His Masters
It had been a little over a week since the Light attacked the watchtower and everything seemed to at least be relatively normal again. The team was allowed at the watchtower sometimes, though they had to have permission from a Leaguer. The team was getting along very well and everything seemed fine, except for the fact that Danny was acting weird.
It wasn't too noticeable, it was just the fact that he would stay in his room more, disappear longer, and seemed to space out more. Everyone had started to notice and it was beginning to worry them a little but none of them knew how to ask him about it. Now the team had a mission and they were going with a few of their mentors, namely Batman, Black Canary, and Green Arrow.
None of them had mentioned Danny's behavior to Batman but they suspected that he knew which is why a few Leaguers were going with them. They arrived at the location, they were supposed to investigate some strange activity in the area and from what they knew it was dangerous. They knew where it was supposed to be so they landed close to it and walked the rest of the way.
Danny had a strange feeling about this, almost as soon as he thought that something hit a wall next to him. They were in the bad part of the city so hopefully no one was around but that didn't make this much easier. All of the heroes tried to take cover and they looked around, Danny recognized their attackers.
A group of armed droids were waiting for them and because there was so little cover several of the heroes were in the line of fire. Danny grabbed his lightsaber from his belt and deflected the shots, he had to protect the heroes. The heroes didn't seem to know what was going on, Batman and Robin had more of an idea but they still didn't know.
One of the droids spoke, "Kill the Jedi."
The others responded with, "Roger roger."
They all started shooting at him and Danny either blocked the shots or moved out of the way. He had to stop this before someone got hurt, he ran at the droids and cut one of them in half which shocked the heroes. Of course the droids kept shooting at him and because there were so many he wasn't doing great.
If the heroes tried to help the droids would shoot at them and Danny knew their blasters would even hurt Superman. A shot hit his shoulder, then his side, and then his leg, but he kept fighting them anyway because he had to. It was his job as a Jedi to protect people, he would protect them even if it killed him and he meant that.
One of the blasts hit his stomach and it knocked him back as well as knocked all the air out of him. He tried to breathe and the droids got closer, his lightsaber had flown out of his hand and he could do very little to defend himself at the moment. A droid aimed their blaster at him and just as they were about to pull the trigger they froze, then they fell backward in two pieces.
A figure flipped in front of him and he recognized them, they spoke, "Hurt our Padawan, you will not."
Danny looked shocked, "Master Yoda?"
Danny got up as two more figures dropped out of nowhere and he recognized them too, "Master Obi Wan, master Windu?"
Obi Wan nodded to him before he and Windu took out their lightsabers, Danny held his arm out toward his and it flew into his hand. They all got ready for a fight and the droids started firing again, the four didn't waste any time retaliating. The heroes knew in the backs of their minds that they should help but they were too surprised to do anything.
It was obvious that they were all skilled and the speed at which they took their enemies down was impressive. In less then a minute the rest of the droids were destroyed and they deactivated their lightsabers before putting them away. Danny looked at the three, "Masters, I don't understand, why are you here?"
Windu spoke, "Master Yoda had a vision."
Yoda nodded, "Protect you, we must."
Obi Wan spoke, "So we came here to help you."
Danny bowed slightly, "Then I thank you for your help."
The three nodded before Kid Flash spoke, "Dude, what is going on?!"
The four looked at him and noticed that all the heroes were looking at him, Rocket looked at Danny, "Who are these guys?"
Danny quietly sighed, Obi Wan looked at Danny, "Are these the people you told us about?"
Danny nodded, "Masters, this is the team, and a few of their mentors." He looked at the heroes, "This is master Mace Windu, master Yoda, and master Obi Wan Kenobi."
The three nodded to them and they still looked confused, Yoda spoke, "Discuss this somewhere else, we should."
Windu spoke, "I agree, even if we weren't exposed here our Padawan is hurt."
Danny spoke, "I will be fine master, but regardless this isn't the best place to talk."
Green Arrow spoke, "Wait, how do we know we can trust them?"
Danny looked at him, "They trained me, protected me, and allowed me to become a Jedi, I trust all of them with my life."
The heroes looked at each other and Batman said to go to the mountain and they did, though the team was a bit reluctant. It didn't take too long to get to the mountain and Danny had been speaking with the three the whole time. It wasn't anything particularly interesting but Danny was more then happy with the conversation.
When they finally got to the mountain they found the rest of the mentors waiting for them, Green Arrow had called them. Black Canary had to leave but she told Green Arrow to tell her what happened later and he promised he would. After she left Batman looked at the four, "Someone explain what's going on, now."
The three masters didn't seem entirely happy with his tone so Danny answered, "They came to help me, though there may be another reason."
Windu looked at him, "There is."
Yoda spoke, "Conflict, there is, face the trials, you soon must."
Danny looked confused, "But I'm too young."
Obi Wan spoke, "You've trained with three Jedi masters and completed your training faster then anyone we've ever seen."
Zatanna spoke, "What do you mean, what trials?"
Danny looked at her, "To become a Jedi knight, I'm only an apprentice, a Padawan to these three. To become a Jedi knight I must complete the trials, but the youngest Jedi to complete the trials was seventeen."
Artemis spoke, "But you're only thirteen."
Windu spoke, "Almost fourteen, but he's nearly completed his training with me, he'll be able to face the trials in a week, if that."
Yoda spoke, "Heal first, he must." Yoda looked at Danny and the Jedi master didn't need to tell Danny anything, the Padawan nodded. He walked out of the room and no one stopped him, they'd seen him get hurt before and getting him to take care of himself without an argument was a miracle.
Now they were left with just the three masters, they all had questions but didn't know what to say. They didn't know much about Danny, most of them hadn't actually thought to ask and now they were facing three people that probably knew everything about him. There was one thing they all knew, this was going to get very complicated very quickly.
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