.
"So, where do you want to go now?" He asks.
"Anywhere," he grins.
And they do.
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