I found my seat, in the back of the class and sat down. The same old room, the same old seat; sameness. Where's the adventure? Is this all there is to this boring old life?
"(Y/N)!" I heard a cheerful voice who snapped me back into reality. I turned to see my old friend, Sharon, running to my desk.
"Glad I caught you! Class is about to start but I wanted to wish you happy birthday!" She smiled brightly.
Sharon has been a close friend of mine since kinder, but we were opposites. She was beautiful, I was ugly. She was kind and I was mean. She was happy and I was sour, it amazes me how she stands by me no matter what. Her brown curly hair, sparkles, her blue eyes shine, and her pale skin shimmered. She really was perfect.
"Thank you, Sharon." I say in my hoarsely voice.
"Hey Sharon! Come over here!" I look behind her and see some other popular kids calling to her.
"Got to go, I'll talk to you after class!" She kisses my cheek and heads back to her friends. I'm pretty sure she only hangs out with me because she feels bad. But I don't mind.
I'm fine.
"Alright class! Today we'll be dissecting frogs! Please put on your gloves, goggles and apron. Find a partner too!" The teacher declares. I smiled. Cutting open another thing has always brought me strange pleasure, looking at their insides- it shows how we're all the same underneath. Blood, guts and bones.
Of course I was left without a partner, but the teacher left me be, knowing I prefer to be alone anyway.
"Oh! And why I might add, (Y/N) (L/N) is turning 15 today! Let's wish her a happy birthday!" The teacher cheers. Light claps and awkward laughs were heard.
"Her birthday is the same day Jeff killed his family. No wonder she's a freak." Someone snickered. Everyone laughed.
"Kids, you know 'Jeff the killer' is just a myth. Now enough games, start your project- this is a major grade!" The teacher snaps.
"Myth my ass. I heard Troy, you know the one in 9th grade, got his ass whipped." A boy with black hair said.
I grabbed the sharpie and drew dotted lines down the stomach. My eyes twitching.
"Hah! I heard Keith burned Jeff." A girl with blonde hair laughed.
I grabbed the scalpel, hands shaking.
"Dude- I heard Randy died."
I cut down the line, slowly. Heart racing.
"Can't be a coincidence. She was born to kill." And there went the feeling.
"Shut up!!!" I yelled. The teacher looked up. "Just shut the fuck up!" I screamed pointing the scalpel at one of the boys.
"(Y/N)!!! Put that down!!" Sharon yelled. I could see the teacher calling the principle.
"No! You all treat me like shit! Like I'm worthless! You don't know crap so stop hurting me!!! Before I hurt you!" I cried, tears rising.
"She's crazy!!" The boy with black hair screamed.
"Psychopath!!!" Someone yelled. My vision was blurring- I couldn't see. The voices kept screaming, pounding, I couldn't even speak anymore.
I dropped the weapon, and fell to my knees. The school officer, and some of the teachers came rushing in the class room. I looked up and saw Sharon, staring at me, like I was a freak.
"Monster!!!" She yelled. My world crumpled, My only friend.. The cop forced me to stand up, and handcuffed me.
"C'mon kid. We're going to the jail cell." I looked around me, people were staring at me, with fear in their eyes. But that's not what worried me. What worried me, was that I liked that they feared me.
"(Y/N)!!" I heard my name being shouted. I look up from the cell and see her.
"So sorry! She's a troubled child I know." My mother said in her apologetic voice. She sashayed toward the detention officer, and started flirting. Does she have no common sense?! With her cheetah fur scarf wrapped around her body, red leather crop top, short black skirt and hooker makeup, you'd think she'd at least change.
"It's no problem at all ma'am. Since she didn't actually harm anyone, we can't put her in juvenile. Plus the mother of the boy decided to drop charges. All we ask is for her to not do it again. The principal is going to suspend her for 3 days." The officer stated and unlocked my cell.
"Of course! She'll be grounded that's for sure." Mother said and gave me a glare.
"Come darling. Mother has clients waiting."she grabbed her fan and blew a kiss to the officer. As soon as we got in her fucked up car she slapped me across the face.
"The hell?!" I ask, shocked.
"You knew a very important guest was coming tonight! If I don't get ready, I may not get paid!"
"Oh yeah cause dressing in lingerie and getting your sex toys plump and juicy is so hard for your so called job! It's not even a job you're a filthy prostitute!"
