Love Scenario
As a reminder I do not own Pokémon. All rights go to the Pokémon company.
This chapter is dedicated to me_omg Because she is an amazing author and you should definitely read her story 'Battle of the Bands' it's one of my favorites. Also thank you everyone for 806 views! I'm so thankful that you guys like my story and for always supporting me. Thank you all for your amazing comments.
It was a calm Saturday morning. Barry woke up in sad mood. It had been a week since the talent show. He walked down the stairs to find Rudy making breakfast. "Morning. You wanna go get some coffee with me?" Rudy asked. "Sure. I guess." Barry said dully. Barry walked slowly back up stairs to get dressed. This was a different feeling for Barry lately. Barry had never been so depressed in his life. He was usually the upbeat one out of all of them and could always look on the bright side. The hyper boy had turned to sadness completely as some of his friends thought. He grabbed his coat and walked outside with Rudy. Rudy was proud of his friend for getting out of the house for once besides going to school. They got on their motorcycles and rode off to Starbucks.
"What are you getting? I'll pay." Rudy asked. "I'll just get a mocha frappe." Barry said blankly. And with that Rudy went off to go order the drinks. Barry picked a table for two and sat and waited for his coffee. A blonde girl with hazel eyes barged through the doors and started huffing breaths. Barry wondered if she was in trouble but then he noticed her tank top and her exercise pants. She must have been jogging. She pulled on a grey sweat shirt. The girl didn't have huge curves or anything, just an average figure. Rudy had let the girl order before him, being the gentlemen he was. The girl had finally received her coffee and was searching for a seat.
The seats seemed to be all taken up by couples. She saw Barry sitting alone so she decided to approach him. "Hi, my name is Taylor! I was wondering if I could just sit here for just five minutes while I drink this?" Taylor asked politely. "Sure. I don't mind. " Barry said not amking eye contact, instead staring at the table. "Why so down?" Taylor asked with concern. "Just . . . ugh I don't know." Barry said frustrated. "It's a girl, isn't it?" Taylor asked. "How did you . . ." Barry started. "I could tell. What happened?" Taylor asked ready for his rant. "Well I had known her for a long time and just recently I just started talking to her. I was just started to get closer to her but I punched her boyfriend when he was with her, and of course I apologized. Then she was mad at both of both of us so she had to choose one of us and of course she chose him. So now she just wants to be friends." Barry explained. "Well you know what? I think she's missing out." Taylor stated. " Hey are you one of my fangirls from school?" Barry asked. "Well no, because I always considered you self absorbed, but I guess I guessed wrong." Taylor said smiling.
Rudy saw the two sitting together laughing after he grabbed the coffees. He walked over to their table. "Oh sorry I was just leaving!" Taylor said grabbing her coffee. "Oh no, please sit. I'll be going I was just giving hi his coffee." Rudy said kindly and winked at Barry before leaving the shop. The two continued talking for hours until it was noon. "Oh wow! Is it really that time?! I'm going to be late to pick up my sister! It was so wonderful talking to you. I haven't had this much fun in years! Oh here's my phone number. Give me a call or text sometime! Anyway gotta go, bye!" Taylor exclaimed running out the door. For once Barry smiled in a while. He threw away his coffee and walked out the door to hop on his motorcycle to ride home.
Drew was taking a walk this afternoon. He broke up with his girlfriend 4 days ago and didn't really feel guilty about it. He was just using her for his family's dinner party. He wanted to bring May but he wasn't going to let his pride go that easily. He felt a little guilty about rejecting May's invite to Coldstone but he figured May would just get over it.
He was walking by the children's playground and saw a little girl sitting on a swing looking lonely. Wait! It wasn't a little girl it was May he noticed when he got closer. He approached her as he got closer. "Hey." Drew greeted. "Hey. How's your girlfriend?" May asked dully. " I broke up with her. I just used her for my family's dinner party." Drew explained. "Really? You used her? You know you probably hurt her feeling?! Your a jerk!" May yelled. "Shh! Be quiet. Your making a scene. Look, I apologized to her in the nicest way possible." Drew explained. "But still." May said still a tad angry. "How about me and you can go to Crème De La Crème?" Drew asked. "OH I LOVE THAT PLACE!" May exclaimed. "Well then let's go." Drew said as he started walking. "OK!" May exclaimed following him like a eager dog.
Serena had figured out where her next clue was. The Pizza Parlor. She was about to grab the next clue until. . ."Oh what's this?" Miette said acting clueless. "Hey! Give it back!" Serena demanded. "Hmm . . . . . I don't think so." Miette said simply and ran out of the Parlor with Serena following behind.
Alright guys that's it. I hope you enjoyed this chapter.
Remember: Requests are always welcome in the comments below so feel free to ask.
Next chapter will be an Amour, Dance, and Oldrivalshipping chapter so look forward to that. Also in my randomness book there is a QnA with the cast so if you want go ask them question about this story.
Until then this has been Roses4may,
BAI <3
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