Meeting Again
9:30 am
Hawks awoke in the morning, going to grab his phone.
Except for it wasn't there.
The hero groaned and rolled over, knowing that he slept in, and he was never going to hear the end of it from Endeavor(they were doing a small collab).
Hawks bolted upright when he heard a noise in his living room.
He carefully got out of his bed, creaking the door open a tad bit.
'This is too weird, what's going on?'
Hawks thought about all of the possibilities.
He slowly crept towards the noise, nearly screaming when he saw someone in the kitchen.
He only stopped when he realized that it was just Miruko.
The sleepy bird boi rubs his eyes then cleared his throat.
"Why the hell are you at my house?"
He clearly wasn't happy about that, but they've been good friends for awhile so he couldn't be too mad.
"I'm here to tell you that you're getting the day off." She replied, energetically.
"Says who?"
"Says me! I have somewhere to show you, and don't worry. I've already talked to Evdeavor!"
Hawks narrowed his eyes at the female, his face falling into a scowl.
"I'm not interested, if I'm having the day off I'd like to hang out or catch up on sleep. Not go somewhere-Where the fuck is my phone?"
"Oh, I don't know...This phone?" She grinned, holding up Hawk's phone.
"Give it back, it's my precious baby and I'd rather die than let anything happen to it." Hawks yawned and held out his hand.
"I'll only give it back if you say yes and let me show you the place that I'm talking about!"
The hero groaned then set off to his bedroom to change.
Miruko follows Hawks and stands outside of his door to wait for him.
"Please hurry," She whines.
Hawks didn't let this go unnoticed.
Miruko normally didn't act like this, so it was really strange.
And when the word normally is said, this situation means never.
She had a more bold personality, not anywhere near what would be considered cute.
Even though that was a a red sign right there, Hawks brushed it off for now.
He finished getting dressed and opened his door again.
"So when can I get my phone?" He lazily asks.
"When we get there!" Mikuro chirps.
Hawks had a really bad gut feeling about this.
"Lead the way then."
Mikuro nods and walks to the door, Hawks following.
The two of them walked for a bit, until she stopped in front of a sketchy looking building.
"It's rumored that the League of Villains hideout is here."
Her additute totally changing.
"Right you are Toga, thanks for the help." A familiar voice is heard behind them.
Dabi walks up to them, taking Hawk's phone from Toga.
He looked at it, seeing that there was many missed calls from Mikuro and Endeavor.
He scoffed, just the mention of Endeavor made him sick.
"Who's Mikuro anyways, your girlfriend?" Dabi taunts then burns the phone in his hand, the ashes of it falling to the ground.
Hawks backed up a little, glaring at them.
'Mikuro' or Toga apparently, turned into a girl with messy blonde hair. She quickly walked into the hideout after she appeared naked after transforming back.
"What's that to you if she is?" Hawks asks bitterly.
Truth is, Mikuro is far from his girlfriend.
Hawks never told anybody, not even Mikuro, but he was gay.
He first noticed it when he developed a crush on Toya, possibly before that even.
"Oh nothing." Dabi grins. "It would be a shame if something happened to her, that's all."
Hawk's face went pale.
"Where is she?" The hero demanded, showing no signs of fear.
"We'll let your girlfriend go, but only if you listen to what we have to say," Dabi crosses his arms.
"Blackmail, huh? And she's not my girlfriend." Hawks growled under his breath at the situation.
"Fine, I'll listen. Make it quick."
"Perfect." The villain gave Hawks a sickening grin.
Dabi started explaining to Hawks what the League of Villains wanted from him.
"Double cross the heros."
Hawk's was taken back by this, but stood his ground.
Dabi sighs then mutters under his breath, "We'll have to do this the hard way then."
In a swift movement, Dabi pinned Hawks against the alleyway wall.
"It would be a shame if Mikuro was reported dead," He whispers darkly, the grin never leaving his face.
Hawks tried to move, turning his head sideways due to how uncomfortable this situation made him.
"I said no. You wouldn't actually kill her-"
"I just have to give the word, then she's dead." Dabi chuckles a little, noticing how uncomfortable Hawk's seemed.
"You don't like this at all, do you hero?" Dabi was going to have fun with this one if he could control Hawks so easily.
"Get off of me..." Hawks growls.
"And if I don't?" Dabi put a knee in between the hero's legs, just to get a reaction.
"I said get off." He snaps at Dabi.
Unfortunately for Hawks, he still didn't budge.
At least not until Hawks looks at the ground in defeat.
"Fine, I'll do it. Just get the hell off of me, and don't you dare hurt Mikuro."
Dabi steps back, the smirk never leaving his face.
"I'll give Shigaraki the word to let her out. In the meantime, you're coming with me."
Hawks nodded, feeling really guilty.
He could double cross the villains by pretending to work with them, but he knew that they had their ways to prevent him from doing so.
Dabi walked behind Hawks, telling him where to go. It was obvious that the hero couldn't run away or else his friend would get killed.
They enter the building that Toga did.
"So you brought him and he agreed, huh?"
It was Shigaraki.
"I didn't agree to shi-" Before Hawks could finish his sentence, Dabi interrupted.
"Actually, you did. Remember, I told you about Mikuro and had you pinned-"
"Fine, I agree." Hawks uninterrupted him too, not wanting others to know what happened.
The blue haired, crusty male stared at the two before rolling his eyes.
"I don't want to hear the details of whatever you two did," Shigaraki growled at them.
The corner of Dabi's mouth twitched annoyance.
"Just get to the point, I'm getting bored and want to leave," Dabi declares.
It was obvious to Hawks that Dabi didn't like Shigaraki, and Shigaraki didn't like Dabi.
"I'm sure Dabi already explained this," Shigaraki starts, "but double cross the heros. And you won't be getting away with telling others because of this."
Shigaraki holds up what looked to be a tracking device.
"It's exactly what it looks like. But there's a twist. It tracks what you're saying too, so until you render as useless.." Shigaraki hands it to Dabi, causing them to glare at eachother. "Dabi will be making sure you don't double cross the League."
"Fan-fucking-tastics," Hawks mutters.
"How are you even able track me? There's nothing on me that could possibly-"
"Toga implanted it into you while you were sleeping. I'm not sure how, and clearly I don't think any of us want to know how." Dabi mutters to Hawks, knowing that Shigaraki wouldn't answer.
Hawks raised an eyebrow and looked at Dabi.
"Curiosity killed the cat." Dabi says and walks out of the building.
Hawks rushes back to his place, pissed off.
As soon as he got inside he started throwing things. First breaking a cheap flower pot he got from the store, then a glass cup.
The hero yelled out in frustration, shoving papers off of his coffee table before sitting down and running his fingers through his hair.
"How the hell did I let this happen.." he whispers to himself, trying to calm down. Hawks couldn't believe he actually agreed.
He finally managed to calm himself down, taking short breaths from one long breath.
His life would eventually change.
For good, or for bad.
I try to avoid a/n, but this needs to be said. Please expect short updates on this story. What i meam by that is this won't be updated very often. I want to make the content of this story good, and for that to happen my brain needs to think/work. To add onto that I'm also a roleplayer, musician, I have school, and other stories to write.
To conform this now, there's no way in hell that I'm discontinuing this.
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