"Shut up! You're a disgrace for a daughter! You're lucky I don't force you to preform in these acts you ungrateful child!" She yelled back.
"You made my sister do it! She was forced and guess what happened? Oh yeah! She killed herself! BECAUSE OF YOU!"
"(Y/N)! I'm your mother! You are not aloud to talk to me that way!"
"What? You're gonna torture me like you do with your clients? How scarrryyy." I roll my eyes. She didn't say anything. She started the car, and the silence thickened. I stared out the window, wondering what I'm here for. What's my purpose on earth? I'm wasting every minute of my life doing nothing.
"Get out. We're home." I look out the window at our crappy place called 'home'. Broken windows, patio just about to break, wood falling off, it looked haunted. I grab my back pack and entered the house, luckily the 'client' wasn't here.
"You should go to your room. He'll be here soon. I'm going to get ready." She said and headed to her room. I sighed walked toward my bed. At least I'm safe here.. Before I knew it I was asleep.
"(Y/N)?" I heard my mother.
"W-wha? What is it?" I flickered my eyes open and shut. I looked at her and realized she was dressed in her sex outfit.
"M-mom? What's going on?"
"It's best you wake up. My client wants you to participate."
It took me a while to process what she said. "W-what? Mom?! N-No!"
"Please (Y/N)! This is no time to argue listen to your mother! I'll get paid even extra! I'll be able to buy you that phone you've been wanting too! This is an order. Take off your clothes and meet me in the living room." She closed the door behind me and I heard her say,
"She said she'd loved to."
My world was collapsing. My own mother was against me. What a cruel world.. I'm alone here.. And that's when I saw something shining on my dresser. I never moved it- mostly because it was for protection.. And I needed protecting.
-Mothers POV-
What is taking her?!
"When is she coming Samantha?" My client asked. I looked at him, he was strapped tight on the table.
"Oh she'll be right out! Hah.." I heard the door open. She finally came to her senses! But she wasn't undressed..
"(Y/N) darling.. Are you going to undress in front of him? How wonderful!" I smiled and he did too.
"No mother.. I'm going to do something I've never tried."
"D-darling? What on earth do you mean?" I asked, getting worried. She walked over to the man and smiled at him.
"Sick little fucks like you don't deserve to breathe the same air as me." She whispered. And I saw it. The silver, sharp object in her hand, she raised it over her head, and plunged it deep where his heart was placed.
"(Y/N)!!!! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!" I've never screamed so hard in my life.
"I've made the world a better place mommy.. But it's still is dirty. I guess I have to get rid of you too."
My eyes bulged.
"W-wait! No-NO!" I yell and start running to the door but she runs to it first, blocking my escape.
"You're my daughter!! Don't do this!! Please.." My eyes start to water- I don't want to die.. Not like this..
"It's a bit too late for that now." She smiled and raised the knife- I pushed her into the door. Being unstable, it fell down. I run to the back door and made a run for it- and followed the corridor of the house in the back.
I'm doomed.
I wipe the tears- why was I such a horrible mother? Was it because my own mother killed my father? Was it because I went from foster home to foster home? Why me..
I fall to my knees, too weak to run and look at the night sky. Maybe me and father can be reunited..
"Can I still go to heaven?"
And something sharp penetrates through my tail bone- twisting and turning. I gasp for air-
"No, but you can rot in hell." My vision goes blurs, and I took my final breath, for my final words.
"I still love you."
-Your POV-
I did it. I finally killed the monster- and I've never felt more alive. My heart was pumping, my anger boiling, the blood on my hands as it dipped to the floor.
Drip, drip, drop.
I smiled at what I've done, knowing my pain was finally over. I dropped my knife and plummeted to my knees. I close my eyes and let the cool, fall breeze, flow through my hair, it's done..but why did I feel as if I didn't do the right thing. As if I shouldn't have done what I just did?
Something felt off. I heard the sirens in the distant- probably someone heard the screams. Still.. I felt as if I was being watched.. I open my eyes to see 30 feet in front of me, a man.
But his face- gave me nightmares. Mouth ripped open from cheek to cheek, eyes, popping, staring into my soul and never shutting. His black greasy hair blew with the wind, and his white pale skin looked leathery. I look at his hoodie, filled with blood and hand prints, knife in hand, dripping with fresh, red, blood. He walked up to me, slowly, like time seemed to stop. Now only a few feet away he looked at me-
"I Found you."
He grabbed my hand, and ran.
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