Facts About Me
I don't get tagged very often so here's a list of 30 things about me. It won't tag the person I'm trying to tag so I'll tag her in the comments.
1. I'm a girl.
2. I have long hair.
3. I wear glasses. There's a picture up top. I'm not sure if it comes through in the picture but they're purple.
4. I am 17 years old.
5. Single.
6. 12th grade.
7. I can only read English.
8. I can only understand English. Sometimes a tiny bit of Spanish but it really is a tiny bit so don't expect me to understand anything you say.
9. I have 2 dogs. A bassett hound/pit bull mix named Chloe and a border collie mixed with something we never figured out named Lexi.
10. I have a large family.
11. I don't really talk to people in school if I'm not in band. They all think I'm weird for reading too much, so they're not really worth my time.
12. I love books about mythology.
13. My favorite characters on TV are Danny Phantom, Peter Parker, and Castiel.
14. I suck at drawing.
15. Favorite color is blue. Not sky blue or dark blue. More like the ocean.
16. Sometimes I stay up all night and sometimes I fall asleep by accident.
17. I'll only hug certain people like my dad.
18. I'm the least flexible person I know.
19. I've never left North America. Or just America.
20. I'm a reader.
21. I suck at singing too. I sing along anyway.
22. Rubik's Cubes frustrate the crap out of me.
23. I have to be dropped off at school because I can't ride the school bus and we don't really have public transportation here.
24. I can't do the splits.
25. I don't really have anything to compare this one to. She wrote her own alphabet. How? That's so cool!
26. Band is life. Enough said.
27. If I'm not signing something I can't even read my own handwriting.
28. If I tried to knit I'd probably end up stabbing myself in the eye. I'm very clumsy.
29. I can crack my fingers at both knuckles, my back in three places, my toes, shoulders, elbows, knees, hips, and ankles.
30. I'm less of a Marvel fan and more of a Spider-Man fan.
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