I was tagged by Amelia543
So, I shall proceed on with the tagging!
What replica of a cellular device do I possess?
Pssh, easy! None. 🙂 *silent tear*
Does one have a particular fondness for a possible mate?
Yes, I have a crush.
The celebratory date of ones birth?
Tuesday Afternoon, August 9th, Community East Hospital.
Ones very close partner?
Mmm, tricky one. I'd have to choose between my friend, Mickenna, or my friend Madelyn.
Ones incessant tune?
Bleachless by Elizabeth Grace.
Ones worst shock?
Being Left Alone, On Top Of A Building, In The Dark, Possibly Surrounded By Clowns And An Army Of Butterfiles, That Make Extremely Loud Noises, And Getting A Shot.
The tint of one's cilium?
Dark cinnamon.
Ones preferred academic focus topic?
Chemisty, and Biology.
Ones preferred athletic activity?
Golf and badminton.
If you want, you're tagged. I guess.
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