Chapter 2 : Depressed Friends
Years later .
Jeremy's POV :
Today I was going to find a job.
Ever since my dad walked out on me and my mom, money has been problem.
" Bye mom! I'm heading to school! "
"k sweetie, be safe ! "
I am 18 and Finishing my last year in High School.
I walk to my bus stop. And sure enough, the bullys are already there.
Who are they you may ask?
They are Scott, Doll, and my old friend Mike. Yep
" Hey look , the Wimp cams back! "
They laugh.
Ughh why can't I just disappear?!.
" Hey Loser, How's it going since your Daddy has walked out.? " Mike says .
Yeah. He lives next door. What's worse then living next door to your bully? I sigh. " J-just l-leave me alone... " I whisper hoping they didn't hear.
" What was that? " Mike says in a sharp tone.
"n-nothing " I say shakily.
" Why don't you man up and stop stuttering? " he says and pushes me to the ground. He kicks me hard 5 times till the bus arrives. Ughhh pain.
We arrive at school. I headed straight to my locker. I then felt a hand on my shoulder. I yelped a bit. I look and see my best friend in the world. Fritz!.
" Dude you scared me " I say trying to calm down.
" ha yeah I can see. What happened? You look like you've been ran over by a car. "
" Mike is what happened. "
" Ugh. What's his problem ? He used to be so cool. Now he's a huge jerk! " Fritz says annoyed.
The bell rings.
I say bye to Fritz.
I've been bullyed by Mike since his accident. He's been picking on me, hitting me, and hurting me. I was diagnosed with Social Anxiety Disorder Last year. [ Or S.A.D. I haven't been diagnosed, but my doctor says to see a therapist to see if I am. I also have depression. ;( ]
I ran to the bathroom. I always skip 1st period because Mike was there. He always embarrasses me in front of people for the past years . Its one of the big reasons I don't have more then 1 Friend. Or a Girlfriend.
I hid my self in a bathroom stall. [ I do it all the time :( ] I just sit there and cry my eyes out.
I cry for 5 minutes till I hear the door open. I peak through the stall door. I see Scott. He walks over the the sink. He rubs his face with water. He looks at himself at the mirror. He looks like he's been ..crying. I lost my balance and fell. Crap. He then notices me.
He starts to walk over to me.
" Uh-uh look. I won't tell anyone if you let me free. Uh-uh- here! Take my lunch money! " I say as I throw my money at him. [ not like that -_- ].
He takes my money and walks over to me. " Nah, you look like you need it. Your kinda boney " He says . Its true. Mike always take my money. And mom doesn't have enough money for anything filling.
I take the money. "T-th-thanks."
He smiles . I see a tear fall.
" A- ....are you OK?- PLEASE DONT HURT ME!" I say fast. He laughs a bit .
" Don't worry. I won't.....I just ....miss an old friend of mine. "
"R-Really? ".
" I lost an old friend too "
" Really? "
"y-yeah. He hates me now, but I kind of still care"
"Me too! "
We talk for a bit. I found out he was also a bit depressed. But instead of showing it like me , he hides it.
We hear the bell ring.
" You know , Your Not that bad Jeremy " he says with a smile. He takes his hand out. " Friends? "
I smile
"F-Friends "
I shake his hand.
Yayyy a new friend!
[ I'd kill just to have a friend who was like me but whatever]
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