The First Test
War, all around me. Buildings burning, people screaming, the color of red surrounds the area. The gray sky clouded with smoke, making it nearly impossible to breathe. I couldn't see, I couldn't breathe- what am I going to do?!
Survive, Kill, and Win.
But how?! What weapon- I don't even know who's on my side! I look around me and see a familiar face-
"Jeff!" I cry. He sees me and runs to me, avoiding the flying red, hot coal.
"You're on our side?" He looks at my red cape that I just noticed I had on.
"Y-yeah." I respond and look at his matching cape.
"Good. Here, use this. Kill the ones with black capes-" he hands me a sword and runs off.
"Wait!" He turns to me startled.
"You don't remember me..?" I ask, scared.
"Should I?" He asks. My heart broke, my friend- Not again.. No.. I look up and scream.
"JEFF BEHIND YOU!!!" I shout as loud as I can. One of Zalgo's worshippers struck his sword into Jeff- piercing through his heart.
"NO! YOU MONSTER!!" I scream and run to the enemy, I swing my sword and slice off his head. Blood spewing everywhere. I drop my weapon and fall to the floor.
"J-Jeff.." Tears start pouring, I lay his head on my lap.
"W-who are you..?" He asks, choking on his blood.
"A friend..." I whisper hugging him even more tightly.
"Friend.." He manages to say as he takes his final breath. I look at his still-less, blood shot eyes. He's gone.. My friend.. I can't even get up- how am I going to help win this war? I killed someone.. Out of anger, fear.. I can't do it again! I just can't! My tears fall down onto his face, I can't do this. Not again, not live in fear.. I look around me, people killing people, blood flying, hate filling the air. I look up, seeing the ashes fall into my eyes, burning and blinding me. I'm so weak. I look over, and see an enemy running to me, weapon in hand, ready to kill. But here I was, sitting still, unarmed, and too traumatized to move. Guess karma does exist. I suppose it's for the best. I killed my own mother, someone like me doesn't deserve to live. Maybe it is I, who needs to be wiped out from this world. And I felt it- the knife plunging into me, but I felt no pain. No emotion. Just emptiness. I fell, Jeff next to me. All I saw were people, running and screaming. Then Jeff's still, dead face.
And then I saw white. Just plain, bright white.
"AH!!" I yelled and awoke back in Slender's office. Sweat pouring down my forehead. The Slender Man sighed with disappointment.
"Such a shame. A Creepypasta doesn't stop for chit-chat at war. A Creepypasta doesn't worry for another's safety.. A Creepypasta doesn't cry in the face of fear. We attack, kill, and hunt. Not sob. You've failed The First Test. Dismissed." He says and turns away from me, as if ashamed to even look at me. Jeff unties the straps on my wrists and takes off the helmet.
"C'mon. You can stay in my dorm.." He doesn't even make eye contact with me.
We walk out the office and I follow Jeff, a few feet behind him.
"We saw everything. That helmet also let us see what you were experiencing and projected on the screen you saw in the office." He said, still not facing me.
"I know I disappointed you- I got you killed- I'm sor-"
"Thank you." He cut me off.
"Wh-what?" I ask, stopping in my tracks.
"I saw the way you looked at me, the way you cared for me. How you tried to warn me.. The pain of seeing me go.. No ones ever looked at me that way. Thank you." He turns around and his eyes were pink, and watery.
"You're my friend Jeff. I'd rather die than live without you." My cheeks were hot and my heart was beating faster. Why do I feel this way..? I looked at him and place my hand on his cheek. He doesn't stop looking at me, but he quickly moves away.
"Anyway. Thanks. I'll show you my room." He continues walking forward. I wonder why he doesn't open up to me? Like he's afraid of opening up.. What's he running from?
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