I've been tagged
So yea I've been tagged, the person who tagged me was GustaveSautee, and now I will answer these questions I guess? I'm not sure, but let's just do this.
1. Do you like someone?
A.Yes, I do like someone.
(kinda wish I didn't)
2. Do they like you back?
A. Sadly no, my friend always ends up dating my crush.
3. Middle name?
A. My middle name is Exezquile.(some just say Exe, and that's it)
4. Are you single or taken?
A. I couldn't get out of the single corner if I tried, everyone at school doesn't like me,(even my friends call me faggot, gay, and the list goes on, I've been left out in the dust as you can say) so...yeet, but what can ya do?
5. Best female friend?
A. Same as GustaveSautee. Tf are friends? All of them just leave me in the dust or they leave me coughing up my own blood.(look down at six) Well the only one I can think of is a friend online named l0vableAngle, and that's it.
6. Best male friend?
A. Do I have to answer this? I already said I don't have friends, and next time I might just choose allies, because people change quick and that change might make them want to stab you in the back. But if you're not just talkingabout real life than here we go these are my only friends till the end.(I don't know it's a saying I use to use)i_has_cakez,hwest36,GustaveSautee
7. Favorite OTP?
A. Same as GustaveSautee, what's that?
8. The last person you texted?
A. I would say death, but that was before I texted my three mates(i_has_cakez, hwest36, GustaveSautee)
9. The last song you listened to?
A. This shit right here(yes I'm getting tired)
10. What's your percentage?
A. 10% away from death or my phones battery?
11. What's your lockscreen?
There ya happy?
12. Reason for joining Wattpad?
A. I saw it as a distraction from everyone and everything, it's been mostly hell for me, I mean look at me I lost all my friends in real life, I lost my reasons to live apart from my family, few online friends, and helping others with depression and suicide, but no matter how hard I try I can only do so much. At this point I'm not afraid of despair or death, if have to take a bullet to save a life, than I'm gonna take that bullet for them, because everyone has a value.
13. Birthday?
A. December, 1st
Now it's my turn to tag a unlucky couple, here we go.
Any ways I almost feel bad for the
See ya later alligators.
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