I awoke at 9am and started franticly getting ready for my interview that wasn't until 2pm. Anxiety is high today and all I wanted was to have Sabrina here with me. Just as I got out of the shower and started fixing my hair I heard my phone go off with notification.
Sab❤️ : Good Morning Beautiful! I hope you have a Good Day. Good luck on your interview!!!! you will knock it out the park I know it.
Gray: Thanks Sab, I need all the good luck I can get I'm so nervous I can hardly breathe! I love you, I need to finish getting ready.
Sab❤️: darling you need to calm down and take it easy. Your interview isn't for another 2 hours. You've got this okay. you will do amazing.
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xSabrinaxCarpenterx: Job interview ready! heading out now, Wish me Luck! 📸: Grams
User1245: Good Luck Gray!
SabrinaAnnLynn: Good Luck Gray! You will do amazing❤️
Ivymay23: Ah! good Luck gray! you will do wonderful im sure!!
All the kind messages made Gray smile and her anxiety about the situation ease. She was still super nervouse about the interview but could wait and hoped shed get the job. She wanted to be able to work with animals and help them find there forever homes. Gray nervously opened the glass door that lead into the reception area of the shelter a nervous look plastered to her face.
"Hello Dear. You must be Gray. Your grandmother has told me so much about you" The woman Gray assumed was her grandmothers friend Deloris Said with a smile on her face.
"Yes ma'am. You must be Mrs. Deloris" Gray said back with as pleasant of a smile.
"Let me show you around and then we can start the interview okay. Remi dear will you watch the front for me while I show Gray around" Deloris said to a girl that couldn't be much older than me.
The interview and walk around the shelter lasted about an hour and a half. the animals were so sweet and kind. The kittens had to be my absolute favorite. Deloris said she would get back to me within an hour or so she had one other person coming in today for an interview. I kept my spirits high and headed home with my fingers crossed. I really hope I get the job. Deloris said they need another receptionist besides herself and Remi, They had plenty of Kennel Workers but there could be some days where I'm needed to work in the back tending to the animals.
"How did it go" Grams said as I walked through the front door.
"Really good I hope. I really like it there and the kittens are just too cute" I told her my face lighting up as I remembered the kittens.
"Im sure you did wonderful my dear" she said and kissed the top of my head as she handed me a glass of lemonade and walked off back into the kitchen, I followed in tow behind her having a seat at the island bar.
"I ho-" just as I was about to finish my phone rang.
"hello.....Yes ma'am......Yes ma'am" my face lighting up with each thing said.
"yes ma'am that sound perfect. Ill see you in 2 weeks. Have a good day" I said with a smile plastered to my face.
"I GOT THE JOB" I screamed as I hit end on the phone grams immediately stopping what she was doing to celebrate.
Gray: Can I call you?
Sab❤️: Give me a sec okay?
Gray: Okay
I waited a few minutes and soon Sabrina was calling.
S: what's up love?
G: I have some news
S: good news
G: VERY!!!!
S: well go on, you can't leave me hanging here.
G: I got the job! I start in 2 weeks
S: Baby that's amazing!!!!! IM so proud of you! I knew you could do it.
G: thank you! I miss you.
S: I miss you too. we will see each other soon I promise. ill FaceTime you after the show okay?
G: okay. Love you.
S: I love you too.
Ive been MIA for like 2 years! hello im here still just no inspiration and 0 time! work has been busy! Enjoy!
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