Chapter 1
Before we get into the story, have some pride donuts as this is a gay story!!! these will be given out every chapter :D
♠️Branzy POV♠️
As I walked through the forest of spruce, occasionally coming cross a sparrow or two, I looked to the sky and saw clouds of all shapes and sizes, forming beautiful patterns wispily across the dainty blue sky and the sounds of nature calling out to me, as I resisted the urge to run into the forest, never to be seen again, I looked to the east and saw a raven landing on top of a carcass of a caribou. As I continued to stare up at the white and blue blur, the soft breeze hit my face, blowing my white, fluffy hair back, I could here that there was a waterfall flowing nearby and my hipflask was almost empty, I decided I would head towards the sound, hoping it would lead me somewhere; other then dehydrated, of course.
I followed the faint noise of splashing liquid and rushing water, slowly becoming out of breath, until it led me to a deep pond and waterfall, surrounded by lush berry bushes and shrub of different shades of green. I jumped over to the water and hastily unscrewed the lid of my hipflask. I bent down and diped the bottle in the pond and the cool water seeping into my dry skin, I had been traveling for three days only for the purpose of investigating a mystery with my close friend, ClownPierce, so you could propably imagine my displeasure of not finding a lone house of friendly villagers willing to let me to stay the night in or an inn to bath in. So, keeping in mind that I am on a time limit and that if I was late clown would crush my skull beneath his feet, I jumped in the pond yelling at the top of my lungs, "CANONBALL!!!"
I don't know how long I spent in the pond but I do know that by the time I had gotten out it was all most nightfall, I knew I would never get to my destination before the beasts apeared, so doing what any sane person would do, I retrived my rucksack and pulled out a large dark blue quilt and drapped it over a low hanging branch of a tree near the pond and set up a campfire along with a grubby makeshift bed I had been using for all these nights spent of traveling and hunting. I grabbed my bow from my back and grabbed my quiver full of poisoness arrows from the ground, I desperately needed a proper meal and rotten flesh and carrot scraps would not surfice, I would much rather try and find a chicken or two, I would even be okay with rabbit stew, I was severely hungry and that's what mattered at the moment.
I clumsily scaled a tall tree to scout out my next meal, I could see the smoke from my camp fire at the top of the tree I had rested upon, I could also see a few wolves hunting a sheep, a moose greedily feasting on a berry bush but then something; or someone rather, caught my eye, a random hooded figure was dashing toward my campsite, and voice in my brain was overpowering my logical and was screeching to go in and attack this mysterious person.
I quickly leapt down from the tree and sped back to my camp, just in time to see the hooded bandit sprinting off and my base depredated of all my goods and loot, luckily they had left my bow and my armor, big mistake buddy, They didn't think I just wouldn't go after them, did they? I quickly geared up, drank one of the two remaining speed potions I had and went on the hunt for a theive.
I cracked my knuckles and got into a position one would as if you were about to compete in a race, I bolted up a steep hill and narrowly avoided the quick sand at the bottom by hopping over speedilly, I ducked under a fallen tree, leaped over a large rock, climbed up a precipitous rock-face, bounded from the dusty rock surface, skillfully grabbed onto a vine hanging from above a deep canyon and was about to swing safely across to the other side but my plans were spoiled as the vine snaped as I was right in the center. I plumeted downwards I tried to think of something that would stop me from dying but my mind had gone void, I shut my eyes, preparing myself for death, but the only think that came was a sudden agonizing pain in my right leg, I opened my eyes to find my leg in a deformed, bruised and swelled state.
I tried to sit up but every time I dared to shift my body my leg would disagree strongly. much to my displeasure, I eventually sat up and could see my bloody, bruised leg in all of it's glory, I needed to get help, and quickly, so I called upon my falcon, Taini, by making a weird carol-like whistle, I waited patiently for a minute or so before I heard the sing-song call of Taini and the sight of her swooping down gracefully, I needed send a message to Clown desperately, I hastily checked my pockets and found a peice of red clotrh, what we used if we were indanger, and a small scrap of scrunched up parchment, I didn't have a pen or pencil, so I setled for a fragment of coal to write down my cords, I wrapped the cloth and paper around Taini's leg, and whispered, "Find clown" just as black spots began to fill in my vision, I reached up to my head and I felt thick, hot blood seaping down my forehead, "Well, that isn't good..." I s all I managed to say before passing out.
I hope you guys enjoyed! also, just for clarification, You don't have chat in this, so you have to use birds instead 1017 words YO!
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