Hello my fellow homo sapien wattpad users!!! I got tagged again and this time, it's from my first buddy one wattpad, Sophie_skates_reads!!! Make sure u guys check out her books. If ur YOI fan, you'll love her ffs and also, check out her orginal story, "Cries in the Darkness".
1. Nope. My name is too long (8 letters)
2. 1.59m 😎
3. Loneliness, losing someone, death.
4. My phone, animes, ships, writing, reading, drawing etc.
5. Leo 🦁♌
6. On wattpad- Sophie_skates_reads, Saku1273, HarmonySaucer2, stayarmyquacks
Real life - BeanbagsAreComfy
That song may be classical but it's awesome. Best parts - 0:45 to 2:35 & 3:10 to 3:40 (this part is way better 😄)
8. 2. One per ear
9. I get jealous easily (most on my sis. Fun fact!! People mostly get jealous of their siblings than others) and I get really, really distracted fast.
10. There's a stupid story behind it. I first came to wattpad through the story, "Can't I touch your Heart?" (Highly recommended) by Ryusensei2000 and I started commenting a lot as the story was legit. Then I started to feel insecure about my name because I wanted to write a Your Lie in April ff and I can't use the same name from my (mom's) gmail. So, I just went to account settings and thought. I thought of "UnknownWriter" and then I had a feeling like, 'what if there are other people with the same name?' So I chose my favourite 4 digit number - 1308, which my mom's first non-smart phone's password which was actually the first password I learnt. I remember when I was 6, I chanted that number a bizillion (that's my word) times and now, I used it in my username.
(Fun fact - I first named myself, UnknownWriter1308☆ on both nickname and account name and then, I cut off the star and made my nickname, TripleU when I found out that my username's capital letters were a U and a double U [W]😆)
11. Ships, a story ideas.
12. Time for a confession!! It's no longer Mafumafu, peeps!!
It's actually two Thai actors, Krist and Singto!!!
And guess what? They're actually a couple!!!
Krist - standing, Singto - sitting
I first got to know about them through a friend who knows I'm a fujiyoshi. She told me to watch this Thai drama called 'Sotus' and the couple in that is Krist and Singto.
HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!! The whole series is there on YouTube.
13. Something in the middle
14. Dark brown
15. When whales fart, the fart is so powerful that if a person comes in the way, they die 😂 (thanks BeanbagsAreComfy)
About me - I wear glasses
SEE YA!!!🙃
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